Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast

Ep 30 - Give Your Metabolism A Boost This Holiday Season

Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

The holidays are upon us.  'Tis the season for Halloween candy, pumpkin pie, and holiday parties and treats.   Sounds like a terrible time to go on a diet and restrict calories, and we couldn’t agree more. 

 The secret to being lean for life is to have a rocking metabolism, which means you can’t be on a diet or in a calorie restricted state all year long.  This is why the holidays are a GREAT time to invest in your physique and metabolism.  It turns out you can have your cake (or pumpkin pie or holiday treats or New Year’s toast) and enjoy it too.  The key is to use those extra holiday calories strategically.

 In this episode Allison and Jo discuss HOW to invest in your metabolism this holiday season.  If you want to prime your body for fat loss and not throw in the towel on your fitness and weight loss goals this holiday season, take a listen!


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Welcome to the Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast. I'm Joe. And I'm Allison and we're your co hosts and the founders of Couture Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching. We're on a quest to help women design lives they love and bodies they adore. We were fed up with the dieting industry and decided to create something different. We're starting a calories up revolution where women are nourished, their metabolisms are healed and their bodies and brains start working for them in the battle against weight loss. If you feel like your metabolism is wrecked and you want to lose weight once and for all you are in the right place. Well, hello everyone. Today you have both Joe and Alison on the podcast. And today we're going to talk about why the holidays as as we are approaching them are the best time for you to invest in your metabolism. A lot of people think like oh, the holidays, forget about dieting, I can't make any improvements in my fitness or body composition. Not true, you absolutely can. And today we're going to talk about that. But first, I want to talk to you about what's going on over ector Fitness and Lifestyle coaching. We are nearing the end of enrollment for our October metabolic makeover program. So if you're interested in working with us, you need to go over and sign up. Now you can either buy a program directly from our website at couture fitness, go to the work with us page or it isn't too late to schedule a console call the link to schedule one of those is in our show notes. But what you get when you work with us is number one, a one on one nutrition and fitness coach who will create a plan designed just for you customized to you based on your goals and how much you can work out those sorts of things. And that coach will work with you every week, which makes sure you are progressing towards your goals, you will also get access to all of our group coaching, we have at least two coaching calls a week, sometimes three. And so you'll get access to all of that. And then you also get access to our private community. So it's a great deal, just go check us out on our website on Instagram, if you want to learn more and get signed up if you're interested in working with us. Also, if you have been listening to this podcast for a while and are a regular listener, we would love it if you left us a five star review so that other people can find us and get the same information that we're sharing with you. Okay, onto today's topic. So we are talking about today why now right now as we enter the holidays, it's the best time of year to work on your metabolism. This, like I said might seem like the worst time of year to work on a fitness goal. But it is in fact one of the best times to work on your metabolism and to work on building muscle. And again, when we talk about metabolism, what we're talking about is how much energy your your body expends on a regular basis, not by necessarily doing a bunch of exercise, but just sitting around how many calories your body expends. That's That's how we're defining metabolism. And I will say obviously, you all know I'm very, very passionate about this topic. I mean, our whole podcast is literally called boost your metabolism. But I will add, if I had just known this information 20 years ago, I would have saved myself so much wasted mental energy, dieting, doing things like crazy hour long boot camps running not that I hated running. But would I have run if it didn't burn any calories? No. So I guess I didn't really love it as much as I told myself, I liked it back when I used to do it. And I would have enjoyed a lot more food with no guilt. So I will also add if you normally kick off the new year, with a diet, you will wish you would have spent these these three months leading up to then priming your body for success. It's going to make the diet a lot more successful. If you do some of these things that we're going to talk about in the months leading up to your diet. So don't think you know these are the holidays, they're just these months are just lost, you can really use them to your advantage and use them in a way to where you will enjoy all the food during this time as well. So Joe, why should we care about working on our metabolism? And you're probably thinking Joe, I don't really care that much about my metabolic health. I just want to be skinny. Well, having a healthy metabolism is the key. If you want to be lean for life, you are going to want to invest in and up regulate your metabolism. If you have been someone who has chronically dieted or have yo yo dieted, meaning you know that and that can happen intentionally or unintentionally where you've been an on and off diets and need to invest in your metabolism and what that is is training your body to burn more calories while at rest and that is truly the key to managing your weight. What that does for you is you will be able to diet effectively on more calories. You can go on vacation and not worry about gaining weight you can go to the holidays and enjoy all your favorite foods and not worry about your weight skyrocketing when you are eating more calories, your body heals from injuries faster and easier. And just kind of all the processes in your body work better as intended, like your digestion, your cycles, and your hormones, all those things are going to function better. When you are operating on higher calories, you're going to have stronger bones and you are going to be a lot stronger and feel a lot stronger with a healthier metabolism and also being able to eat more calories. So we talked about all of the benefits of what we call this calories up lifestyle. We have a blog post on it on our blog, if you want to read more about that. But those are all the reasons why you would want to teach your body to sort of burn more calories just on its own, and why you would want to teach your body to process being able to eat more calories. Absolutely. So from a practical perspective, what does it actually mean to be, quote working on your metabolism. So let's talk about you know how energy expenditure works, what happens when you die it and how to get your metabolism in a better place. So what investing in your metabolism really means is just creating and implementing certain nutrition and exercise habits that train your body to burn more calories on its own. So for example, I would say fasting versus eating protein, one of those is going to support your metabolism and the other is going to actually downgrade or down regulate your metabolism. That's the fasting. And then something like changing your exercise doing hours and hours of cardio that's going to down regulate your metabolism, whereas engaging in resistance training is going to boost your metabolism. Now most of the diet industry is really focused on reducing calories or creating a calorie deficit to lose weight. And that's what you need to lose weight your body needs to be operating in a calorie deficit. And most of the diet industry focuses on doing that by taking food away or restricting calories. And adding in more exercise, what we're talking about is a different approach. And this is training your body on its own to burn more calories. It sounds weird, but what we're actually trying to do is to make your body become more efficient, and how it uses energy efficiency is not a good thing. When it comes to your metabolism and maintaining a healthy weight, we actually want your body to be inefficient with calories and burn more of them to sustain its processes, all the things that we're going to tell you to do are going to help with that process of making your body just burn more calories at rest on its own. And I think one thing we've we've said this on a different podcast before, I can't remember what episode. But think of doing cardio is like manually burning calories. But working on your metabolism is automating that process. So you can just be sitting here not moving and your body is just burning more than maybe somebody who has downregulated their metabolism. So it's just kind of automating that process, which I think we all probably want that we want. We want to be burning calories while we sit here, just like we all want to be earning interest while you know while we're sleeping. So it's kind of similar to investing in that way. Yeah, definitely a good analogy. Okay, so who do you think should be interested in this topic who should be working on their metabolism? Well, really everyone can stand to spend some time working on their metabolism. Again, the diet industry wants you to be focused on fat loss and losing weight all the time. But truly, you should really only be dieting a small percentage of the time. So really, anyone could do this and benefit from it. So there are definitely people who absolutely must do this. And these are people who are under eating, the reason they need to work on their metabolism is if they if they have been chronically under eating, they have likely downregulated their metabolism, so their body is burning fewer calories, you know to do its regular activities then, before they embarked on the calorie restriction or the dieting or they're under eating. And so they are going to have a very, very difficult time maintaining their weight. And they may experience that over time as like the weight just starts creeping on and they don't know why. And they go and employ their usual methods and you know, they can't get the weight off. That's eventually what can happen to those people. But then there are people who maybe haven't been under eating in the near past and like you or