Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast

Ep 35 - Master Your Metabolism

November 10, 2022 Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

Special Release: We are so excited to share with you our NEW online, self-directed program... Master Your Metabolism!

Want to learn all of the secrets we use to repair a client's metabolism? In this self-paced online course, we give you all the knowledge you need to do this on your own. In this course, we share the steps our coaches take to repair a client's metabolism. Do you feel like no matter how little you eat or how hard you hit it in the gym, your weight just won't budge? Are the old tricks and diets that used to work for losing weight no longer working? Do you feel everything has slowed and drifted downward as you've gotten older? If you answered YES to any of these questions, this course is for you! You'll learn what has happened to your metabolism and how, step-by-step, to give it a boost through nutrition and exercise. The end result: the fit and toned look you've always wanted.

Here's what you get:
⭐️Self-paced online course to explain how your metabolism works and how to optimize your nutrition and exercise to naturally give it a boost.
⭐️Sample meal plans
⭐️Workout Plans suitable for ALL levels (beginner to advanced), including workouts that can be done at home with little equipment
⭐️Access to Couture Fitness Coaches via our private Facebook Group.

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Thanks for listening, we hope you enjoyed it.

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Grab our free mini course - The REAL Reason you can't lose weight

Want to start boosting your metabolism today? Buy our $79 DIY, self-paced "Master Your Metabolism" course.

Want customized plan for boosting your metabolism? Learn more about our 1:1 coaching

