Up-Level Your Life with Mindy

An Intro to Human Design & Gene Keys, with Angela Lundy

November 29, 2022 Mindy Duff Season 2 Episode 18

Human Design is like a personality test amplified by 1000%. I have taken my share of personality tests in the past and they're always fun, mostly accurate, and I typically learn one or two things about myself, just through awareness. 


Human Design takes learning about yourself on an ENTIRELY new level! It is quite literally like a blueprint for your life. Reading your Human Design will give you so much insight on WHY you are they way you are - and with that comes so much compassion for yourself. Acceptance. Forgiveness. 

In this episode, I chat with Angela Lundy on some of the basics of Human Design. Trust me when I say there is SO much more to learn about Human Design - we really are just scratching the surface here!

To check out your human design, visit:

To learn more about Angela:

To learn more about Mindy CLICK HERE