I who should still work to continue to keep their metabolism healthy it is you know, I've heard some people in this field say like if everyone just kind of gave their metabolism a boost and worked on teaching their body to burn a couple 100 more calories a day on its own, you know, a lot of the diseases that we battle right now, you know, diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's, insulin resistance, a lot of health issues that we battle in this day and age would go away if we could just teach our bodies to burn more calories on their own. So really, I think anyone can work on this. Yeah, and it's something that I'm Still very conscious about I mean, I've probably had my metabolism in a good spot now for probably 12 or so years since I finally learned all of this and stopped my, my under eating and overdoing the cardio and I will tell you, it's such a happier place to be in for me, that means I kind of have this personal rule that I will never be on a diet. And when I say a diet, I don't mean some like, you know, plan where I only cabbage or I don't eat certain foods, I just mean being in a caloric deficit, I tell myself, I cannot do that for more than three months out of a year maximum. A lot of times, it's even less than that. Sometimes it's not at all throughout the year, but three months is like my maximum, I keep cardio pretty low throughout the year. So that way I can strategically add more in if I want to when I'm in a cut. And I also have told myself, you can't chase being lean year round, if you want to stay healthy. And honestly, when you chase being lean all year round, which I have done in the past, you're never going to get there, you have to give your body those breaks. So I think it's something that, you know, yes, if you're under eating, this is really important. But even if you're not, it's kind of good to still keep this in mind. Even for people like you and I who know this, we kind of still have to remind ourselves we ourselves cannot die it too much and overdo things like cardio if we want to stay healthy too, because, you know, anybody can get themselves into a bad place. Yeah. So I want to ask you a follow up question to this. Okay, because I know that there are some folks listening to this podcast are thinking like, Okay, I might be under eating based on how you know, the I've heard them talk about, you know, calorie ranges that they consider to be adequate and healthy. I know I'm eating less than that. But I am 3040 5060 pounds overweight, there's no way that I need to work on my metabolism and eat more when I'm that when I have that much weight to lose, I should just I think I should just focus immediately on losing all that weight. What do you say about that? Yeah. And I know that that is probably what everybody you know, in that situation thinks because Right? They're just like, I just want to lose weight. I don't really care how I do it. I just want to get this weight off of me. But I will say if you were in that spot, you still you could not shortchange yourself and skip this step, because you're going to stall out so quickly. I mean, if you're under eating, and you try to under eat even more, you're, first of all, it's going to be difficult to stick with something that's super restrictive. But even if you can, your body is just going to it's going to stall out really quickly. And then where do you have to go, you're still kind of in that same spot where well now I'm, I'm really under eating, but I still have all this weight to lose. And so I would recommend that you know, if you're in that spot, just kind of bite the bullet and just do the work that you need to to fix your metabolism first, you won't regret it. We can give some examples, because we've definitely had clients who are in the same spot. And I'm sure you know, when they start working with us. They think we're nuts because we tell them, Okay, we know you want to lose 50 pounds. And we're going to start by giving you more food, I'm sure they think we're absolutely nuts. And it probably takes them you know, many months of working with us to see like, Okay, this really is the way to go. This really is working. And I'm sure it's terrifying at first, but it simply can't be you can't avoid this step if you're under eating because a quote diet is never going to work for you. And we've got Joe, I think you're going to talk about an example here. That's pretty common. This you know, that we see quite a quite often with our clients. So what is your metabolism working on your metabolism actually look like if you're in that spot that that we just described someone who maybe has 3040 50 pounds to lose, or maybe not even that much, but it has been chronically under eating for years. How does this person go about working on their metabolism, I'm just going to give an example of a client that we have some as a woman who is in her 50s She under eight for years was on Weight Watchers pretty much her entire adult life and was eating very low calories on Weight Watchers and it stopped working like her her body just stopped responding to those low calories. And so what she had basically trained her body to do all those years on weightwatchers was burn as few calories as possible to stay alive and to store fat and also at those very low calories. What she also likely did was depleted whatever