John Thurman's Resilient Solutions Shortcast

11 Ways to Have a Happy Husband


1.He knows he can be himself without being judged or criticized. Nothing can kill a relationship faster than unnecessary criticism and being talked down to. Instead, look to encourage and build up.

2.He smiles a lot. He feels that you notice him and appreciate all he does for you and that you do not take him for granted. He feels seen and known, not like being compared to characters on the Hallmark Channel or Virgin River.

3.He realizes you love and accept him for who he is, but he also knows that you will lovingly confront where necessary. He knows that your love is the "real deal" and respects it because he sees it is not based on submissive compliance but a loving choice.

4.He likes that you care about looking attractive in your own personal way. Of course, he doesn't expect you to look like someone you aren’t, but seeing that you care about your appearance makes him feel you value yourself and your relationship with him.

5.He understands that you desire him because of how desire is expressed through physical intimacy. Most men want a wife who loves physical intimacy.     

6.He likes to be at home, partially because he feels respected and admired there. There is no love outside of respect. Feeling the admiration and respect of the one you love boosts self-esteem, increases intimacy, and promotes communication and passion.

7.He speaks highly of you. Most men do love to talk about their wives to friends, family, and coworkers.

8.He rarely or never feels belittled, berated, or humiliated by you. While we as men like to think that we have it all together, we don’t. One of the ways you can build your man up is to edify, comfort, and encourage, rather than tearing him down.

9.He sees that you do not hold on to grudges, keep score, or consistently feel victimized by life. It helps your relationship develop flexibility and adaptability and retains the possibility of a rewarding future intact.

10.He is faithful to the vows he made to you in both word and deed.

11.He seeks you for comfort and consolation. When your husband chooses to share his problems with you, it is an excellent indicator that he is happy with you even when feeling discouraged and vulnerable.

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