Weight Loss For Nurses

Ep#58 The secret of what's holding you back

September 30, 2022 • Karen Schaible

I know you are trying hard to stop overeating and emotional eating, and nothing seems to work. 

You're frustrated and relying on willpower, jumping from diet to diet and throwing out all your favorite foods in the house. 

You're wishing and hoping that you'll figure it out, that something will change but deep inside of you, you really don't believe it will happen. 

All you want is to end feeling so controlled by food. 

To stop thinking about food all day long and the battle to not eat. 

In this week's episode, I'm here to show you that you don't need more willpower, another diet, or to throw out all your favorite foods. 

What you do need to know is this... 

The one thing holding you back from gaining control over food and having food freedom is that you need to BELIEVE! 

You need to BELIEVE that you can stop overeating and emotional eating.

I get that right now you think there is no way you can believe because nothing you've tried has worked, so how on earth can you believe? Right? 

Guess what? It is possible to believe no matter how much you've failed in the past!

I'll show you how to start believing again and the steps to take to get you there. 

You will get the roadmap to start tearing down the overeating and emotional eating so you finally have freedom around food. 

🔥 Just imagine what you can become! The life you can have!

Join me this week to learn what might be standing in your way to no longer being controlled by food. 

Not sure where to start on your weight loss journey? You can click here and set up a free mini-session with me! Together we can figure out what you need to get started, and then we'll see if I can help you further so you lose weight for the last time

Don't forget; you are worth it!