Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast

Ep 33 - How To Build It - Carrie Underwood Legs

October 25, 2022 Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching Season 1 Episode 33
Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast
Ep 33 - How To Build It - Carrie Underwood Legs
Show Notes Transcript

Today's episode is part of our How To Build It series. Who is ready to build some Carrie Underwood legs? Her legs have been described as perfectly toned and sculpted and "the best legs in country music." We agree that they are pretty amazing! But they didn't happen by accident - so how do you get yourself some Carrie Underwood legs? It's easier than you might think!

In this episode, Allison and Jo break it all down and discuss what to do in the gym and how to optimize your nutrition so you can create your own set of Carrie Underwood legs. Even if your legs aren't your favorite body part. And the good news is that an amazing set of chiseled legs aren't just for show - making the investment to build them is one of the best things you cand do for your health and to ensure that your future self is mobile, can get up and down from the toilet, and is not hobbling around on a walker. Take a listen today and put Carrie Underwood Legs on your list of New Year's Resolutions for 2023!

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Welcome to the Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast. I'm Joe. And I'm Allison and we're your co hosts and the founders of Couture Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching. We're on a quest to help women design lives they love and bodies they adore. We were fed up with the dieting industry and decided to create something different. We're starting a calories up revolution where women are nourished, their metabolisms are healed and their bodies and brains start working for them in the battle against weight loss. If you feel like your metabolism is wrecked and you want to lose weight once and for all you are in the right place. Welcome everyone, you've got Allison and Joe here. Today, we're going to be talking about how to get yourself some legs like Carrie Underwood because I think they are like the gold standard of legs that every female would like to achieve. But first I want to start by just talking about what's going on here at couture fitness. We just kicked off our October session. So all of the ladies in our session have gotten a customized one on one coaching fitness and nutrition plan they've been assigned to their personal coaches. And they are all making some awesome progress. It's really fun to watch a new group of ladies just really, really start to learn and make some awesome progress. So that's always super fun. If you are interested in working with us for our one on one custom coaching, you can go to our website, there's a pop up that will say learn more about our programs, we're enrolling for January, you can put your name in there and that will make sure that you are on our email list. You'll be notified when we start enrolling people for January which will probably be sometime around December 1. So that's what I would say to go out and do now if you think you want to work with us starting in January. The last thing I want to do is request from all of you when we've got several regular listeners who have told me how much the podcast has helped them. If you've been listening for a while and this podcast has been beneficial to you we would love if you could give us a five star review that will help other people find us much easier. So that is my ask for all of you listeners out there for this week. Yeah, so like Allison said, today we're going to continue our how to build it series and we're going to talk about Carrie Underwood legs and she has been described as having the best legs and country music I would probably agree and she is also someone our clients so they always tell us you know, when they have a big impossible fitness goal, it's to have Carrie Underwood legs so her legs have been described as sculpted, toned, chiseled and shredded, not all in the same sentence but in different articles. So what is the look? What what what do Carrie Underwood legs look like? Well, I took a look and they there are actually a lot of before and after pictures of Carrie I guess I would say looks like from before she started lifting and doing a lot of resistance training and after. So what you can see in her legs is a very visible quad and hamstring development. She does have some development in her calves but I would say she definitely has some good quads and hamstrings. When we're talking about nice legs. We don't want to forget about hamstring development, but definitely not kind of like a skin and bone book or no thigh gap that I can tell. So if you are going for the Kate Moss look probably this is probably not the right podcast for you. She definitely has some muscular legs, they look very strong. They look amazing in mini skirts, short shorts and cowboy boots and also like short, beautiful, I would say sequined gowns so why don't we start Alison with an anatomy lesson. Can you talk about what muscles are in the legs? Sure, there there are several. So we'll just kind of start at the bottom calf muscles. I think everybody knows what your calf muscles are. So calf muscles and then you've got quads and hamstrings. So quads are going to be the front of the thighs, hamstrings are going to be the back and then you've got your inner and outer thighs which are the adductors and abductors. So those are the various muscles that that make up our legs. Great legs are not just for show. So Joe, do you want to talk about what else these great muscular and strong legs can do for us? Absolutely. So