Up-Level Your Life with Mindy

How to Get Un-Stuck: A Conversation with Amy Fuentes

Season 3 Episode 40

If you're anything like me, you've felt stuck plenty of times in your life. Maybe you've been trying to reach a goal (weight loss, career change, getting to a new level financially) - and for whatever reason, you seem to plateau. You made a little progress at first but now you can't seem to finish. Or maybe you've been struggling to make a decision. Regardless of the situation...

You're stuck. 

There are lots of unique reasons why we as individuals have trouble reaching our goals, but it all boils down to the same thing. 

In this episode, Amy Fuentes, speaker, author and coach, explains:

* How people become “stuck” in their lives 
* Why the familiar routines of life can sometimes be a hinderance
*What's going on in our brains when we struggle to reach a goal
* How we can get "un-stuck"
*How we can live regret-free and get out of autopilot

About Amy:

Amy Fuentes is an intriguingly thought-provoking speaker, author, entrepreneur, and inventor who inspires others by showing them how to look at life a bit differently. As a result of the hardships she encountered and overcame throughout life, she noticed one common theme… we are only one decision away from a totally different life.

Learning life’s lessons didn’t come easy, but as a result of them Amy achieved some life-altering accomplishments such as producing and hosting a TV special called Stretching Your Dollar; creating a one-of-a-kind product for women’s
restrooms; and helping parents raise money-savvy kids so together they can raise a debt-free, independent, financially responsible generation, one child at a time.

Amy has had many Aha Moments along the way which helped her successfully process financial hardships and life’s transitions. She shares these in her book Words of Wisdom: What you need to know on the road of your life’s journey as
well as in her Aha Moments on YouTube and Facebook.

Compelled to help people navigate their lives, she now shares her insights inspiring others to reimagine their decisions so they can find their voices, change their stories and become their own heros.

Amy lives in Northern Virginia with her husband of 30 years. She enjoys traveling and spending time volunteering with her therapy dog Duncan, bringing joy to those in her community.

To connect with Amy:


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