muscle tissue that she did have on her body not that she you know had zero muscle tissue but all of that under eating most likely did deplete some of her muscle tissue, which again just train her body to burn fewer calories and store fat that is not the result most people are aiming for. So for this planet, what we had to do is increase the calories she was eating so that we could train her body and teach her body it was okay to burn the calories she was giving it because there would be plenty of nutrition and we also had her start lifting weights to increase the muscle tissue on her body muscle is very very calorically active meaning that you if you have a lot of muscle on your body, your body is going to be expending a lot of calories to maintain that muscle. So that's what we did with her to work on her metabolism is actually increased her calories and had her begin resistance training so that she could increase, you know, the amount of calories her body just burned on its own. And I will add, I know, you know, I know the client you're talking about she is down quite a bit of weight now since she started working with us, and she is losing weight eating so so much more than she ate when she did Weight Watchers for I want to say she was on Weight Watchers at least 10 or 20 years, she's losing weight now eating more than she was on Weight Watchers. So she is, I think, probably very happy with the fact that we we got her calories at first to get her to a place where that could happen for her. Okay, so what about somebody who's not in this category, you know, maybe somebody who's not under eating, but is thinking, hey, I'm, you know, I'm over 30, or I'm over 40 or 50. And I want to keep my metabolism healthy, what can they be doing. So with that person the goal, or sort of work on their metabolism, it's a little bit more simple, so we don't have to get their calories up. And so what our goal would be with that person would simply be to increase the muscle tissue on their body. And so we would have them do strength training. And we would also still calibrate their nutrition and make sure they're eating plenty of protein, and you know, enough calories to support adding muscle tissue to their body. And then if they want to reduce body fat, we would work with them so that they did so in a way that didn't deplete their muscle or cause their metabolism to down regulate. So we do this by taking them through several, sometimes several Fat Loss and Muscle Building cycles. So and a fat loss cycle, we would be decreasing their calories not too low and working on them losing body fat, and then and then we would you know, when we felt like they had been doing that for long enough, we would then switch them into a muscle building cycle where we'd bring their calories back up and just focus on adding muscle to their body, or anything with every client is to improve body composition, which means adding to the amount of muscle on your body and decreasing the amount of fat tissue a person has on their body in the bodybuilding world, which Alex and I both come from, we call these muscle building cycles, our improvement season, because that's really when you can make the biggest investment in your metabolic infrastructure. And also, it's when you actually make the most improvements to your physique, you may not see them during that phase, you may not see those improvements until you go through a fat loss phase. But that's really the time that you are actually improving your physique when your calories are higher. And you are working on adding muscle to your body. Yeah, definitely. Okay, so you might be hearing us talk about, you know, you gotta get your calories up and thinking, Well, I'm gonna gain so much weight, and this is gonna be terrible. And even though I can buy into this, you know, metabolic repair thing, I don't want to gain 20 pounds just to get my metabolism in a good spot, I will say that when we work with somebody where we have to first repair their metabolism, we always tell people, we can not be sure how your body and your weight will respond. So we have people who actually lose weight as we add in calories. Those are, you know, obviously, that's fun, right to see the scale go down while you're eating more and more, we have some people who gain weight. And that's really mentally tough, I think for them, but they know it's for the greater good. And we have a lot I would say most people probably fall into this bucket that I'm about to talk about here where their weight stays pretty much the same. Maybe they lose, you know, two to five pounds, or maybe they gained two to five pounds, but they lose inches. And specifically, we see them lose inches on their waist, which is a clear sign that they are losing body fat, you know, since their weight staying pretty stable. They're also adding muscle, but we really you just never know how your body is going to react. So I thought I would add that in there. Because that is important to know. But don't think you're going to gain a ton of weight. I think everybody fears that they're going to gain like a lot of weight. And I don't think anybody ever gains as much as they they fear they're going to so I just wanted to put that in there. I will say it doesn't necessarily matter what your age is. Maybe you're thinking well, I'm you know, I'm too old, this