Transform your Mind

Gut Health: How to Prevent a Leaky Gut

July 21, 2021 Myrna Young, Life Coach

Our, gut, plays a role in weight loss, it plays a role in brain health. Eighty percent of our immune systems is in our, gut. So, if you want to be well you have to have a, healthy gut. Our, gut, acts as a barrier, it doesn’t allow the bad stuff in and it doesn’t allow the good stuff out until it’s ready to be released.  But because we are exposed to things like antibiotics, not only through medications, but through the foods we eat, these things kill our microbiome our good bacteria.

A, leaky gut, is where the lining of the, gut, has developed tiny, microscopic holes and now things like undigested food, bacteria, viruses, toxins are escaping into the bloodstream.

My guest today is Dr Bill Cole co-founder of Cellular Health Accelerator.  We are talking today on the topic of, gut health, how to prevent a, leaky gut.

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