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Welcome to the Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast. I'm Joe. And I'm Allison. And we're your co hosts and the founders of Couture Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching. We're on a quest to help women design lives they love and bodies they adore. We were fed up with the dieting industry and decided to create something different. We're starting a calories up revolution where women are nourished, their metabolisms are healed and their bodies and brains start working for them in the battle against weight loss. If you feel like your metabolism is wrecked, and you want to lose weight once and for all, you are in the right place. Everyone, you've got Allison here today, and I'm going to be telling you all about a new course that we are really excited to roll out. So as you all know, we at contour fitness provide one on one coaching programs. And we've had several people reach out over the last year or so and say, you know, I really want to work with you guys. But your coaching packages are just not in my budget right now. And so we wanted to create a new course, at a lower price point that's still going to share, you know, all of this knowledge that we've acquired over the last several years helping hundreds of women on their metabolisms. And we realize that not everybody is ready to maybe jump into one on one coaching, or just not ready for the investment that one on one coaching requires. And so we're really excited to share, share this course with you all as another option for us to to help you with your metabolism. So basically, in this course, we're going to share with you guys we're going to walk through very, very specifically how we handle nutrition and exercise. So we're going to go step by step on what we will do with our own clients. And obviously, we're sharing it now with you to you know, help them with their nutrition, help them with their exercise to get their metabolisms to a good spot. We're also going to teach you how the metabolism does adapt. So you can use that knowledge in order to stay lean and toned for life. So basically, with this specific instruction, our idea is that after this course, you will have the knowledge to do your own metabolic repair. So who is this course for basically, this is for anybody who feels like maybe their metabolism has slowed down. So some examples might be somebody who has been, you know, dieting, what look, they feel like for a very long time, maybe you've done some yo yo dieting, where you're either on a diet or you're off of a diet, maybe you've just eaten low calorie for a very long time. Maybe you just feel like you've gotten to a certain age, and you feel like your metabolism has just slowed down. Maybe you you feel like you haven't changed a lot with your fitness or your nutrition, but maybe you're gaining weight. This is also for somebody who wants to be in shape, but feels like in order to do so they have to spend hours in the gym, that's not true, we'll teach you how, you know you can achieve your goals without spending a ton of time in the gym. This is also for somebody who maybe wants to be able to eat a good amount of food and still maintain a weight that they are happy with. So I'll give you guys just a couple of short examples of some clients that that we have helped with metabolic repair. So one, we had a client who had done Weight Watchers for I want to say somewhere between 10 and 20 years. And, you know, I'm I imagine when she started, she probably did lose some weight initially. But she had been stuck for years and years. And when she came to us she had been eating 1200 calories for a very, very long time. And her weight just wasn't moving. And all she was ever told was well, you know, try harder, eat less. And I can promise you, her body had adapted to those 1200 calories and eating less, was not going to be a good thing for her at all. And so for her we had to help her, you know, get her metabolism back to a good place again by bringing her food backup, showing her you know what sort of exercise should she should be doing. And I will tell you, we got her calories up over 2000 A day up from 1200 a day. She actually lost weight in the process, which I won't say that's you know, that's not going to happen to everybody. It was just kind of a nice, very, very nice, unexpected bonus. And now whenever she does diet and want to lose weight, she's able to lose weight on about 15 or 1600 calories. So she's in a much, much better place than when she came to us which was you know, stuck at 1200 calories. And honestly I'm sure this improves your quality of life. I mean, eating 1200 calories a day is hard. You don't have a lot of flexibility for you know fun foods in your life at that level. So when you're eating 2000 likes Because now you can fit a lot more fun things in and be a lot more flexible. Another example, you know, we've got a lot of clients who have been yo yo Dieter, so maybe they would diet every single January, and they would diet really hard every single day in January, and then, you know, come springtime, they wouldn't be over it. And maybe they've done that for years, but they feel like each year, it gets a little bit harder, and their body responds a little bit worse each time. Or maybe they you know, really restrict during the week, and then go out on the weekends and really blow it. So these are just a couple of examples of people that I think this course can help. So I'll give my own personal example, if you guys want to listen to you know, more of my own personal experience with this, go to episode number 23, I go into a lot of detail there about my own journey with metabolic adaptation. But for me, I got myself into a spot where I was stuck eating about 15 1600 calories a day. And this was in my early 20s. What happened was I wanted to lose some weight. And so that's when I started eating. And I did lose weight. But then eventually, you know, I kept eating that that amount. And I was also doing cardio almost every day and lifting weights on top of that. So I was very active 15 1600 was way too low for my activity level. And I just kind of kept eating there thinking, Well, I guess this is just what I have to eat. Now if I want to maintain this weight. And what happened is my body just kind of gradually, all the way just crept back on. And I was then in a spot where I was at a weight I was not happy with I was eating very little I was working out a lot. And I was very, very frustrated with you know, why can all of these other girls around me eat more workout less and, you know, weigh the same or less than me? And I remember thinking, why is my metabolism so slow? Well, I started doing some research and I realized, wow, all of this, all of these issues. And this frustration that you're having are literally because you have been eating too little for too long. And you've combined that with doing too much cardio for too long. And so now fast forward, about 15 years later, I am in my 40s and I am able to maintain a weight that I am very happy with eating over 2000 calories a day. I don't really quote do cardio anymore. I just tried to hit my 10,000 steps a day. I hit that mostly by walking or playing sports with my kids. But I certainly don't go like jump on a piece of cardio equipment to meet that goal. And then I lift weights. And that's really it and I've got, it's just such a happier place to be in I'm able to drink alcohol if I want to I eat chocolate every single day, I can eat pizza, if I want to I eat bread every day, I can go on vacation and enjoy food and not worry that I'm going to come back five pounds heavier, because I know my body's already used to eating a ton of food. And so a vacation is just really not any different than any other day for me. And I don't obsess about, you know, missing a workout or even a week of workouts because I know my body is in a good spot. And I'm not reliant on these workouts to burn calories and maintain my weight. So these are all the things we want everybody to get to that same place that I just mentioned that I am finally at now in this course is going to show you how to do that. So basically we are we're giving you all the secrets that we have as coaches so that you can coach yourself. This course is it is a self paced online course. You will not be assigned to a personal coach the way you would with our one on one coaching programs. But we do have a Facebook group where you can post questions. So if you go through the course and you've got questions, and you want us to answer them, you can post them in our Facebook group. However, if you go through this course and you decide that you still want the support and the accountability of a one on one coach, if you want life coaching and a community, you can certainly upgrade to a one on one coaching package. When you do that you will get a coach who's basically going to tell you exactly what to do. They're going to check in with you each week and tell you you know what changes to make for the next week? They can answer questions. We also have weekly question and answer calls where you can ask questions and get help from our certified life coach who can help you work past any mental drama that's getting away so there's certainly a lot of support there if you do choose to do a one on one coaching package. But if you want to kind of dip your toe in and maybe buy this course and just kind of see if you think you can figure it out on your own. That's great. And if you do decide to purchase this course and still want that support of the one on one coaching you can apply all the money that you spend on this course towards a one on one coaching package so it's never going to be a waste of money if you decide well you know this course was great but I still want you know, maybe somebody there supporting me. You can apply all that money towards the one on one coaching package. So if you have any questions feel free to reach out to us we are at info at couture fitness You can also check out our website couture We're fitness And we really hope that this this new course, is going to be just what some of you need to get started repairing your own metabolism. That's what we've got for you today about how you can invest in your metabolism and start losing weight by eating more and exercising less. Trust us you aren't too old and it's never too late. If you want to learn more about this topic, head over to our Facebook group, Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30. You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook at Couture Fitness Coaching. And if you want to work with us, join us for our next 12 weeks session.