Creating Wellness From Within

Simple Ways to Propel Your Creative Life with Matthew Dicks

Amy Zellmer Season 2 Episode 33

Creating Wellness From Within is a podcast devoted to empowering you to live your best life by taking accountability for your own personal wellness … brought to you in part by Integrated Health Systems located in Denver, CO. 

Women in particular have a tendency to take care of everyone else around them first, while putting their own self care and wellness on the back burner. This podcast is designed to give you actionable advice and tools to help you power up your own wellness journey, and live the best life possible!

I am your host, Amy Zellmer. I am editor-in-chief of MN YOGA + Life magazine & The Brain Health Magazine, and author of several books. Additionally I am passionate about yoga, photography, wellness, and all things glittery! You can find out more about me at

Follow me on: Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter
Today's guest is:  Matthew Dicks

Matthew Dicks is the author of Someday Is Today and nine other books. A bestselling novelist, nationally recognized storyteller, and award-winning elementary schoolteacher, he teaches storytelling and communications at universities, corporate workplaces, and community organizations. Dicks has won multiple Moth GrandSLAM story competitions and, together with his wife, created the organization Speak Up to help others share their stories. They also cohost the Speak Up Storytelling podcast. He lives in Connecticut with his family. Visit him online at

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