Creating Wellness From Within

From Extreme Stress & Burnout To Business Owner with Elizabeth Rosenberg

Amy Zellmer Season 2 Episode 29

Creating Wellness From Within is a podcast devoted to empowering you to live your best life by taking accountability for your own personal wellness … brought to you in part by Integrated Health Systems located in Denver, CO. 

Women in particular have a tendency to take care of everyone else around them first, while putting their own self care and wellness on the back burner. This podcast is designed to give you actionable advice and tools to help you power up your own wellness journey, and live the best life possible!

I am your host, Amy Zellmer. I am editor-in-chief of MN YOGA + Life magazine & The Brain Health Magazine, and author of several books. Additionally I am passionate about yoga, photography, wellness, and all things glittery! You can find out more about me at

Follow me on: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
Today's guest is:  Elizabeth Rosenberg

Elizabeth Rosenberg is the founder of The Good Advice Company, a marketing and communications consultancy that coaches agencies, brands, and C-suite leaders on global messaging strategies, brand positioning, and thought leadership. Elizabeth is the embodiment of a true new-era global PR and marketing executive, standing for resourcefulness, creativity and effectiveness in a time fueled by heightened social and cultural awareness.

An entrepreneur at her core, Elizabeth's true passion lies in working with new or re-imagined, cutting-edge brands that are bringing consumers products and tools that make life more enjoyable, accessible, and healthy. Based in Los Angeles,Elizabeth is also currently working on her book and speaking about her health and wellness journey while maintaining a high-profile position working with some of the best known and innovative brands in the world. She truly believes there is a future where wellness, intuition and the corporate world collide.

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