number one, these are your legs are the quads hamstrings that Alison just mentioned, along with your glutes are some of the largest muscle groups in your body. So you build out your legs you are going to have some calorie burning muscles sitting on your body. So like we've talked about before, this is going to help out your metabolism working those legs and having big defined muscles in those legs is just going to eat calories all day long. But the other more I think probably maybe more important thing is that you definitely want to have leg strength as you age your legs are strong legs, strong quads in particular are going to be what help you get up and down like off of a toilet or go up and down stairs. They are also going to help About with balance and overall mobility so that you know you don't fall walking down a step and break your hip and then you know you're on a walker and all sorts of other horrible things happen. So they are a key to remaining mobile as you age. And I don't know if you've noticed this, Alison, but you can really see us people age like that, you can see that quad muscle especially wasting, and you can just see an older people, you know, just it's just skin and bone, you can just see how frail and fragile those people are. And so you don't want to get yourself in that spot. You want to start building those muscles. Now. You know, I think you could probably do it. But age 80 is not when you want to start working on building out your legs and having that strength for when you age. So I think if you can think of them as our coach Leanne always says Exercise is Medicine, having strong leg muscles is going to be you know, medicine to help you age gracefully and keep you from breaking that hip or falling or having some of those injuries related to just being weak and immobile. Absolutely. Okay. So Allison, how do we get Carrie Underwood blinds? What's the secret? Well, it's actually pretty simple. So Joe, I know. Yeah, yeah, I Googled it. Let me tell you what I found. I did find a workout it was not actually carry working out. But she was doing a bunch of hopping up and down. And she was doing like some squats and lunges and stuff in between. But I would guess again, it was this was curious purported workout routine. I don't know that it is it looks like a lot of hit cardio to be honest with you know, kind of focused on like exercises. But the other thing I found when I googled it is that Carrie said that working out is her self care and her me time. And I think that's a great way to look at working out. So I agree with that. But then in a real article where Carrie was quoted, she says that she does squats lunges and deadlifts all the time because they work and that is her workout routine. So is it really that simple, just three moves that will give you Carrie Underwood legs. Honestly, it really couldn't be that simple. And I know a lot of times we don't want the simple answer. We want the answer to be complicated and feel like it's some secret that oh, we just need to find out the secret and we're gonna get these awesome legs. Nope, it really is that simple. So I can tell maybe an example of like what I do each week. And what I would have most of my clients do, I personally do all of those things in any given week. So I will normally the way I divide up my leg days, I don't necessarily like to do one day of just all legs. It's just really draining and I'm pretty sore. And then the next day, my legs are just so tired, I don't really want to move or do much of anything. So I like to divide it up where I do a little bit of legs two days a week. But I will always probably once a week I will squat. Once a week I will deadlift I will also do some different lunge variations in there. I always do some sort of calf work for me personally, calves or my calves are too small. So I've been I've been trying to build those for like a decade, it's slow going. So I always do some calf work. And then I also do this is more I would call it physical therapy type work. I do some stuff for my glutes or outer thighs a little bit with some bands. And that's not necessarily you know, to be to build muscle. It's more just to keep those muscles strong and you know, to help prevent injuries. But really, it's that it's that simple. It's if you just did those three exercises and you did them once or twice a week. That would be an amazing way to work your legs. So yeah, like Carrie said she does squats lunges and deadlifts because they work that's kind of all you need to know. Okay, and are you doing like, you know, 150 lunges and like 150 squats? And 150. deadlifts. Good question. I shouldn't Yes, I should have been more clear. So personally, I would probably do something like four sets of 10 lunges, four sets of 10 squats, four sets of 10. deadlifts sometimes I play around with the reps, maybe sometimes I'll go heavier and do more like eight reps or go a little lighter and do more like 15. But that's about how much I do. So I'm definitely not doing tons and tons of reps. I'm not doing all kinds of jumpy around the things in between. I'm not saying oh, I'm gonna do some jump squats. And that's my leg day. Nope, it is I'm lifting pretty heavy, but still with good form. And like I said, usually about four sets of somewhere around 10 reps. Okay. And so yeah, that was the point I wanted to make sarcastically is that if you're doing like 50 squats really quickly, you know, four sets of 50 squats or something like that. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about sets where you're doing I would say anywhere between eight and 12 reps per set and they are hard and by the time that you get to that eighth or 12th rep it's hard. It's difficult to do so the the super lightweight, you know that's going to be more in the form of like cardio with weights rather than what we're talking about really, you know, heavy lifting, so don't don't injure yourself. No need to hurt your back. squats and deadlifts. So you can definitely, you know, possibly hurt your back, but heavy enough that it's going to really put some load on those legs. The other thing I've seen a lot of women do so I work out at a country club now and so the population skews a little bit older, I would say my age like 50 or older and I see a lot of ladies in there doing the abductor like the were you the clam machine? Is that what it's called? Yeah, I know, it's the adductor and abductor machine and they'll just sit there with like 20 pounds on there and just do like 100 reps over and over and then go hop on the elliptical and then you know, do that for 40 minutes okay, that's not really going to do anything for building your legs and I will I do use that machine but I will just give an example like I do the abductor at like 150 pounds so that's the difference that we're talking about a Jane Fonda I think there was probably a legs of steel, just the you know, the reps that don't really have any load on them isn't going to do much for your legs. So my condition you so that you could eventually work up to some heavier weight but But you definitely want to be putting some stress on your legs and your legs can take it like I said they are the biggest muscle groups are some of the biggest muscle groups in your body, they can take it and I would just add we often have you know, when women say what body part you want to focus on, I often have clients say Oh, I really want to work on my inner and outer thighs and Joe, like you said, just hopping on those abductor adductor machines, it's not gonna do you any good for one. I think what people mean is they mean I want to get the fat off of my inner and outer thighs and you just can't, you can't spot reduce. And you're not going to really change much by doing a bunch of inner and outer thigh work on those machines. The what's going to get you the the look you want is first building those muscles by squats, lunges and deadlifts and then using nutrition to get that layer of fat off. So it's not as simple as oh, I want my abs to look leaner. So I'm going to do a bunch of situps or I want my inner thighs to look leaner. So I'm going to use that adductor machine. Yeah, the other thing I will say the benefit of the squats, lunges and deadlifts. Those exercises are also going to be the exercises that give you good glutes or start your glutes so they they really can do double duty so can't go wrong with really focusing on doing the squats, lunges and deadlifts perfecting your form, lifting heavy and really making those consistently a part of your workout routine. You just can't go wrong. Okay, so you mentioned this a bit. Allison, what role does nutrition play in making Carrie Underwood legs? It does, it plays a huge role. And I think we've talked about this on our other How To Build it series podcast episodes. But if you're under eating, you're not going to be able to build muscle, it's as simple as that. So you need to be eating enough calories, you need to be eating enough protein you need to go through a true you know, couple months of saying I'm going to work on building my muscles and not starving myself and not doing loads and loads of cardio to get those nice legs. Now there can come a time when you focus on maybe, you know leaning out a bit. But you you've got to be eating enough to be to change the shape of your body. Yep, okay, so I think you've answered it but if I don't want to do those squats, lunges and deadlifts if I just starve myself and lose a bunch of weight is that going to give me Carrie Underwood legs? What's going to happen if I do that? You know, you might be a smaller version of yourself your legs you're not going to be shapely. I think you're going to be very disappointed. I think you're going to have hope that maybe it's going to get you the legs you want but I think you'll be really disappointed. You might have skinny fat legs. Right, right. Yeah, she will not have that toned look, I guess. Agree because Carrie Underwood if you go look at her before and after pictures she had her legs are bigger in her after pictures. They're not smaller, they just have a lot more tone and definition. So you know smaller is not necessarily the look that we're going for. I guess you might reduce the amount of cellulite on your legs but if you are holding cellulite on their leg on your legs, you know building that muscle is going to be what really smooths them out. Mm hmm. Okay, another question. What role does running play and give you care and giving you Carrie Underwood legs? Is that gonna give you Carrie Underwood likes? No, no, not at all. I would say not alone. Now if you if you want to run a little bit on top of the other things that we've mentioned, sure, that's probably fine. But I can say as somebody who you know, I naturally carry a lot of weight in my legs. I have muscular legs, but that's where I carry most of my fat. And I used to think well I don't need to do leg day. I've just I used to run a lot. I thought that I didn't really need to work my legs because I because I ran and that was working my legs right? I don't need to do all this extra leg stuff. And I will tell you that my legs were bigger than and much flabbier than they are now. I will say that I in the last I don't know 10 or so years when I basically really backed off and ultimately completely stopped running. and really started focusing just on lifting heavy building muscle. That's when I started to actually get compliments on my legs, which is something I never used to get back when I was, you know, mostly just focusing on cardio. So no, you know, you can run and run and run it is not, it's not going to shape your legs, it's not going to give you the quote toned look that I think a lot of people are looking for. So no, don't just think, you know, I run that's, that's enough, right? Again, I think you'll be sadly you'll be disappointed. Yeah, I think that you know, at the tail end of like a dieting phase or something, you could add in some running to lean out overall, that's how I would use running. And that might overall help you lean out. Usually when I incorporate running, it makes my leg smaller. And I kind of hesitate to say that because I can I can see it now that a bunch of people listening will be like Joe said, If I run it will make my leg smaller. So I'm gonna go out and run a bunch, but it really can be catabolic. And I against all the hard work that you're doing in the gym. So I would use it sparingly, it might it might condition your legs a little bit so that you can lift heavier in the gym, I would say that running might do that a little bit of running each week. But you never want to use cardio like running or spinning to shape any body part, it's not really going to serve that role. So you know, if you want to shape or change the shape of a body part, you really wanted to do resistance training to do that. So you know, running alone is not going to give you Carrie Underwood legs. And we have lots of clients that are example of that, who were big runners coming to us. And now that we've got them in a very structured resistance training program, they are actually changing the shape of their legs and liking how their legs look. So running is not going to do that for you. That's That's the short answer. Running did not make my leg smaller that is for sure. Back when I used to run. Okay, so what if someone and I kind of hesitate to use this word, but I think we hear it a lot. And we hear women talk about like just hating their legs hating their thighs. So what if someone feels that way about their legs? And I think what's actually going on there, as they probably like you mentioned carry fat more in their lower body? Should they abandon hope of ever having nice legs and just skip leg day in fear of it making their legs bigger? Absolutely not. It is going to have I think, the complete opposite effect of what a lot of women fear. I mean, you know, I just mentioned that was me, like I used to not like my legs at all, I thought they were big and flabby. And I was, you know, frustrated with how they looked despite doing all kinds of cardio and working out. You know, I mentioned this already, but they have never looked better. Once I started lifting heavy. It was a complete game changer. So no, no matter where you carry it wherever you hold, tend to hold your fat whether it's upper body or lower body or pretty even don't skip leg day, I promise you, it will only help you both aesthetically and you know, with your mobility. So I think everybody, everybody should do leg day. Yeah, the other thing I'll add is I just saw this statistic recently is that women carry most of their muscle, I think it's 55% of their muscle and their lower body. And so that's just genetically or, you know, that's just how we are built. And so you want to again, for the for the metabolic benefits for all the health benefits that you get from having muscle on your body, you want to increase your muscle mass all over. If most of your muscle is in your lower body, that's where you want to spend some time that's gonna give your, that's what's gonna boost your metabolism all over so and have you burning more calories all the time. So let's work with our physiques, not against our physiques and don't skip leg day. Any other thoughts about if you just think your legs are big, or you can't stand the look of your legs, I mean, I would say you know, the same thing we say with any body part like it's going to take time. So be patient don't expect massive changes in two weeks, but you know, a few months of consistent lifting you will see you will see noticeable changes, it definitely can help smooth out cellulite, it can help reduce your overall body fat, it's just going to give your legs a better shape by putting on muscle some thing you might want to consider if you maybe do feel like you carry a lot more of your weight and your lower body or if you feel like you're maybe like a naturally pear shaped person. You could also work on building out some of the upper body muscles to I mean, yes, we want you know, we want these great legs but don't neglect things like your shoulders and your lats to help balance out your physique as well and just embrace the strong look. So I I know most of our listeners here probably have no interest in ever competing in a bodybuilding competition. But years ago when I did compete, I competed like once a year for probably like four years. This was back in like 2000 I think 15 1617 and 18. Maybe I did one bodybuilding competition each year in the category that I compete. At the end, it was called bikini it was probably the the, quote softest. And I say quote, because it's still you still, you know, you need lots of muscle mass, but it was the softest look of all of them. And it kind of embraced not like tiny legs, but you wanted your legs not to be I guess, too muscular. And one thing I hated about training is that I was always trying to bring my legs down, and it just my legs did not want to cooperate. So now they've added this new category where if I ever did compete again, I would definitely compete in this category. It's called wellness. And it really is for women who, you know, maybe do have more muscle in their lower body. So don't fight