Weight Loss For Nurses

Ep#48 The 8 types of hunger

Karen Schaible

Last week I talked about pausing (the link is below) and how important it is because we often don't even question why we are eating. 
We eat on autopilot, but it is really important when it comes to losing weight that we pause to check in to see if it is true genuine hunger that is creating our desire or craving to eat or is it one of the seven other hungers.
When we have a desire to eat or a craving, often it comes from a need to fuel our body- body hunger. 
Eating for anything other than body hunger is one of the reasons why we struggle to lose weight. When we are eating in response to our emotions, to things on tv, something we saw or smelled, we give our body food when it is not needed. 
🔥 listen in as I explain the 8 hungers so that next time you feel hungry or have a craving for something, you can pause, check in with yourself and be able to distinguish what kind of hunger you are sensing. 

It's all about learning the 8 hungers so that you are only eating for body hunger which is how you lose weight and keep it off. 
In this week's episode, you'll learn:
✔️ It's important to pause- listen to episode #47
✔️ The 8 types of hunger and what they are
✔️ Eating for anything other than body hunger is one of the reasons why we struggle to lose weight.
If you want help and support, go to karenschaible.com/contact and book a free call to see if my program is a good fit for you!
Don't forget; you are worth it!