will never work for me. We have 70 year old clients who are who have gotten their food up higher than they have in years. One of them I think could say she's eating more than she has in 50 years. You know, she's doing strength training, she's getting stronger, her weight is staying stable, and her body composition is improving. So don't think that you know, it's too late for you because it's not. Yeah, I think this is really where mindset comes in. And you've really got to get your head in the right space because for a lot of people intentionally eating more and setting aside immediate weight loss goals can be very scary even though logically, this might make a lot of sense there's going to be a little voice in your head that says Wait, you should be losing weight. And so to kind of put that to the side for a moment can feel very scary and it's very much goes against the grain of mainstream diet industry that promotes always being in a weight loss mode and living and dying by what the scale is doing. And here what you're going to be doing is switching if the goal and only your main goal during this time period is to build muscle and again get those calories up. The other thing that could happen from a mindset perspective, especially if you are a yo yo Dieter or you have haven't been very intentional with your nutrition, where you aren't regularly exercising is that as you incorporate these habits, your brain is going to tell you that you are doing a lot of work not to be losing weight. And to throw in the towel, I will tell you this is a very unproductive and destructive thought pattern. If you want to be lean for life, you're gonna have to develop a few key lifestyle habits. And it is much easier to develop these habits, the lifting, getting in regular movement, when you are giving yourself adequate nutrition, you know, it's hard to restrict calories. And so to try to restrict calories, develop a new exercise routine, you know, go on a walk every day is going to be very difficult when you're also trying to restrict calories. So yes, you might be working hard, it's okay, if you're not losing weight, you are developing all the habits that you need to develop in order to maintain a lean physique for life. So here's what you can focus on instead of the scale, the number on the scale going down, you can focus on knowing that you are doing the right thing for your body long term, you can also set a non scale goal. So what I mean by that is you can if you're someone who gets very fixated on numbers, namely the scale number, you can train your brain to fixate on a different number. So that could be how many reps you can do of a particular lift, you can focus on how much weight you are lifting, especially I'm talking about like the big lifts, like how much your you know, your chest presses your squat, your deadlift you can focus on if you need a number to focus on, you can focus on that, you could also focus on all the amazing habits that you're forming, you could count how many times you make it to the gym to lift in a particular week, or how many times you hit your nutrition and set goals. The reality is mainstream diet industry is always focused on you being on a diet. But the reality is learning what to do when you're not in a diet, which should really be most of the time is what is going to help you be lean for life, you need to develop those key lifestyle habits that I just talked about to maintain a lean physique. In terms of the scale, for me personally, and this is, you know, we talk to clients a lot about this. But when I started making these investments, getting my calories up lifting a lot more, the scale really didn't change all that much. And I have pictures of myself at the same weight around 153 pounds, but my body composition looks very different. But if I was just fixated on the number of the scale, I would think I had not made any improvements or any changes in my body. So that's all just to say that body composition that is increasing that muscle mass, decreasing the fat mass on your body, those improvements don't always mean that the scale is going to go down, what we do is we have clients track a variety of data points, so we can understand how a person's body composition is changing. And so you can't just judge whether you're having success by what the scale is doing. The other thing is, you know, I will say the first time I did a really long reverse diet, I did gain some weight, and some of it was fat, and it was okay, it was totally worth it. And when I went into a dieting cycle, I lost a lot of weight and got leaner than I ever had before. So even if you do gain weight during this process number one, it's probably not all body fat. And there's if you've never lifted before, and you're you're lifting more than you were for embarking on this process, you have most likely added muscle to your frame, which is great. That's wonderful. And you might have added a little bit of body fat, but it's not the end of the world. And it's okay, it's okay if you've even gained a little bit of weight during your reverse diet. And that's probably very normal. So nothing to freak out about. Yeah, absolutely. It is definitely for the greater the greater good. You have to think long term when you do embark on a journey to improve your metabolism for sure. Okay, so why do you