your body just worked with it, I would say, Yeah, we always want what we don't have. Just know that about yourself. And it's funny because I would not, I don't think I would, I would have to work very, very hard to be able to compete and wellness to get my legs, I think big enough to compete and wellness. But that would probably be a better category for me because my upper body is bigger. I'm bigger on top than I am in my legs. So I would love to be able to compete in wellness, because I think I would probably do better in that division. But it would just take a lot of work to build out my legs to be competitive there. So it's just to say we all want what we don't have. And I think you know, the best lesson for all of us is just to embrace what we have and work on enhancing it. That's really the best you can do. There's no sense you know, spending your time crying about not having Carrie Underwood legs. She has kind of naturally thin legs. But like I said you can make inroads and you can at least do the things that she's doing to enhance the assets that you do have. I think it's funny I remember in I think just like with the booty so like we talked about in the perky booty episode that the trend when we were growing up was that you had no but and really kind of the wave look was in and that my daughter who's 16 and her friends now they want cake and a dump truck. And so that's really changed. I think things are changing with legs too. Because I remember when I was in high school, I was on the dance team. And then we got a new ballet instructor in town, a New Ballet Studio. I think when I was a junior or senior and the woman who ran that studio, she really knew what she was doing. She was like a hardcore, real ballet instructor. And so I started taking a lot of ballet and my legs got much more muscular and much more developed. And I remember telling girls on the team, like Oh, my goodness, my legs are blowing up and they said, Yeah, they really are, they're getting really big. And they weren't, they looked great. But now I'm so thankful that I did all of that work. Because you know, there is such a thing as muscle memory. And it's very easy for me to get muscle back when I start working out. So and that's probably you know, I always get compliments on my legs. I'm sure part of it is genetics, but part of it is all that ballet and all that hard work when I was younger, and my daughter, I heard my daughter the other day talking about having thick thighs. And I thought oh no. And she does have very muscular legs too. But then as she was saying it, she was actually meant like in a good way. Like she's like I'm gonna wear these tights to show off my thick thighs. So I think things are changing and that's great. And we're definitely here to spread the message that strong is the new sexy, so embrace those muscles, embrace those curves, for sure any sort of resistance training is just going to enhance whatever shape you already have. Okay, so that's how you get Carrie Underwood legs. It's really not complicated. Squat deadlift lunge eat enough and do it consistently and you will likely see changes in your legs that you'd like. Okay, Allison, any personal physique goals that you're working on right now since we're talking about building out physiques? Yeah, so I know I'm said, you know, a couple of weeks ago, I'm I only care about upping my tennis game, but I still care about upping my tennis game. But I would say for me, I kind of made a goal for this winter. This is kind of a perpetual goal for me, but my back so I am always trying to do a couple more pull ups get a little bit more strength to my lats. I just think adding on to your lats especially for somebody like me who I am one of those people who has to work to keep muscle in my upper body. Like you said, you know, Joe, when you run, you would lose muscle in your legs and your legs would get thinner. For me, it's the opposite. If I start to lean out, it all comes from my upper body first. So I am just always trying to add width to my lats it's going to make my waist look smaller. It's also really good. You know, everybody wants a strong back for functional reasons. We all have to pick things up, move boxes around or pick our kids up or whatever. So for me this winter, I'm really going to work on continue to work on building my lats and seeing if I can beat my current pull up record. Nice. Nice. What about you? Yeah, so I've talked to you about this. Personally, I what I'm working on right now is actually just kind of reducing stress from my life and my body. So I competed back in April and my body did not really cooperate or Really want to lose weight, I was like very resistant to losing weight. So anytime you do like a show or something, it's very stressful on your body like being in a calorie deficit, that steep of a calorie deficit and all the cardio and so I did that. And then like a month later I moved which is inherently stressful, very stressful, slowly, one of the most stressful things you can do. Then a month after that I gave myself a little head injury had to get staples in my head. And I really underestimated the stress of that situation. Just thought I would bounce back. And so where that landed me in August is just kind of, and I think also doing the show, I kind of got in an overtrained situation I was lifting six days a week, and then when the move and the injury came along, I was not able to work out six days a week. So I started gaining a little weight. And so I was like, well, I'll just do a little cut and lose some of that weight. And then my body just did not respond at all. So I think I've gotten myself in a situation where my body's just kind of a little stressed. And I read that your body always reads