Up Your Total Glow

Your past must not determine your future with NLP Trainer & Psychological Counselor Andrea Lukac

Ruth Season 2 Episode 18

In today`s episode I am speaking with the wonderful Andrea Lukac. Andrea is NLP Trainer, Hypnosis Coach & Psychological Counselor and on a mission to help others to own their life and set healthy boundaries based upon their needs and wants. Andrea offers tools to overcome your troubles on your way to live your life in peace, acceptance and love.

Among many other things Andrea tells us how we bring more clarity  into a situation, how we stop our inner critic, why it is essential to know oneself and how we get to know or understand ourselves. 

If you want to fully take ownership of your best life & you, overcome overwhelm, fear, shame & judgment without being ruled by your subconscious patterns, then this episode is a must listen for you.

 Andrea Lukac's Email:

Andrea Lukac`s Website:

For more individualised support and guidance, you can book your 30-minutes free discovery session with me here: