Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast

Ep 18 - How to Build a Perky Booty

Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

Inquiring minds want to know . . . how do you build a perky booty? In today's episode, we're kicking off our "How To Build It" series where we'll periodically explain how to build out the various body parts women tell us they want to improve (booties, legs, shoulders, abs, etc.). We've done it and so you can you! 

In this episode, we discuss the exercise and nutrition components of improving your derriere. And why developing your glutes is great for your metabolism and overall health. Listen up because building a perky booty involves more than simply losing body fat. In fact, the things that you would typically think to do . . . like cutting calories, going for a jog, or doing several spinning classes . . . will likely only create a droopy booty.

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Welcome to the Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast. I'm Joe. And I'm Alison and we're your co hosts and the founders of couture Fitness and Lifestyle coaching. We're on a quest to help women design lives they love and bodies they adore. We were fed up with the dieting industry and decided to create something different. We're starting a calories up revolution where women are nourished, their metabolisms are healed and their bodies and brains start working for them in the battle against weight loss. If you feel like your metabolism is wrecked, and you want to lose weight once and for all, you are in the right place. All right. Well, hello, everyone, you've got both Joe and Alison. Today, we're kicking off our how to build it series. And that's going to be a series of podcasts that we do every now and again, where we talk about how to build out certain body parts body parts that we hear from our clients that they you know, they want to have nice arms or they want to have nice legs. So today we're going to be talking about building a perky booty. But first, I thought I'd take a minute to tell you everything that's going on at Cateura Fitness and Lifestyle coaching. So we are building our waitlist for our July programs. That's the next time that you can work with us. And if you join us in July, what you will get is a one on one coach who will create a personalized nutrition and exercise program for you that is aligned with your goals and will help you achieve them. And then that coach will check in with you every week and keep you progressing along your goals. And in addition to that one on one coaching, you'll also have access to our group coaching, which includes a weekly Lifestyle coaching meeting where we just talked about all the practicalities of building a healthy lifestyle, and then also our weekly mindset coaching that really goes into some of the mindset obstacles that come along when you are trying to make a major change in your life and get healthy. And then also we have an amazing Facebook community that you will be a part of. That's what you get with each of our programs. Again, those are opening in July. If you go to our website, you can get on a waitlist for our programs. And then the other thing that we have going on every month, we run our free challenge right now it's May so we are running our muscles in may challenge which is focused on resistance training, June the challenge will be focused on walking and just generally being more active. And so you can go join any of those challenges. There's a link in today's show notes for the June challenge. Like I said those challenges are free. It's really we run those just to help people start building sort of the necessary habits that they need to build to to lead a healthy lifestyle and manage their weight for life. And so you can kind of get a taste of what it's like to work with us. And again, start building those habits that are going to help you achieve the physique goal that you want men to maintain a healthy weight for the rest of your life. So sign up for our next challenge. We'd love to have you so like I said today we're kicking off our how to build it series and today we're going to be talking about building a perky booty. And I think it's funny because I think times have really changed when I was growing up the grunge wave flick was in and everyone was kind of going for the Kate Moss skinny no booty look I don't know if that was what it was like for you Allison I'm older than you but this was what it was like in the 90s No completely it was Get your butt as small as possible. Yeah, but I went to the source I went to my teenage daughter and some of her friends and asked her if if perky booties were in and they confirmed a resounding yes and I will tell you I recently got back from a vacation in Mexico and by the cut of the swimsuits and Mexico and by the kind of the swimsuit My daughter got at Target that I didn't realize that she got till we got to Mexico. I will confirm that yes perky booties and swimsuits that show off the booty are very much the current like the high waisted full coverage swimsuit bottoms are out the resilient very I don't know what you would say revealing bottoms are in and the teenagers called having a perky booty they refer to it as cake. We're having a dump truck, which I thought was funny. And according to my daughter, we had a long talk in Mexico as I was I was discovering these very revealing swimsuits. So I was asking her like why are the swimsuits cut like this? And she said well because you want to show off your booty and I was like well what kind of booty do you want to have and so the consensus is you definitely don't want to have a pancake booty or a flat booty but you also don't want to have lumpy cakes so that would be a booty with a lot of cellulite. That's how she referred to it so that's what we're aiming for. I think this is actually a great thing that the focus is you know with teenage girls is not wasting your body away. I've had other conversations with her and a really good friend hers and we've talked about going to the gym this summer. They're all about building muscle and they want to build a dump truck and get some six packs. So that's great. Man, she even asked me if I would buy her some protein powder. So that was that was pretty amazing. But I'll ask you, what exactly are we talking about when we're talking about having a perky booty, really, you just want to build some nice round glutes. And the way you do that is just by building out all of the different muscles in your glutes. So you've got gluteus maximus, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, all those different angles. And when you build them all out, you will have those nice, round glutes as long as you're relatively lean, I should say, that's the look that you will get, you will get that nice perky round booty, you want a little bit of development in your hamstrings too. I've mentioned before that I have competed in the past several times. And Joe has several times and also very recently in the bodybuilding division of the bikini division of bodybuilding. And one of the big things that they look at in that particular division is having really nice glutes. So Joe and I have both done lots of work on our own glutes. So we're going to tell you all about how we how you can get nice glutes today during this podcast. Okay, before we get into the How to let's talk about why having great glutes or lots of cake, as my teenager might say, might be good from a metabolic and health standpoint. So it's not just for show, right? Yes, it is not just for show, although it is for show. But there are other benefits too. So the glutes are definitely one of the larger muscle groups in your body. So if you have bigger develop glutes, they are going to burn a lot of calories, which is obviously a great thing for your metabolism. So just you know, adding more muscle to the bigger muscles in your body, such as the glutes is just going to help your metabolism, you're also just going to be stronger. Having strong glutes is so so important for just general movement, especially if you're involved in any sort of athletic activity, it's really, really important, you're going to have less lower back pain, you're going to be less likely to get injured and just more power and strength more athletic, you'll have that perky booty. I know from personal experience I've had some issues with with my knees and in my quads before and one of my physical therapist that I saw actually said almost all lower body injuries that he deals with and helps to rehab could have been prevented if people would have worked their glute muscles more. So I have kind of a personal story from back in my 20s back when I was doing that crazy amount of cardio and under eating. And yes, I was lifting weights a little bit but I definitely wasn't focusing on my glutes. I remember that. And I remember training for a competition way back in my early 20s. And again, I was doing a crazy amount of cardio lots and lots of running. And I remember one day like two weeks or so out from my show, all of a sudden, like I couldn't even walk up the stairs like my quad just like tightened up so badly. And I went and saw a physical therapist and they had me do some just really simple glute exercises. And I had a big button. I mean, it wasn't muscle, but I had I had fat on my butt and my glutes were so weak. And I attribute a lot of that to that pattern of doing a lot of running but not also working on building my glute muscles along with it. So that's a long way to say they are so important for so many more reasons than just looks. Yeah. And I think you know, being able to activate those glutes if you're sitting around at a desk all day and then the exercise that you're engaging in as a bunch of running or a bunch of peloton unless you're like up and back in the bike sitting in your glutes. You couldn't I guess get some activation there. But yeah, that's like a perfect recipe for weak under activated glutes. And I've never would have thought that I had weak glutes because I genetically carry my weight like my fat in my lower body. And so I thought oh, my butt's really strong, it's kind of big. There's a big difference between having muscle and just that just carrying the fat on your booty. Okay, so I think that a lot of women think that to get a perky booty what they need to do is just get the fat off, do a bunch of cardio eat as little as possible and then when the fat comes off, the perky booty will repeat rebuild. But losing fat and building muscle are two very very different processes in your body you're not going to just lose some fat and then this nice beautiful shapely booty is going to appear that's not going to happen. Just losing fat will never give you the body that you want. You can lose fat or weight but that means that does not translate into being toned, which is what all women tell us they want is a toned look. And if you just lose a bunch of weight without kind of going through the process of building some muscle I think what's going to be revealed as a pancake or a lumpy cake will tell us what not to do to get or what to do if you want to get a pancake or droopy booty. Yeah, so these are the things if you're trying to build nice glutes don't do these things because they will probably result in the pancake. slash droopy booty. So I would say lots and lots of running. I'm sure there was a time I know there was a time in my life years ago when I just thought running was like the the pinnacle of being in shape. And I thought it would just magically create this, this perfect body that I wanted running really is going to burn off your muscle. If you are a runner, your body sees that, Oh, you want to become efficient at running, it doesn't want all of this extra muscle on your body, because that's just extra weight is going to accelerate the burning off of your muscle. And that's not what we want to do for a healthy metabolism and that toned physique. So you don't want to overdo the cardio, especially things like running, you also don't want to waste your time, this is certainly not going to hurt hurt anything like the running might but you don't want to be wasting your time. Just focusing on things like really high reps doing like banded kickbacks or clamshells, or things that you know, maybe they burn, maybe you can do 100 of these and you feel the burn in your glutes. Just because you feel that burn does not mean you're actually really building muscle. And those things certainly have a place I've done those types of moves in physical therapy. But as far as just building those nice nice glute muscles, that's really not where you want to focus. And the other thing I would say, if you want to get nice glutes you cannot be under eating you simply cannot build muscle. If you are constantly in a caloric deficit, you have to be eating enough. Yeah, and we've talked about this before in other contexts, but if you want to build muscle, you need two stimuli, right? You need the resistance training, the exercise stimulus that tells your body to add muscle tissue and you need protein and calories. Absolutely. Yes, yeah, you need all of those things. So as far as the resistance training piece, you want to be doing some heavy weight training. So you want to be doing things like squats, deadlifts, goblet squats, glute bridges, different lunge variations, exercises that work your hamstrings, some abduction type work, like I just mentioned, like the clamshells and the abduction machine that you might find at the gym. That shouldn't be the main focus of your workout. But definitely, you can incorporate it, and you want to be working in lower rep ranges. So no doing these 50 to 100 Feel the burn glute movements I remember as a kid doing my buns of steel tape with my mom, and like, it was like 45 minutes long. And we just did like these leg lifts. There were no weights involved. I mean, so much time spend probably time wasted. And sure it burn and it was really hard, but it probably was not really doing anything. So I was using no weights. So you want to be in the low lower rep ranges like five to 10 reps of these exercises that I just mentioned, if you want to build nice glutes, and then like Joe said, you have to be eating enough you have to be eating enough calories. And specifically you also have to be eating enough protein as well but you need both you need to be eating enough protein, but enough calories overall as well. You cannot build muscle without this and you can not have nice round glutes without this step and this is the step that I think a lot of people miss. I think they think that they can just you know go right into a fat loss phase and trying to eat low calorie and lose weight and all of a sudden they're going to have this nice butt and it just doesn't work that way you kind of have to do it in a specific order you have to build the muscle first before you can then go into a fat loss phase and reveal your nice round glutes that you worked on first. It's really important to kind of go to go in that order and you also want to be doing minimal cardio like I mentioned too much cardio is really going to have a negative impact on trying to build those glutes you especially don't want to be overdoing medium or high intensity cardio I would consider medium intensity cardio maybe like going for a jog high intensity is like an orange theory class or doing Sprint's on a treadmill or something like that I would definitely limit hit to maybe 10 to 40 minutes per week. I personally don't do any walking is great if you want to just do walking and lifting to build those glutes I would say that's probably ideal honestly. So that's those are the secrets that's how you do it. Okay, let's talk about some common complaints that I hear women talking about in regard to their glutes these words are not my words so don't get mad at me but a complaint about the lumpy cake so a que cellulite that their their rears are filled with cellulite and then saddlebags there were a lot of women are worried about their saddlebags which is just that's just those fat pockets that accumulate like on the lower sides of your glutes. So how do you get rid of that? How do you address those issues when you're working on building a perky booty, and then there's kind of two components. So first, you definitely want to work on just building the glute muscles that I mentioned earlier focusing on all of those different angles that's going to help you change your symmetry building muscle in general will just help you lean out so you definitely want to just work on building that muscle underneath there. That's also going to help with the cellulite and smoothing out your skin. One of the worst things you can do for cellulite is just lose weight by eating less and doing a lot of cardio I'm just going to have like this loose skin kind of hanging off of you. And that's just going to reduce your muscle to your skin is going to look much tighter and smoother when you have muscle for it to sit on top of. So you've got to first build the muscle and then to some degree you are going to just have to work on after you've done that getting leaner if you really want to lose you know those those saddlebags specifically, and it certainly is going to help with cellulite I will say genetics do play a role to some degree I personally most of the year do have cellulite because I carry all of my weight in my lower body. Whereas my abs and upper body is lean pretty much all year round, I've got to get pretty lean to have like zero cellulite, I would say that is just a caveat. I mean, if if you were genetically predisposition to carry all of your extra fat in your lower body, it's probably that's just going to be the last place that comes off. And so you probably going to have to get, you're going to see your weight come off maybe in other areas first before it comes off your lower half. So you're going to have to be really patient with a lot of the stuff that we talked about, you can do all these things, but it probably is just going to take longer than you want it to you cannot say You know what, I haven't ever been lifting weights, and I've got some weight to lose. But I also need to build my glutes and I want to do this in three months before summer comes, that's just not going to happen. It's going to take months and months to really work on first building the glutes and then getting lean enough. And now Joe, I know you your booty looks great all year round. We're kind of like the the complete opposites as far as our genetic body types where you are always lean in your lower half and you would be more likely to carry weight in your upper half. Yeah, my glutes are definitely my best asset, no pennant. But what I will say about that, yes, genetics does play a huge, huge role, I would say in the ultimate maybe shape of your booty. But it's just one piece of the equation. Even At my heaviest, I don't really carry any, I don't typically have cellulite in my legs or rear, I just don't and the size of my rear doesn't even really change that much, maybe an inch or so even when I'm like at the height of like a reverse diet or you know, really, really high calories. But I still you know, when I'm training while I if you're competing, you're you're basically training year round, you have an improvement season, and then you have the 12 weeks before a show where you're cutting and seeing what you've built during that improvement season. And so I still work my glutes three times a week. I mean, even though that's not an area that typically I have issues tightening up or coming in. And so it's all just to say that even when you are you know, when you do have some genetics on your side, you still have to do the work. And absolutely, I have seen it with my own eyes. But the shape of my glutes have changed since I started really getting serious and not farting around in the gym. They've changed a bit. They are certainly rounder, the upper contours of my glutes are more built out there's better symmetry. And so there's more definitions. So I have even changed my glutes that I have seen women who have the cellulite have the saddlebags just through patience and time invested at the gym have totally changed the shape of their glutes. So it is possible. I would say genetics is just a small piece of it. And it really is a matter of putting in your time at the gym. Yep, I would totally agree. I guess I just wanted to add you can't you also can't really spot reduce. Like I think a lot of people would say, you know I just want to get rid of this fat here. And it's really about you know, the the very last step that revealing those beautiful glutes just gonna have to get leaner all over we sadly cannot pick and choose where the fat comes off first. But yes, I agree. Whether you are genetically predisposed to carry your weight on your upper or lower body, you still got to do all the steps that we talked about today. Joe and I are built differently and we do the exact same thing. So Joe, you just competed in a bodybuilding competition? Why don't you tell us a little bit more about how you built your what you did for your glutes for that competition? Yeah, so when I was training for my competition, I lifted six days a week, that's a lot. That's not anything we ask of our clients, just FYI, if that scares you, but I was preparing for a competition. So three of those days of lifting were lower body focused. And so every type of deadlift that you can imagine every day, my programming had at least and often to, you know, deadlift variations, four sets of 15 reps, and then lots of every sort of hip thrust variation that you can think of whether that be a weighted bridge, but a lot of hip thrusts or sets of 15. A lot of hamstring work, whether that be like oh, what's the machine that works your hamstrings and blink girl, a hamstring curl or those deadlifts also hit your your hamstrings. A lot of heavy and I mean heavy like 140 pounds on the abduction machine, four sets of 15 and then a lot of accessory work, you know one or two accessory exercises for each workout and those might be what are called high burgers where you are Kind of, I don't know, can you describe that, in my first interview do, you kind of hook your heels under something and you like just your upper body kind of up and down your hamstrings? Yeah, it hits your lower back your glutes and your hamstrings. So those are the opposite, where you are lifting you are anchored to like a bench and you are lifting your legs up. And so again, those all hit those upper glutes, that glute medius, and other parts of your glutes. So an hour, I would say three hours a week, just doing these heavy lifts that were focused on my glutes and my hamstrings. My coaches don't have me do a lot of squats, those are good for your glutes as well, or lunges. It's not that we weren't trying to build out my quads, and I actually don't, my quads don't tend to get bulky or bulk up very quickly. But we just didn't do a lot of lunges or squats but those are good also for building your those are going to hit your quads and your glutes, I just that's just not in my programming, I actually want to start working those in now that I'm out from my show, because I would actually like to get a little bit more definition in my legs. And so I'm hoping that I get some of that in my programming now that I'm done with my show. But I will say at the end those glutes that I worked so hard for I had to do quite a bit of cardio at the end to get to lean out for this competition. I'm like, you know, between a lot every day, several minutes of cardio every day. And it was so sad because I like you said like I I lean out, most women lean out from the top to the bottom, like the lean out like in their shoulders, and then their waist and then like glutes and hips are like that's where the fat comes off. Last I am the exact opposite. my glutes don't really change that much. I mean, they'll they will maybe come in like an inch or so. But I can lose like five inches off my waist. several inches off my shoulders, but it is like the last to come in. But when I was doing all this cardio, those gains, and my glutes just got tinier and tinier. So my booty was shrinking at the end from all that cardio, so it is definitely real. If you want to burn off your booty, go go do a bunch of running is what you want to do. But that's how I did it. And then, of course, nutrition was a huge, huge piece of it, I eat 150 grams of protein, even up until the day I get on stage, I am eating that much protein and lots of calories early early on and competition prep. So that's what I do. You know, I like I said, I can tell that that's the shape of my glutes have changed. But I don't carry a lot of weight there. So I can't say it was like a radical change. The biggest thing I've noticed since I have been a little bit more focused, and structured in my lifting in the last few years is that I am so much stronger. I know from all of that glute work, like I can go I could walk for miles. And I remember we went to Europe 2019 And just all that walking it killed my hips and my lower back was constantly I can I can walk and walk and walk and walk now. And it does not bother my back. And so if you you will like how you feel also, if you work on your lower back is going to feel a lot better, you're going to have a lot fewer injuries you're going to we hear I think a lot of our clients, I feel like we hear a lot about like, oh, I tweaked my back or I tweaked my lower back. I think that's all a symptom of weak glutes. And so this is just another component of like aging in a way that you want to that where you are minimizing injury, you're going to like how you feel if you build out because you're going to necessarily build out, strengthen your lower back, your glutes, your hamstrings, your legs, all of that is going to get stronger as you focus on building your perky booty. Yeah, absolutely. A lot of those exercises work what we call the entire posterior chain. So basically the entire the backside of your body. So they're they're great exercises. Yes. And and that is you know, if you're sitting at a desk all day that posterior chain is that's getting weaker, you're like hunched over and so that's that's really going to help counteract all of that sitting around. Absolutely. All right, do you want to end with our favorite foods that we've been eating lately? Yes. So how about you you're you're like opposites now you're you just started a cutting phase and thankfully I am coming out of a out of one so what's your favorite food that you're be able to work into your lower calorie days? Yes, so I and I did start a cutting phase I think it's been about two weeks now I'm honestly still unsure if I've really lost anything my weight bounces around so much I did hit a new low weight yesterday morning so I'm going to take that as yes things are things are happening but like I said my weight bounces around in like a three pound range all throughout the month. So I think I'll know in like two more weeks if I'm actually losing anything so my calories are lower. I was eating close to like 21 2200 calories and I started my cuts around 1750 which is where I'm at right now I'm hungry I'm very hungry which is hilarious because As back in my 20s I somehow maintained on this much food or less every day and I wasn't starving but now that I've gotten, you know, my metabolism up and I'm used to a lot more food, this is terrible to me and I'm very hungry. But one of my number one tricks for being in a cut that I tell all of my clients or anyone is fill up on fiber specifically, vegetables, vegetables are so low in calories, so filling so good for you. So I've been eating tons of veggies. And one thing that I don't really eat that much throughout the year when I'm not cutting is salads, like I'll eat them at a restaurant, but I don't make them at home that often my kids don't love salad, but I save it for when I'm cutting. And my I guess my favorite food right now Joe, you turned me on to this was gourmet balsamic vinegars they make all the difference on a salad, they're almost no calories, I actually don't even track them. I feel like it's like five or 10 calories for like a tablespoon or two. So I just, I honestly don't even track it. But it tastes so good. And something about it just tastes so good and fresh and clean. It is so different than just buying some cheap balsamic vinegar from the grocery store. I tried that one time, I was like, Oh, here's some way cheaper, white balsamic vinegar, put it on my salad. It was terrible. I will never do that, again, the ones that Joe has turned me on to and maybe you could mention some of the brands that you like, they're not cheap, but they are just so good. And so I kind of save it up and I just use those now each year on my salads during my cutting phase. So it's almost like a treat that I get when I'm in a fat loss phase. So that is my food of the week is the gourmet balsamic vinegars Can You Do you remember any of the brands so Baker and all of is a brand that I use? They have a different label the same vinegar but you can get it on Amazon I think it's Roberts or something I can't remember but Baker on all of and they usually have free shipping so you can just order directly from Baker and olive. What flavors do you have? Peach? The only one I've tried is peach. Oh, yeah. Robert, I'm looking at my Amazon orders right now. And yes, it's called Roberts infused balsamic vinegar. I think it's like $20 for a bottle. It does last quite a while but yeah, I always get peach. I haven't ventured into any of the other flavors because I like the peach so much, but I should try some of the other flavors. Yeah. My suit of the week. Smells amazing. Yeah, I have great fruit and peach. And then we've given this they have like the most interesting flavors like I think there's a vanilla one and like some other fruit flavor and apricot one that just you could just really go to town. So I agree. I love those vinegars. Those are good well my my diet the last two weeks leading up to that show was was very sad it was a lot of cucumbers and chicken and sweet potato and really not much more than that. And usually after a show like you know I'm raring to go and I have quite an appetite and you know have things that I want to tick off my list I want to have but I have to be honest, I have been just very exhausted since I finished the show like can barely keep my eyes open during the day and my I have been eating for sure but my appetite really hasn't come back yet. So I am hoping that once the fatigue subsides I know it was from doing all that cardio the last two weeks and just revving the engine probably a little too hard. But that's what's required for doing a show. That's not anything that we require of our clients for sure. But my body is feeling it I am I am tired and I just it's kind of that tired where like even after you sleep you don't feel rested. It's not a great feeling. But the thing that I the lady who food preps for me she made for me for the night that I got home the most amazing strawberry shortcake. So it was like the the shortcake part of it she made with cornmeal, which sounds really weird. It was like some shortbread or something, but it was so good. And then fresh strawberries and then she made this almond coconut ice cream on top of it and then like homemade whipping cream. So I have that every night. Strawberry Shortcake is my food of choice right now. So that is good. And it sounds like your body needs food and you will get your energy back. Yeah, you just need to feel yourself and you'll get there. But yeah, that sounds amazing. Yeah. So okay, well, that's all we have for you today. Like we said, make sure to check out our free challenges if you want to work with us. So make sure you get on our waitlist for July there will be links to both in our show notes. And then stay tuned for future how to build it episodes where we'll be talking about things like how to build nice guns, How To Get A Six Pack, how to get Carrie Underwood legs, all the things and we'll tell you how to do it. But that's what we have for today. Thanks, everyone. Bye. Bye. That's what we've got for you today about how you can invest in your metabolism and start losing weight by eating more and exercising less. Trust us you aren't too old and it's never too late. If you want to learn more about this topic, head over to our Facebook group to Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30. You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook at Couture Fitness Coaching and if you want to work with us join us for our next 12 weeks session.