all stress is kind of like famine, or like as well, it can just kind of constantly respond to any sort of stress, I just kind of I would call it like freezing or like holding on to body fat. And so I've talked to you about it and we've decided no more diets or anything resembling a diet for me in a very long time. So I'm really working on lifting heavy and building strength but not lifting as much as I was. So I'm putting back my lifting to three or four days a week. I'm doing lots of walking I had already cut back on the cardio but just really trying to reduce stress in my life and also get my calories up so that's what I'm working on. I don't really have a physique goal other than to hopefully that will translate into actually building some more muscle so but mainly reducing stress when I am someone who doesn't I can handle anything I don't I would never admit that I was stressed out and I don't really experience it as stress but I've come to see the signs or know when the signs are there that I have gone a little too far. So I think it's good winter goal. Yeah, so all what fall treats are you enjoying lately? Are there yummy things? Well, I have created a concoction that I am really enjoying that's very weird, but I have it as my mid morning snack and so it's Greek yogurt like the oitavos Vanilla Greek yogurt with a little bit of cottage cheese and then I chop up an apple in that and put pumpkin pie spice on top of it. So it's very, it's really yummy. I love apples and it kind of tastes like I don't know like an apple cheesecake or something. So I've been enjoying that lately. And then I'm actually taking my 16 year old daughter and some of her friends the moms are going to we're going to New York this weekend kind of as a sweet 16 trip and I plan to enjoy lots of yummy stuff in New York it's definitely a Food City so we're going to serendipity I think we're going to have some frozen hot chocolate and I am just going to enjoy being there not on a diet. That is one reason why it is great to have your calories. You will not freak out when you go on vacation and enjoy all the food. Yes. What about you? What fall favorites are you enjoying? I would say my fall favorite I'll say two things I'll do a healthy thing and and not so healthy thing. So the not so healthy thing that me and my girls have been enjoying are the Reese's pumpkins. They're just they taste different than the Reese's cups. I don't know why I think it's like the chocolate to peanut butter ratio is a little bit different and they're just so good. So we've been having a Reese's pumpkin after dinner every night. So that's been my treat and then healthy thing that I have been making. I've been making this for months. I just don't think I've mentioned it on the podcast super high in protein. I will make some Greek yogurt. I actually like to do this with the plain yogurt and put a little bit of Splenda in it but you could do it with like vanilla or some sort of a flavored yogurt but I will make one small container of plain Greek yogurt and some Splenda. And then I put in a package of maple and brown sugar, oats, a little bit of milk just to add a little more liquid and then a serving of chia seeds and I just stir it all up and I let it sit overnight and it is so good. And so like an overnight oats or something. Yeah, it's like an overnight oats thing. And my three year old loves it too. She calls it yogurt stuff and she'll be like, Mama Do we have any yogurt stuff so we will share yogurt stuff together. Actually healthy treat. Yeah, I make that every once in a while and it's I love to eat it right before bed because it's sweet. And I can look forward to it but it also keeps me super full all night long because it's got you know that protein, the protein from the dairy and then it's got the chia seeds which have tons of fiber and then it's got some carbs and since I work out first thing in the morning I definitely like to eat some carbs before bed because I do not eat before I lift in the morning so I do not go to bed. I'm on an empty stomach. So that's my other treat and just like you you're going to New York I I'm actually going soon I think when this airs, I will be there going to Cancun to an all inclusive resorts. And I will also be enjoying all of the food at the phase that they have. They're not worrying about calories knowing that, you know, my calories are high already. And so even if I go over a little bit on vacation, I will probably come back weighing the same because my body is already used to eating quite a bit of food. So no fear that I'm going to go on vacation, eat all the food and come back five or 10 pounds heavier. That is not even. It doesn't even cross my mind that that might happen. I just know it won't. So we both have some fun trips planned for this fall. Yeah, well, and like we've said, that is one of the huge, huge benefits of getting your calories up investing in your metabolism is that you can go on trips, enjoy yourself and not come back with weight gain or weight gain that you can't get off. It'll it should come off pretty easily when you get back to your normal routine. So definite benefit. Okay, well, that's all we've got for you today. Thanks, everyone. Good luck building your Carrie Underwood legs. Bye. That's what we've got for you today about how you can invest in your metabolism and start losing weight by eating more and exercising less. Trust us you aren't too old and it's never too late. If you want to learn more about this topic, head over to our Facebook group, Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30. You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook at Couture Fitness Coaching. And if you want to work with us, join us for our next 12 weeks session.