The Business of Aquaculture

Season 4, Episode 11, Tamara Rubilar of Co-Founder of Promarine Antioxidants

Lourdes Gant

In this week's podcast, we talked to Tamara Rubilar who has more than 20 years in Biological Sciences research and more than 15 specialized in echinoderms and microalgae, she defines herself as an enterprenur scientist who has already failed and start again.
She works with passion and with the conviction that science is a service, with environmental and social responsibility. She is a fervient believer of triple impact and circular economy to generate a better future for her children. The fact that their search ended up in the production nutraceuticals for wellness is something that still surprises and put a smile on her face.  She is a natural leader and her passion is to get together and optimize teams with multiple specialties, personalities and institutions. Bringing people together with a common purpose and having fun along the way is what excites her the most.  Enjoy!

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