think, Joe, that this is the best time of year to focus on your metabolic health? Well, we are going into the winter season, and we have a lot of holidays coming up where we just tend to this is a time of the year that we tend to eat more and be less active. So I think it's not an ideal time to try to go into a calorie deficit. I actually don't know anyone who's ever successfully dieted over the holidays. It's just very, very hard. It's kind of miserable, because you have to manage those holiday meals and everything. It's not to say you can't lose weight over the holidays. It's just one meal. But it's hard. And so I think this is a great time to make improvements in your body composition as we just did that just by adding muscle to your body and getting it used to higher calories. And just use all those holiday calories to good use and invest in and upgrade your metabolism. So I guess in other words, if you're going to be eating more during this time period, you can do it in a strategic way that will prime your body for fat loss in the new year. We have a whole podcast on that. It's our second podcast, I think so this is the time of year that you can be priming your body for fat loss. It's not a free for all like you want to be strategic about it, but it can set you up for very easy weight loss in the new year. If that's what you want to do. Yeah, and the one other thing I would add about why this is a good time of year to do this. Our bodies are much less on display at this time, so we're, you know, it's cooler, we're probably wearing pants and sweatshirts and begging your clothes not to say, you know, that's not to say you're expected to gain all this weight when you, you know, get your calories up, but your body's just less on display. And hopefully that will allow you to, you know, not think so much about the scale, or, oh, I need to get this weight off immediately allow you to just be a little more patient and maybe focus on some of those strength based non scale goals at this time. So I totally agree that this is a really, really good time to work on your metabolism. Like you said, Joe, I personally have never tried to cut calories this time of year. I don't think it would be fun. And I We've had clients who have done it. And if you're, you know, if you're motivated, and your body's in a good spot, you can lose weight at anytime a year, right. But I do think this is absolutely the best time to get your calories up and invest in your metabolism is right now. I'm sure by now you guys are probably thinking this, yes, this all makes sense. But this sounds really scary. And I can never actually do this because as soon as I see the scale go up, I'm going to freak out and go back to my old restrictive ways. And I get it, I've done that myself. You know, when I finally realized that all of my problems with my my weight wouldn't move and why I couldn't get lean and why I was having problems with my cycle and fertility issues. I knew it was 100% all to do with with under eating. And even when I knew that I just kind of waffled around for so long. Because I would you know, I would try to push my feet up a little higher. But then maybe if this field made me unhappy one day, I'd go right back down and say, Oh, I'm going to cut calories for a week and then I'll you know, I'll I'll get my food up again after that. But I gotta get my weight back down. And I never really made any progress. I could have saved years of frustration if I had just worked with somebody who knew what they were doing, and understood this and could have just encouraged me to say, No, do not be tempted to go back to your calorie cutting ways. Just keep your food up. And I promise you it will all work out in the long run I so wish I would have had somebody like that it would have, you know, saved me a whole lot of time and frustration. So Joe, can you talk about some of the support that we provide for somebody who is maybe working to repair their metabolism and stop their under eating cycle? Yeah, I'll just echo that this really is a time that you need support. And especially if all the information we've just given you is new to you and you self identify as a chronic Dieter or a chronic yo yo Dieter, you are definitely going to need some support to not be on a diet. And I say this from personal experience, it is very hard to train your brain to be okay with not having a sole goal of a scale going down. Also, one thing I want to stress is that yes, this is about eating more and getting your calories up it is not a free for all. And so this is not what what we're not telling you to do is to just go eat with reckless abandon and become a couch potato. If you do that you will gain fat and probably not much muscle, you will not be happy at all with your physique. A good coach is going to provide you a very structured approach to investing in your metabolism. So how we do it is and by the way, Allison was this person for me when I reverse dieted. And I remember distinctly, the first time the scale went up, it came right back down, by the way, but it went up I think two pounds and I emailed her in a panic that I was done with this, I was gonna go back to running and she's like, No, you're not, you got to keep up this. So I have been there. I know how difficult it can be. And it did help to have someone who was objective and not