Weight Loss For Nurses

Ep#41 Is it really a food addiction you have?

Karen Schaible

Have you been telling yourself that you have a ‘food addiction?’
In today’s episode, I talk about how telling yourself a story about being addicted to food or even sugar or carbs is sabotaging your weight loss more than you think. 
To some, it might be an ‘addiction’ but for too many, it’s all about understanding that when you are feeling so out of control around food it’s because you don’t know how to cope with the situations going on around you that are creating your ‘negative’ feelings.
And what happens to you when you have a negative feeling?… 
For most, that sends us turning to food to cope, to distract so that we can feel better. 
So is it really an addiction or is it just you needing to learn how to feel your feelings and start focusing on telling yourself another story about what is going on!
Listen in to this week’s episode where I share my story on how I went from believing that I was addicted to food and then wine and how I changed all that. 
When I realized I wasn’t an ‘addict’, that was when I was finally able to take my power back! I was no longer controlled by food and alcohol, which felt so freeing and I want that for you, too!

If you want help and support, then go to karenschaible.com/contact and book a free call to see if the WLFN program is a good fit for you!

Don’t forget; you are worth it!