Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast

Ep 14 - Are These Celebrities Nailing Their Nutrition? Celebrity Diet Reviews!

Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

Have you ever done a fad diet, juice cleanses, or fasted because you heard this is how a celebrity got fit and trim?  We have and guess what?  It didn't work!

Harper's Bazaar has started a "Celebrity Food Diaries" series in which celebrities reveal what they eat in a day.   In this podcast, we review three celebrities' daily menus, evaluate the quality and adequacy of their nutrition, predict what eating according to these menus might do to their metabolism if followed long-term, and discuss some practical ways to optimize these daily menus.

Instead of following a celebrity diet hoping and praying it will make you look like a celebrity, consider joining our April Metabolic Makeover where we will optimize your nutrition, workouts, and help you create a body you adore with no weird diets!  Doors will close when spots fill up or April 1 - whichever comes first!  Purchase or get on the waitlist here:   Weight Loss Programs Kansas City | Work with Us | Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching — CoutureFitnessCoaching

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Check out this blog post reviewing Kate Middleton's diet, referenced in this episode:  What Kate Ate — CoutureFitnessCoaching

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Welcome to the Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast. I'm Joe. And I'm Allison. And we're your co hosts and the founders of couture Fitness and Lifestyle coaching. We're on a quest to help women design lives they love and bodies they adore. We were fed up with the dieting industry and decided to create something different. We're starting a calories up revolution where women are nourished, their metabolisms are healed and their bodies and brains start working for them in the battle against weight loss. If you feel like your metabolism is wrecked, and you want to lose weight once and for all, you are in the right place. Hello, everyone, you've got both Joe and Alison today. And so we're going to do something a little bit different today. One thing that we are known for on our blog are our full day of eating menus. These aren't meal plans. But we love showing how people can fit anything into our flexible macros based approach to dieting. And so we have a lot of these on our blog, you can go check them out. But recently, I was scrolling on Facebook and saw that Harper's Bazaar is doing these celebrity food diaries. And so they'll interview all sorts of celebrities and ask them what they eat in a day. And I thought, oh, that sounds like our full day of eating. And then as I started seeing some of them, I thought it would be fun to review some of those celebrity full day of eating diaries. Have you seen these? Allison? No, but I don't really read anything like this until you brought them to my attention. I have not I had not seen these. I remember you did a blog post once on what Princess Kate ate in a day, and it was absolutely appalling. So that's the closest that I have seen. Okay. Well, I thought these were interesting, because I will have to say this is something I would have done in the past before I knew about her was to look at one of these and say, Oh, she looks good. And I want to look like her. So this is what I need to eat to get skinny and lose some weight, you know, maybe get in shape for swimsuit season, I just eat what the celebrities then that'll get me there and assume that it was good nutrition because a celebrity was eating it. So I thought it'd be fun to review some of these and compare them to our guidelines for healthy nutrition. Talk about what's good about these daily menus and where they could maybe be leveled up a little and also talk about what if a person were to eat according to these food diaries for a long time, what that might do to their metabolic health. So that's what we're gonna do today. But first, I want to talk about have you ever done any crazy diets like the ones we might be about to hear about? You know what I never I never ever did. I was never one to think like, oh, if I just do this, you know, do keto and cut out carbs or the cabbage soup diet or whatever. I never did do any sort of diets. But as you guys have heard me talk about I definitely restricted food for a while. But no, I never really said I never put limitations on like what I could or couldn't have. So I haven't done anything crazy. What about you? Well, that I've done I always say I've done all the crazy diets so no one else has to so this as I was watching some of these celebrity food diaries that made me think about eight years ago and I don't know if you remember this or not, but a colleague and I who was a colleague of yours, too, we went on a smoothie diet, I think I think it was Dr. Oz I don't want to be smart. She has good name, but I think it was I was think I think it's something that she found that Dr. Oz was promoting and it was a three day smoothie diet and he made three different smoothies that you drink throughout the day it was going to detox you and so I remember I brought my blender into work she and I went shopping and I remember all the smoothies were like plant and fruit based one of them had some almond butter but that was really the only thing in them other than vegetables and fruit. Basically I made it all three days our colleague had to bow out after the first day because one of the smoothies had like fresh pineapple, green apple, celery, spinach, lemon, lots of lemon juice that might have been the one that had some almond butter and it made her mouth breakout and she felt so horrible after a day she tapped out I did it for all three days. I was getting I remember why we did I was getting ready to go on spring break with my kids to Florida and I knew I was going to be getting in a swimsuit. So to me this was the answer and Dr. Oz was promoting it so of course it was the answer. And of course I'm sure I lost a little bit of weight but it was not at all a long term weight solution. It actually made our friend very sick, I think. So anyway, that's probably the craziest thing I've ever done now did I would have been rolling my eyes at you so well I think you probably did. It was quite a production with the blender in the office kitchen. And I mean we probably took up like two shelves on the fridge of all the fresh produce and I'm sure you were very graceful and just probably muttered to yourself in your office that we were not. Okay, so let's kick things off with our first celebrity who diary and that's and I do want to make one disclaimer about all of this. Number one, Alice and I are not registered dieticians we're not really qualified. To do a deep dive into these food plans and talk about, I guess the micronutrients or that sort of thing and the other thing is that you know, these people that we're about to talk about may be perfectly happy eating in this manner and if they don't, you know, if they love how they look or looking to lose weight, have great energy feel good can do everything they want to do then then they should go ahead and continue eating like this. This is not just you know, fun casting judgment just for the sake of casting judgment. The point that we want to get across is that if you want to look like these celebrities, you know, you may not want to mimic what they're eating to look like that and if you were to eat this way, maybe you wouldn't feel so great but but we'll just get started. And our first celebrity is Catherine Zeta Jones. So all describe what she says her full day of eating is so she says that she's a three meals a day girl and upon waking she has a French press coffee and a walk with her dog and then she has breakfast which she says is porridge I assume that means oatmeal with brown sugar, bananas and blueberries. That's what she eats in winter. And then in the summer for breakfast, she has nonfat yogurt with some bear naked granola and berries on weekends. She has a big family brunch with sausage and eggs and French toast for a snack everyday she has a tea with some cookie or Cadbury milk chocolate for lunch. She has a spinach and arugula salad with tomatoes and pine nuts and blue cheese with an N She has a dressing that's made of olive oil and balsamic vinegar and she adds some grilled chicken or fish to that for her afternoon snack. She has a coffee and a scone and for dinner she says that she eats out many nights and she has a salad that will contain greens and then sometimes apple and avocado and figs. And then she'll have fish or filet with some mushroom sauce, some fresh vegetables and what she calls cauliflower cheese. Which what she actually means it sounds like a big roasted head of cauliflower that has like a cheese sauce on it. So that's her daily food diary Allison, what do you think? Okay, so I tried to put some of these into my fitness pal because I really wanted to see what the macros are. But without knowing the serving sizes, I could be off by literally 1000 calories like when she says that she has yogurt with some granola, she might sprinkle the granola on top or she might have two servings which two servings of granola is going to be ridiculously high in calories because that stuff is yummy, but packed with calorie. So I'm not going to comment specifically on how many macros I think or what her macros probably are. But I do I think her full day of eating is not too bad. Really what I would change though is I would definitely want her getting in a little bit more protein, she is a little low on protein. Not drastically though. I mean, she gets great protein at lunch and dinner, I don't think she's eating 100 grams of protein. Even if I estimate on the higher end with some of these things, I think she's probably not getting 100 grams of protein, which we really like people to be getting at a minimum, at least at that amount. So I would just have her maybe add some protein in to her breakfast. And as far as you know, how could this impact her if she if she eats this way long term, I think she realistically could do this long term. It's not too restrictive. She's eating a lot of good, whole unprocessed normal foods. There's nothing weird or gimmicky in her diet, which I really like she allows herself some treats she eats chocolate, which you all know I love chocolate, I eat some every day she eats a scone, it seems like it's very doable for the average person, I would just make sure that you are getting in enough protein. If you follow this maybe add in like I said protein with breakfast and don't do this for too long. So I do think this could be lower in calories. And so you want to make sure that you know get in do that you could do this plan for a few months, but you want to make sure you're not going to low calorie for too long. Or you definitely could run into some of those metabolic adaptation issues that we talked about so much here on the show you have anything else to add? My sense of it is that you know, if you were thinking I want to look like Catherine Zeta Jones in a swimsuit, maybe and I haven't seen her in a swimsuit lately. I assume she looks really good. She's beautiful. I'm not sure that this diet would do that for you. If yes, I agree low in protein, probably a little higher in fat than what we would prescribe for our clients with that stone. And maybe some of the other things maybe a little bit higher in carbs, but but actually pretty normal. So it might just require some tweaking, but definitely need to add in some more protein is what I would say and some practical ways that she could do this. Like if you're listening to this and thinking, well, that kind of sounds like what I eat, how do I get more protein? You know, she could add a scoop of protein powder to her oatmeal in the morning or even into that yogurt that she eats with the granola and berries that would give her another serving of protein. She could add in some low fat turkey sausage or chicken sausage with her breakfast if that sounded good to her to add some protein there and I definitely would probably think about adding some protein to her breakfast because that would be a good way to start out the day. It's going to really regulate her blood sugar and she's going to feel good Throughout the day, and then the other easy thing that she could do throughout the day with her lunch, she has a salad with protein, she could just double up on that protein or even do if she's having like four ounces of chicken, she could change that to six ounces. And same with the dinner and I think that would probably get her to a pretty good protein count without drastically changing her diet. Yeah, this one's not too bad at all. I mean, it's got it's got nice normal food in it, which I really like. I like that she doesn't try to just do weird stuff. Yeah, okay. All right. So Catherine Zeta Jones, I think gets a thumbs up from both of us. And you know, truly who knows if this is what they're eating and they're just giving us you know, that a lot of this I'm sure is for the marketing aspect and that sort of thing, but Okay, our next celebrity is Juliana Hough have i pronounced her name right? I think so. Yeah. The dancing this is our Dancing with the Stars lady. Yeah. And she is very beautiful and looks very fit. So this is what she says that she eats in a day she says upon waking she has water with lemon to detox her body. Then for a pre workout she has some celery juice and then her breakfast is a cup of coffee. Then at lunch she has a butternut squash and care and I believe she I think she does yoga or something for working out. I'm not sure that's kind of what she alluded to. So that's the celery juice I guess before she does her yoga and then for lunch she has a butternut squash and carrot soup and a vegan salad with that's made of spinach radish, asparagus, kale, cruciferous veggies with apple cider vinegar, plus some gluten free crackers. Now she says she loves gluten and dairy and every sweet under the sun but her digestive system can't tolerate those items. So that's why she eats the gluten free crackers. I couldn't tell if the apple cider vinegar was like had some olive oil with it or it's just she put some apple cider vinegar on that salad and then dinner she has some Hmong doll. I think this is a lentil dish doll. I think it's like the Indian you know lentil dish again with some gluten free crackers, some sweet potato and asparagus and swiss chard and spinach. And then as a treat, she has a glass of wine or a cocktail. And she has some words of encouragement for all of us. She says Enjoy yourself and everything in moderation. Love your body and what you put into your body your body knows and it will tell you if what you are eating isn't good for you because it will reject it. So those are her words of wisdom. What do you think Allison? So her diet I am not a fan? In general. Again, I tried to put in my fitness pal, it's really hard to know how much she's eating of any of these things. But no matter how you slice it, no matter what the serving sizes are she is not getting nearly enough protein or fats again, fats. It's hard to tell. I mean, maybe some of these things are cooked in butter. And we don't know I doubt it. So yeah, yeah, I would say she sounds vegan, and I don't know if she is or not. Okay. We can probably assume that. Yeah, I think she needs I mean, she needs to get be getting at least double the protein that she's getting here. I'm sure she's if I if I knew exactly what her portion sizes are, I'm going to assume that she's probably drastically under eating. And I know she looks great. And people are gonna say, well, she looks great. So you know, why are you why are you hating on her diet. I think if she keeps eating this way she is going to she probably has already. I think her metabolism is probably in a pretty bad spot, she's probably going to have to continue to really restrict maybe restrict even more if she wants to be able to keep her cute little figure and she may have a you know, she may start to have a really really hard time with that just because she's restricting so much she's probably eating super low calorie again, it's hard to know what calories are at the low fats to my really start to impact for her hormones. Maybe even like her skin. I know women especially really need a baseline level of fats each day just for hormonal function. So I would worry that maybe she's dangering on on that level of getting too low in fat as well. So I would say she needs way, way more protein. If she is vegan, there's certainly ways that she can get that in and that's fine if she wants to continue to eat vegan if she is vegan. Those were my general thoughts about her diet. What else do you think about hers? Okay, any idea of what how much I mean, I guess, maybe 20 grams of protein maybe with I tried to be really generous. So when I did enter it into my fitness pal, I was trying to be generous with the portion sizes and assume she wasn't just eating you know, like two crackers. When she says a cracker. I came out at 40 grams of protein and almost all of it came from that Hmong doll dish and so that I just found a generic Hmong doll entry and my fitness pal. So I'm not really sure I know lentils do have some protein, but other than that she gets almost zero protein in her diet besides that one single dish, so yeah, 30 grams with that, that might be being generous. Okay, yeah, I think this person could definitely see To have some more protein and some healthy fats in her diet, I think a way that she could do that is maybe swap that celery juice pre workout drink with like a vegan protein powder based shake, like she could do like a pea protein and almond milk shake that could get her some good protein in you know, I think she could like buy soy milk because you know, some good protein in it. But the other thing I would say is like in that salad that she has at lunch and probably within her add some avocado or something to at least to get some fats, add some olive oil with the apple cider vinegar, but someone that's eating, you know, let's say she's eating 30 to 40 grams of protein that that person is going it's gonna be very difficult for them to get up to 100 grams of protein like overnight so I would just suggest some little tweaks to start getting her headed in that direction through like I mentioned some some vegan protein powders, soy milk, tofu, more beans, she could add another serving of beans with her lunch and that could help her start to get there. But this is definitely someone that would have to we would have to walk them up in terms of their protein intake. Okay, so Alison, what do you think about the shrinking of the celery juice and the lemon water? Is that going to detox you and get you ready for swimsuit season? No, it's not I hate anything with the word detox in it. Because if you're just eating, you know, good, whole unprocessed foods, your body is going to be doing the work of detoxing quotes, detoxing anyway, I don't think you need to do anything extreme or, you know, subsist on purely juices or smoothies for a day to detox water with lemon is fine. If you I drink water with lemon that no no problem with that the celery juice, it's not doing anything magical. Maybe she really loves the taste of celery juice. I highly doubt that because I'm sure it's disgusting. I would cut that out. If you're planning to follow her diet, there's no reason to put that celery juice in there. She's getting a lot of other vegetables. It's not like she needs it for for the nutrients. There's nothing magical about any food, you guys. So it's not like her drinking celery juice is somehow you know, upping her metabolism and allowing her to burn extra calories throughout the day. It's not doing that. So I don't want people to latch on to some of these weird things and think, Well, I'm going to drink celery juice every day and it's going to get me ready for swimsuit season. It's not it's all about the numbers you're hitting at the end of the day and even averaged out over over a week are so much more important than than worrying about adding some specific thing into your diet like that celery juice. Yeah, an interesting thing when talking to people who are really into the detox thing, probably to the extent there was any magical detox properties of celery juice and lemon water. She's probably canceled them out with a glass of wine at the end of the day. Yeah, it's fine to have a glass of wine. It's just right. Doesn't that sort of contradictory? Yeah. Okay, so if you want to look like Giuliana Hough for swimsuit season, we would say don't follow this diet is not going to get you there. Probably would make you very I don't know if I ate this. I probably would be passed out. I don't know by two or three in the afternoon. Yeah, just not a lot of food or or protein. Really? Yeah. Okay. Our next celebrity is Chris Bosh. Who is an NBA star. I'm not sure what team he plays for. You looked him up, Alison. Love. I don't know my professional athletes. Admittedly, I'm ignorance. I should have looked that up. Okay. So this is what he says he eats for breakfast. He has a yogurt parfait with fruit and local honey. The local honey is very important to him because it's important for his immune system and he wants to support local beekeepers and he has a coffee with his parfait and fruit and honey. Then he works out after breakfast. He says he does weights which is we like that. Then for lunch he has a Cobb salad. So he describes that as a salad with a protein avocado, chicken, bacon, eggs and blue cheese for snacks. He has mixed nuts, granola, dried fruits and fresh vegetables. He wants everyone to know that snacks aren't bad the snacks he just described then for dinner he has he likes kebabs either steak or chicken with some basmati rice and vegetables or he loves a stir fry made with a similar protein and then we'll have a sparkling water with dinner or craft beer or a glass of wine with dinner and then for dessert he likes dessert his children like to bake so he will either one thing he really likes that they bake is a carrot cake with poppy seed I see I think that's right and then or he'll have a pint of ice cream. So Alison, what do you think of this? So honestly, this one is not bad at all. This is probably closest to how I would eat honestly I did again I did my best to estimate you know put things in my fitness pal and estimate he might literally be eating double of what I put in there. I mean he is an extremely active he's got a lot he's has a lot of muscle on his body so maybe he's eating double what I guessed I don't know when I put it in I came up with like 2300 calories but again, he might be having 10 ounces of chicken when I think he's having five ounces of chicken. So again, I think it'd be way way off. I think he could be a little bit low on protein possibly although if he's doubling my serving sizes then he's probably right on as far as what he needs for protein. I would maybe add a little more in the morning especially before his workout unless his parfait has you know, hopefully it's Greek yogurt which definitely has more protein than than a traditional yogurts. I like that he you know he does include treats in there he has dessert at the end of the day which is great. He balances it out with a really healthy dinner which is what I personally like to do. I like to eat you know, something like he would eat for dinner chicken, rice, vegetables, a stir fry type dish and then have a really nice dessert. I love carrot cake as well. I love ice cream as well. So his isn't too bad. It's really hard to tell when he says snacks of mixed nuts and granola and dried fruits, those things are super high in calories, especially for their their size so he could be getting for all I know he could be getting 800 calories a day snacking on nuts, granola and dried fruit because the calories can really add up and those things those are danger foods to me. I personally could not keep something like a granola dried fruit mix type thing near me because I would just it's so easy to overeat that and not get full. I mean, those things don't fill you up. They taste really good, but they don't fill you up just super easy to overeat and not really know your portion sizes. So I think this is clearly working for him. He is an NBA star, he is very active, he lifts weights, it's clearly working for him. But for you know somebody like me, if I were to eat something like this, I would be in the danger zone possibly of going way over. If I was if I were choosing those type of things for my snacks. Yes, we might look at those and think that they are healthy sure nuts, granola, dried fruit that's all healthy, in terms of it's not, you know, processed junk, but super easy to overeat. So I think I'm looking at this one kind of a different angle than the first two, the first two, I feel like could have dangered on being a little bit too low in calories. This one, especially if you're if you're female, if you tried to follow this. And even if you were a male of trying to follow this, you really just want to watch your portion sizes on some of these things, because it's super easy to go over with some of those items. Yeah, and I think that's a good thing to know, you know, any celebrity diet or something that comes out you know, it's we're having a really hard time even estimating how many calories these people are eating because they are going into portion size. And really we've talked about this so many times like the adequacy of your caloric intake, it's really what's going to matter for weight loss and getting you ready for swimsuit season. Yes, what you eat matters in terms of like, are you getting enough protein? What are the sources of some of your foods, but you can't just take one of these menus and pay no regard to the portion sizes or that sort of thing and expect to have any sort of success? So yeah, I think this looks really good. Again, if you were wanting to lose some weight, you know, maybe a little high and fat depending on what's in that salad for lunch, how much avocado and blue cheese and egg like you mentioned the mix nuts, but overall, I think it looks really healthy. It's got a lot of protein. And I like it. Yeah, it looks similar to something I would eat, I think something to also think about with this sort of celebrity. So this is a professional athlete, he is probably genetically very gifted. And so people like that that are at that level, it does matter what they eat, but it probably doesn't matter what they eat. I mean, he probably has so much muscle memory and muscle mass on his body, that that's probably just a gift of genetics, that it's going to be very hard to look like him, if that's what you're going for. And people like this. I mean, they just the normal rules sometimes don't apply to them. And I'm thinking I have a husband like this, who was an athlete all through college, he has a lot of muscle on his body. He has a lot of muscle memory so he could not work out not eat that great and then just kind of dial in his diet. I mean, we've dieted him on like 2500 calories before and he's lost weight, right Allison? Our friends say about him, like he walks into a gym and looks at a dumbbell and puts on muscle. So those people you can't compare yourself to them because they you know, they just have sort of a genetic gift that not all of us have. So just a caution about that. The other thing I wanted to note about him is he talks about the honey making sure to have local honey in his diet for his immune system love that he's supporting local farmers. I have not heard that honey is good for your immune system. It probably is. But I will also say another thing that's really good for your immune system is getting enough protein you could swap the honey for some protein and probably have the same result. So that is Chris Bosh. Ryan, do you want to go through maybe your full day of eating since you are actually getting ready to do a fitness competition so you are literally preparing to look good in a bikini on a stage want not necessarily you know at the pool but on a on a stage. So why don't you tell us what a full day of eating or a typical full day of eating looks like for you right now? Yeah, well, one caveat is that it is changing pretty frequently at this point. But this this is was typical for the last month. So So I work out in the morning, I lift for about an hour most mornings of the week. So I have a I do eat before I work out. Well, I say that I have three breakfasts a breakfast three times. So my first breakfast is I have some chicken, sausage and roasted potatoes, usually that's what I have. And then after I work out, I have oatmeal with some protein powder. So that's second breakfast. And then my third breakfast is usually it'll all either have like some turkey and maybe some berries or something like that, or like Greek yogurt, and some berries. So those are my three breakfasts. For lunch, I will have something that usually looks like you know, four to six ounces of Turkey, maybe a serving of pretzel thins some vegetables, and again, you know, like a half an apple or something, then I'll have second lunch, or mid afternoon snack, which is and I agree with Chris Bosh snacks aren't bad. I have a couple of them every day, I have some ground beef, this would be typical some rice and some spinach and salsa, so kind of like something reminiscent of a little taco salad. And then a typical dinner for me would be some pork tenderloin, maybe some sweet potato or regular big potato and some broccoli. And that right now is anywhere between 1600 to 1700 calories, it's about 150 grams of protein, around 160 grams of carbs, and then 40 to 45 grams of fats. But I would also say don't go out and eat this, if you're wanting you know, this is calibrated to me by my coaches taking into consideration my workouts and my specific goals. But more importantly, it's totally calibrated to what I was eating before I entered this dieting phase, which is the most important factor. So you can't just take this meal plan either and say like, well, if I eat like this, you know, I'm going to look like I'm ready for a fitness competition in three months, it really is a calibrated thing. And you really have to look at a lot of different factors in determining like what the proper caloric level is for you and make sure you get enough protein and the other things too. So but you can see that it's just a lot more protein. And frankly, I would say like compared to the female celebrity diets, a lot more food than their protocols are calling for but it will lay me out and I will you know that will lower my body fat and despite it being a lot more food, I will probably look closer to a swimsuit model than anyone would following Catherine Zeta Jones or Juliana Huff's diets. Do you agree? Yeah, I do. And maybe here I can go through very briefly what a full day of eating look like for me right now because I imagine this is probably not too dissimilar to what your diet would have been like before you started your prep just so people can see what a just a healthy diet at maintenance level. I'm not trying to lose weight right now. I'm actually just trying to keep my calories as high as I can while maintaining my weight so that way if I do decide to that I want to lose a few pounds before summer. I can't I'm going to go through mine really quickly too. I'm eating about 2100 calories a day right now. So Joe, I think were you kind of around that level before you started your prep. Yeah 100 ish. Okay, yeah. So I've been eating about this much since the summer I did do a show a small cut for the start of summer mostly because Joe and I were getting some some pictures then where we are in our scores. And so I did diet for like eight weeks before that and I when I say diet, I really just I cut my calories I didn't change my workouts at all and I wanted to lose like five pounds so it wasn't anything crazy. So my diet pretty much every weekday for breakfast I have a breakfast casserole that has a eggs or I should say egg whites, some hashbrowns some vegetables, some parmesan cheese, some bacon real bacon, full fat bacon and toast and that's usually about 400 calories. I make