emotionally invested in this dieting. So we provide a one on one coach, if you work with us, who's going to be calibrating your nutrition upward, telling you each week, how much you need to eat, and then also helping you strategically use those extra calories, she is going to tell you exactly what to do in the gym down to the exercises to do and the number of reps, you're also going to get mindset coaching in a group setting, which is really, really important because this is as much a mental game as anything. And it involves a lot of deprogramming. And we provide a lot of education as to why chronic dieting is just going to downgrade your metabolism over time. So we really help you understand the science of this ultimately to empower you and help you make good start making good decisions on your own. So like I had mentioned at the beginning of the show we are enrolling now and if you have questions about our program, you can get on a call with me or Allison, as I mentioned earlier, there's a link to schedule that call in our show notes. Or if you're if you don't have any questions, you can just go and reserve your spot on our website that's linked in the show notes too. But like I said, I think it's probably probably need a coach more if if you know you have some work to do on your metabolism. If you know you've been chronically dieting for a good portion of your adult life, and things just aren't responding anymore. This is the time to invest in a coach that can really help get you out of this. Okay, I think that's all we have to say on that. So happy birthday to So couture fitness, we are officially a little over a year old. We actually celebrated our first birthday in July. So I can't believe it's been a year. I know it's crazy, but it's been a really awesome journey. Yeah. And I think the podcast will be a year old in a month or so. So I still can't believe that we have a podcast. But anyway, I thought we could end with what our favorite things are about coaching. So Allison, what do you enjoy most about being a fitness and nutrition coach and about consumer fitness? Probably two things. So you guys can probably tell when I talk that I am the most passionate about helping the women who are under eating just because I've been there. And I know, it's so frustrating to be like, Hey, I know I'm not eating too much. I know I'm exercising enough. Why is my body not cooperating? It is beyond frustrating. And I love helping women who are in that same spot, helping them get out of that rut, because it truly is life changing when you get out of that rut. And then the other thing that I love is really just educating women on the importance of being strong and having muscle on on your body. I know I have a couple of friends who you know, maybe they're not clients, but they have been doing like our free strength training challenge that we run occasionally. And it's just really great to see people who I know have not really strength train before being inspired to get into it. So that's probably my other favorite thing, just promoting women getting physically strong. What about you? I think my favorite thing is when you know, a month or so into the program after someone has started with us, I think the best compliment I can get is you know, they kind of have shifted from the vanity goals and I get it vanity you know, the vanity goals are very motivating. I am a vain person, I like to look good. I like my body to look a certain way. But to hear a client say, you know, I just feel so much better. I have more energy, I'm sleeping better. I don't ever want to go back to my old ways I was a we'll have to do a podcast on this like I was a yo yo Dieter, I tried every dumb thing in the world. So to get people off short to get women off of that crazy. I just know how crazy making it is and how much of your brain it can occupy and honestly how terrible you can feel physically just swinging from low calorie to high calorie to everything in between. So to hear people say like my I don't have sugar cravings anymore. I feel good. I have great energy. I don't really even care what the skill is doing anymore, because I just want to keep feeling this good. And I've never felt better. That is really what I love hearing. So that's been fun. It's happened a lot. So probably the most common thing I hear and it makes me really happy. Because I think it really is. You know, having good nutrition. Having effective exercise plan really is a quality of life enhancer in a way that you can't know until you experience it. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. No, I love hearing that too. For sure. Okay, well, that's all that we have for you today. If you again, if you're interested in working with us go get signed up, sign up for a console call and we will get you in the queue. Have a great day, everyone. Thank you. Bye bye. That's what we've got for you today about how you can invest in your metabolism and start losing weight by eating more and exercising less. Trust us you aren't too old and it's never too late. If you want to learn more about this topic, head over to our Facebook group, Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30. You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook at Couture Fitness Coaching. And if you want to work with us, join us for our next 12 weeks session.