John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast

12 Ways to Have a Happy Wife


One of the keys to having a resilient, long-lasting marriage is to do what you can to make sure your wife feels good about your relationship.

Here they are:

  1. Be as attentive, fun-loving, and adoring as you were during courtship (or close to it). 
  2. Show her respect.
  3. Be more affectionate.
  4. Understand it is okay if she processes things differently than you.
  5. Support and nurture her ambitions inside and outside the home.
  6. Try to understand how she is different emotionally.
  7. Be honest at all times and always do what you say you will do.
  8. Share in childcare and domestic work. 
  9. Help her feel special. Find ways to build her up.
  10. Maintain your appearance! 
  11. Plan some “us time” getaways. 
  12. Learn ways to maintain romance and specialness in your relationship. 

Focus on the benefits of marriage, not the day-to-day frustrations.

Show your wife the same traits that make you valuable as an employee: focus, discipline, reliability, devotion, loyalty, stability, intelligence, and flexibility.

Be determined to get better at this job of being a husband.

Learn from your mistakes, and don't get your eyes stuck in the rearview mirror of regrets.

Commit yourself to the mission and responsibilities of your marital job description and reassess your progress as you go along.

Next Steps

I help couples enhance their communications and enrich their intimacy by sharing faith-friendly, resilience-based principles. 

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