Two Dudes In A Canoe
You really get to know someone when you share a canoe. Grab a paddle and hop in our 🛶.
73 episodes
Feminism River
How does feminism affect our society today? In what ways does this ideology impact our individual lives, our families, our communities, and more? Grab a paddle and hop in the canoe. On this episode, we're joined by special guest canoer, Kari Sc...

Gratitude River
Are you a truly grateful person? We may not be as grateful as we think we are...So how we can practice gratitude on a daily basis, and not just once a year when Thanksgiving rolls around? Let’s talk about what being truly grateful looks like an...

Mental Health River
Halloween costumes, mental health, and stickers...All of this and more on today's river. Grab a paddle and let's go!People are more mentally unhealthy today than ever before. What does this mean, and what do we do about it? What is ment...

Election River
Election season is here…Politics can be divisive, complex, and overwhelming. How do we survive in election season? Politics affect all of our lives, and it matters greatly how we handle election season and our relationships with others around u...

Israel Palestine River
Cherries, bad haircuts, and archaeology…All of this and more as we navigate Israel Palestine River with special guest canoer, Omer.The conflict occurring in and around Israel is very complex with a deep and rich history. Omer lives in I...

Leadership River
Hop in the canoe, we're talking leadership. What leadership is, and what it isn’t. Leadership fails, and how to strengthen your leadership. This river is full of practical tips and new habits you can apply today. You don't want to miss this riv...

Calling River
Each of us experience God's calling in different ways. Yet we tend to romanticize this experience. What does this mean for you, and for those around you? Grab a paddle, hop in the canoe, and let’s navigate Calling River. Let's go!

Greed River
None of us would admit we are greedy…But the reality is, we live with great wealth. Let's talk about signs of greed, and how to break out of it and live with greater generosity. This river is full of practical tips and new habits you can apply ...

Rockstar River
The Olympics, molecular biology, and musicians…All of this and more as we navigate Rockstar River with two special guest canoers.Grab a paddle and enjoy this fun conversation. We’ll see you on Rockstar River.
Season 6
Episode 15

Tension River
Join us on this summertime river and get ready to see where it goes...as we explore cancel culture, personalities, and routines. What can we learn in each of these areas? And, what do they all have in common? Grab a paddle, hop in the canoe, an...
Season 6
Episode 14

People Person River
Strategies to lengthen your lifespan, increase your finances, and make you able to experience more happiness…All this and more on People Person River.Having a high social IQ is more valuable than you might think. So, whether or not you’...
Season 6
Episode 13

Work-Life Harmony River
Is it possible to strike the perfect work-life balance? Or...what would your life look like if you viewed work and life as being in harmony with each other? Let's talk about a few ways to achieve a better work-life harmony. This river is full o...
Season 6
Episode 12

Self-Awareness River
We all have that one person in the office or a family member who lacks self-awareness...Or you probably even have your own stories you look back on and cringe at, wishing you had more self-awareness in those moments. What if you could increase ...
Season 6
Episode 11

Tattoo River
Tattoos, Furbies, creativity...All of this and more as we navigate Tattoo River with guest canoers, tattoo artists Juju Manalang and Michal MacMorran.Everyone is creative, and we are all creating things or experiences…Whether spreadshee...
Season 6
Episode 10

Emotional River
What do you do with all the emotions you feel? What if you could gain mastery over your emotions? Don’t ride the wave of your feelings and get swept down the river...Instead, grab a paddle, hop in the canoe, and let’s talk about practical ways ...
Season 6
Episode 9

Overwhelmed River
How can stress make you healthier? Is that even possible?! We all face stress and can feel overwhelmed at times...but let’s talk about how that can be used for your benefit and growth. This river is full of practical tips and new habits you can...
Season 6
Episode 8

Cruise Control River
Are you moving through life on cruise control? Hop in this canoe and get a few practical tips to save you from a crash. Let's talk about signs you're in cruise control, and how to break out of it and regain control of growth in your life. See y...
Season 6
Episode 7

Purity River
Sex, love, relationships…Jump in our canoe as we navigate Purity River. Grab a paddle and hear a powerful story from our guest canoer, a former Playboy Bunny. Dive into this fascinating conversation - This river provides some great tools in the...
Season 6
Episode 6

Negotiation River
Jump in our canoe as we navigate Negotiation River, with guest canoer, a Crisis & Hostage Negotiator, Jeff Riggs. Whether you're convincing your kids to clean their room, faced with a conversation with your spouse, trying to get your way at...
Season 6
Episode 5

Discipline River
Why does discipline matter? Grab a paddle and hop in the canoe. Let’s talk about steps you can take to strengthen your discipline, increase your influence, and build the life you’ve always wanted. See you on Discipline River.
Season 6
Episode 4

Momentum River
80% of us will have dropped that new plan we made for the new year. Hop in the canoe as we talk about how to catch and keep the momentum you've always wanted.Now streaming wherever you podcast.#boomshakalaka
Season 6
Episode 3

Long Lost Episode #2
We've recovered one more sunken canoe. Hop in as we talk about how to lead when you are not in charge.
Season 6
Episode 2

Long Lost Episode #1
We have sunk a few canoes in our day. Here is one we have recovered from the depth of the sea. Maybe it was meant to be lost... only way to find out is to take a ride.
Season 6
Episode 1

Remnant River
Sound the fog horns (alarms) the world is going to hell in a handbasket! Or is it? Is it just two dudes or is there a remnant people that are willing to get in the canoe and stand for truth? Don’t miss the last episode in season 5 and possibly ...
Season 5
Episode 12