The Business of Aquaculture

Season 5, Episode 11 Trends from the Global Entrepreneur Live Virtual Summit with Roger James Hamilton, CEO of GNS (NYSE)

Lourdes Gant

"Company performance only improved when CEOs actively gathered advice from people who weren't their friends and brought different insights to the table, which challenged them to fix mistakes and pursue innovations." This is an exerpt from Adam Grant in his book Originals Chapter on Rethinking GroupThink.

In this week's podcast, I am bringing one of my mentors, Roger Hamilton, social entrepreneur and founder of Genius Group, GeniusU, Entrepreneurs Institute, and Entrepreneur Resorts. GNS is a publicly traded company in the NYSE :) This week I will start sharing with my listeners in The Business of Aquaculture podcast his "predictions" for 2023 that he shared in the Global Entrepreneur Summit last week (December 1 and 2). It's only 4 more weeks and the New Year is upon us so just like Nostradamus and other futurists, join us in the this week and next weeks' final episodes of Season 5 of what you can do to ride the waves of the future and how you can apply it in our #sustainable  #seafood industry. I'm going to have a break in January 2023 so Season 6 will launch in February where I will bring "different insights to the table" :) 

His 2022 #1 trend (Dec 2021) was the Great Reignition.  
In this episode, he will share with us his #1 trend for 2023 so you can see the difference from 12 months ago.  
Last year when he talked about the Great Resignation he shared how it has turned into the Great Reignition as we enter Society 5.0. 
In the coming decade we are going to see a seismic shift in the way our societies, economies and governments operate. Those who understand this will surf the biggest wave in history. Those who don't will be left far behind. This wave is far bigger than the industrial revolution and technological revolution. 
There's a workshop happening on December 15 they're hosting that you may want to join.  You will learn how to get into and stay in flow as the post pandemic era begins. 

Register here:

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