Transform your Mind

How To Stop Stinkin Thinking and Control Your Negative Thoughts

Myrna Young, Life Coach

Jaime B. Haas founder of the Jaime B. Haas Method, a guided process that draws from spirituality, positive psychology, mindfulness and life experiences talk about stinkin Thinking. Jaime's Method helps individuals heal from intergenerational, societal and emotional trauma, freeing them to reconnect with their personal power, gain clarity on what they really want to achieve in life, and dismantle any deep-seated beliefs holding them back from moving forward. 
In this episode you will learn: 

  • Why the brain is hardwired to focus on the negative
  • The 4 ways the brain records negative experiences
  • How to heal your wounds and achieve lasting love 
  • How our beliefs and behaviors shape how we manifest in our relationships

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