The Look & Sound of Leadership

How To Stay Calm Under Fire

Essential Communications - Tom Henschel Episode 215

A leader is given a presentation coach and two goals: ‘tell a better story’ and ‘be more responsive in the moment.’ This episode is the coaching conversation about the second goal: be responsive in the moment.

This episode is tagged in four categories in the Podcast Library:

Six related episodes you might listen to are: 

#214 How to Turn Data Into Stories

#160Prepping Like a TED Talker

#157Talking Like a TED Talker

#161Performing Like a TED Talker

#77The Power of Rehearsal

#65Sorting & Labeling

Join us this month for two free mini-courses facilitated by Susan Smalley:

Skills of a Great Manager

Leadership Circle for Women

Listen to Tom’s interview on The Remarkable Coach podcast where he and host Michael Pacheco talked about Tom’s 30 years of coaching.

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All of us here at The Look & Sound of Leadership wish you a safe, healthy year of growth and curiosity.

Tom and The Look & Sound of Leadership team.