Gut Feelings - by The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians™

2- Letting Go of Guilt & Shame

August 25, 2022 Ashley Season 1 Episode 2

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Hosts Ashley Hurst & Rebecca Goodrich of The Crohn's & Colitis Dietitians chat IBD. 

In this episode, Ashley and Rebecca have an unfiltered discussion about their nightly routines, including walks, CBD, music and enemas!

We are often asked whether patients should use medication OR dietary interventions and we believe it's important to integrate both. We don't think it has to be one or the other and a collaborative approach is best to increase the likelihood of remission and decrease risk with IBD. 

There seems to be a myth out there that practitioners are only credible if they're not on medication, or if a patient is on medication they have failed. We find this is simply not true. You can do everything right and still have a flare. Having a chronic illness and autoimmune disease, such as IBD, is not your fault and when we have difficulties or flares the body is showing us it needs more support, not judgment. 

As humans we make meaning out of everything and our nature is to judge and compare sometimes. Social media can be misleading and we are seeing the highlights of people's life online and don't see the whole story. It is important to take a step back sometimes and not internalize guilt and shame. Patients don't cause their IBD but we also need to remember there are things we do have control over, especially our nutrition, and dietary intervention plays a big role.

We also talk about how the terms "healthy" and "natural" can be vague and misleading because they might mean different things to different people. 

We hope you enjoyed this episode and we are honored to be a voice in the IBD community!