a big old thing at the start of the week. And then my husband and I eat that all throughout the week. It's super easy and it is delicious. And I look forward to that every day. I know I've posted about it on social media for lunch, I call it lunch but I usually eat it about 1030 So it's more like my whatever first lunch snack whatever you want to call it. And so yesterday I had I had found a just a frozen Pad Thai thing but it came with not nearly enough chicken or vegetables and so I added in basically I took a single serving Pad Thai just frozen meal that I got from sprouts and then I added a bunch more chicken a bunch more vegetables and I split it in half so I ate half of that for my lunch and then I was able to have the other half a different day for lunch. Those prepackaged things are usually pretty low and low in protein and high and the noodles and the the cheaper stuff. And then I also had an orange and then for second lunch. I have a lot of random stuff here. It looks like I had some sometimes we make these oatmeal and egg white and berry muffins. I get flavored oatmeal, egg whites and some berries and you just put them in little muffin containers and bake them. It's really really easy. And they're a great little sweet snack and my two year old loves them too. She'll eat those for breakfast. So I had those with some yogurt and then I had some carrots, and I had half of a banana with about a tablespoon of peanut butter And then I had about 130 calories of chocolate. And then for dinner, I had roasted potatoes, these little chicken pieces that we make I'm sure you can find all kinds of different recipes for those, but you just cut up some chicken breast dividend melted butter, dividend, some bread crumbs and parmesan cheese, bake it. It's kind of like a homemade chicken nugget type thing. And my whole family loves those. So I had those with how many, about 200 grams of potatoes, which is a decent sized potato, I had some dried mango, I had some broccoli, and then we went to a birthday party. And so I had some birthday cake and some fruit at the party. And then right before bed, I had a built bar. And that came up to a little bit over 2100 calories. So that was my full day. That's a typical full day of eating for me. Yeah, that's a lot of food. But the hungry person, I always say I can basically whatever you put in front of me, so I need a lot of food. Yeah, but you've also worked. I mean, I don't It's not like you're just gifted with a naturally fast metabolism. No, I mean, when I was in my 20s Again, we've talked about this, but I lived my maintenance was not 2100 I thought my maintenance I thought I needed to eat like 15 or 1600 calories a day to maintain my weight. And I somehow did I think I just fill up on a lot more vegetables is how I managed to stay full. And my body just got used to it. So I thought you know, my body really was full, it just got used to the lower calories. But we know all the problems with that brought on I was doing so much cardio, eating 1600 calories a day, which doesn't sound too low. But for the level of activity I was I was doing that was way too low. It actually made me lose my period for many years, I weighed more than than I do now, because of the fact that my metabolism was crap, because I underfed myself for at least five years maybe probably more than that. So yes, I have not been eating this much food it has only been it was after I got pregnant with my first child after going through infertility and researching how all of the negative effects that under eating can have on you. And that's 100% why I did lose my period and had so much trouble having my first baby. But after I had her it was then that I've very consciously said you will keep your food up high and you will never do this to yourself again. And so it's been in the last 10 to 12 years that I've had my food high it was not that way for a very large portion of my life. I wish I would have known then what I know now but can't change the past we can only No more mistakes. That's true. So okay, so we do want to say that if you want to start nailing your nutrition and do like you're getting caught up in the allure of these celebrity diets, but want a customized nutrition plan that will really work for you. We do have spots available in our metabolic makeover program that starts in April and you will get a personalized nutrition plan. And really this is going to be the biggest driving factor in determining how things go in the dressing room when you go swimsuit shopping in the spring, not whether you can follow one of these celebrity diets, you really need to have a nutrition plan for nutrition that is customized to you and your goals and what you've been doing. So we would love to have you in our program, you can go to our website and put your name on the waitlist. So I think that's all we have for today. And we will see you next time. Bye bye. That's what we've got for you today about how you can invest in your metabolism and start losing weight by eating more and exercising less. Trust us you aren't too old and it's never too late. If you want to learn more about this topic, head over to our Facebook group, Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30. You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook at Couture Fitness Coaching. And if you want to work with us, join us for our next 12 weeks session.