Leading Local Insights

Measuring the Super Bowl

March 01, 2022 BIA Advisory Services Episode 37

The real quarterbacking for the Super Bowl started as the game finished. That’s when everyone examined measurement around ratings, national and local advertising outcomes, the effect of the Olympics on the Super Bowl (and vice versa) and more. 

So how did it all turn out? What are the takeaways? That’s a focus of this podcast, where our guest speaker, media research analyst, Brad Adgate, discusses live sports programming trends in advertising, media, and audience measurement. 

Adgate, who works for several top tier ad agencies and cable networks, shares his expert opinion with BIA’s Rick Ducey to discuss the real numbers around the Super Bowl (ratings were way up compared to 2021), the dominance of the Super Bowl on the local video landscape, and what it all means to the NFL for the 2022 season.