Unnamed and Untamed

Perimenopause and Menopause: Part 1

Meredith Paci, Sarah Bishop, Sonia Spil Season 1 Episode 31

In today's episode we want to open a discussion around perimenopause and menopause by starting with what this phase of a woman's life even is. This transition period is often met with fear and dread, and a message that something is "broken" and needs to be fixed. In this episode we begin to explain why it is normal for hormones to decline with age and a woman's menstrual cycle to end, however any debilitating symptoms don't have to be accepted as "normal," and you don't have to just power through it. There are many things you can do through diet, exercise, lifestyle, supplementation and in some cases hormone replacement,  to support the body in this transitionary period that will help make it smoother as well and set you up for long term health and resiliency.