Relate and Meditate

Travel Restrictions Meditation: Relate with Evie Farrell

Daisy Clementine Season 1 Episode 12

In this weeks episode, I spoke to Evie from  Mum Pack Travel - a travel blogger and solo parent that has had her incredible lifestyle she lives on the road brought to a stand still by Covid.  Evie has travelled all over the world with her daughter for the past few years, writing a book, From Backyard to Backpack, about it along the way.  A quick google and you'll find pages and pages about all the adventures she's been on and all the articles she's written about how she did it along the way.

Like so many people, Evie has been struggling with the realities of boarder closures and dealing with the abrupt change to her usual way of life. We speak about everything from how she designed her own unique way of doing life with her daughter Emmie to the mental struggles she’s been facing due to the current limitations on our freedom.

Whilst we both whole heartedly agree that Australia is beautiful and we are in such a fortunate position, this doesn’t take away from some of those down days where we long to jump on a plane and have a change of scene.


Follow us on IG - @relateandmeditate

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Follow Evie Farrell on IG - @mumpacktravel

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