Leading Local Insights

Connected Car Insights with Roger Lanctot

BIA Advisory Services Episode 78

Roger Lanctot, Director, Automotive Connected Mobility in the Global Automotive Practice at TechInsights, joins our podcast this week to talk about the intersection of connected cars and local ad-supported media. For starters, just as Google has found great value in targeting ads based on intent derived from signals in user searches, so too does the car generate contextual signals that can be used to target ads. Roger spoke about how Mercedes is working with Google to unbundle some of their tech so it will work with its MBOS – Mercedes Benz Operating System. This novel partnership is an important waypoint in creating more media functionality in connected cars. Roger also spoke about innovations for in-car radio such as Xperi’s DTS AutoStage and GeoBroadcast Solutions’ ZoneCasting as further examples of creating more ad-supported functionality for in-car users looking for their favorite local media.