Weight Loss For Nurses

Ep#54 3 reasons why you are struggling to lose weight

September 02, 2022 Karen Schaible

It's September, and so many people are ready to get back on track with losing weight; if that is you, listen in!

You may think that the complicated part of losing weight is figuring out what diet to follow that shows you what to eat and how much to eat, but that is not the complicated part. If it were, then we would not have an obesity epidemic. 

Anyone can google what they should eat and how much to lose weight. And if you have ever dieted, you already know what to do. 

The complicated part of weight loss is you need to know:
-How to stay committed to yourself by following your food plan
-What are your beliefs about yourself
-What are your thoughts about food and the situations around you
-How to shift the habits that have you overeating
-Learning how to manage all your feelings, so food is no longer your go to

It all boils down to learning how to manage your mind because what you think or believe creates how you feel, which drives the actions you take or don't take. 

So if you want to lose weight for the last time, you have to go beyond food and exercise, which is not what diets offer. 

There are three things that all stem from your brain that will make it difficult for you to lose weight, and they are:
-You Unconsciously Eating
-Your Emotional Eating
-You giving into Cravings and Desires

🔥 I'll show you how these three things create your struggle with losing weight, and they all boil down to your thoughts and feelings.

In this week's episode, you'll learn:

✔️ Why it isn't another cookie-cutter food plan you need

✔️ The three things that are sabotaging you

✔️ What you need to do so you start losing weight in a way you can keep it off.

Not sure where to start on your weight loss journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me or you can go to karenschaible.com! Together we can figure out what you need to get started, and then we'll see if I can help further, so you lose weight for the last time.

Don't forget; you are worth it!
