Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast

Ep 36 - 5 Tips to Avoid Stuffing Yourself Like the Thanksgiving Turkey

November 22, 2022 Couture Fitness & Lifestyle Coaching

Are you worried that Thanksgiving (and the rest of the holidays) will leave you feeling stuffed like a turkey? In this episode, Jo and Allison share their top 5 tips for making it through the holidays without weight gain.

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Welcome to the Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30 Podcast. I'm Joe. And I'm Allison and we're your co hosts and the founders of Couture Fitness and Lifestyle Coaching. We're on a quest to help women design lives they love and bodies they adore. We were fed up with the dieting industry and decided to create something different. We're starting a calories up revolution where women are nourished, their metabolisms are healed and their bodies and brains start working for them in the battle against weight loss. If you feel like your metabolism is wrecked, and you want to lose weight once and for all, you are in the right place. Welcome everyone. Today, you've got me, Alison and Joe here and we are going to talk about five tips for not getting stuff like a Thanksgiving turkey this holiday season. So before we get into that, I want to talk about what's going on with us at couture fitness, we've got a couple of different things in the works. We are currently enrolling people for the next session of our metabolic makeover program, which is our one on one coaching programs. So with that program, you will get a customized fitness and nutrition plan, you will get weekly check ins with a personal coach. We also have multiple calls each week that you can call into and ask questions. And basically, that's where we will just be with you every step of the way, we will take all of the guesswork out of what you need to do to get in in your best shape. And we also have a new course that we just launched. And you can listen to the previous podcast and learn a little bit more about the details of that. But it is called master your metabolism. It is a self paced course. So if you wanted to maybe dip your toe into kind of working with us at a lower price points, this might be the way to get started. It's just like I said, it's a self paced online course if you if you like it, and then you want to still work with us in our one on one coaching program, you can apply the money that you spent on that online course towards our one on one coaching program. If you decide you want to transition to that, so two different options now to work with us. And then finally, if you liked the podcast, and you've been listening, and you like what the information that we're sharing, we would love if you would leave us a five star review that really helps others find us and find the type of information that we're putting out there. So let's get into the real content of this. Joe, do you want to talk about some of the sad statistics about weight gain over the holidays? Yeah, it's pretty sobering. Actually, I heard this on a different podcast. So I have not independently verified this. But I've heard that the typical person can gain anywhere from like two pounds during the holiday season up to 12 pounds, I think Ah 10 to 12 pounds was maybe like a little above average, but but not out of the norm. And the problem is, is that even if you just gain one to two pounds, if it does not come off, if that weight does not come off after the holidays, you know, unless you're doing something very intentionally, it typically does not come off after the holidays. This is really how the weight can creep on. And you know, after five or 10 years of this, we can find ourselves pretty overweight. So there's a lot going on, that leads to this weight gain, there's going to probably be some increased caloric consumption on account of the holiday celebrations. And then the other big component here is decreased activity. Some people have the mentality of why bother going to the gym during the holidays, I'm just going to eat my way through the holidays. I'll get started in January. We don't recommend doing that. Some people you know are so stressed out by the holidays, they feel like they don't have the time to go to the gym. And then the reality of depending on where you live, there's less daylight, it's getting colder, it's hard we're just less active on account of the season change. I think if you were under eating or yoga dieting before the holiday season hit maybe you were doing something you know you were going to really put things into shape and you did something like very restrictive like keto, or fasted a bunch before the holiday season and then you abandon that and go into full fledge holiday eating mode, but your metabolism had adapted to low calories from doing something very restrictive before I would say wow, what a perfect storm for packing on the pounds. So like I said, Honestly, this is how people gain weight, probably as they age and after five to 10 years of this, you know, holiday weight gain can find themselves 30 to 50 pounds heavier than they want to be. That's the good news for us. Is that how easily that can happen and how you know just a few you know a few bad months each year can cumulatively can do that. It's very depressing. You have good news for us. i Yes, we have some good news. So it does not have to be that way. And today we're going to share our top five tips for getting through the holidays without gaining extra weight. So Joe, do you want to start us off with The first one. Yes. So this first tip is kind of mindset it also very practical, but you just have to remember that Thanksgiving, Christmas, the Jewish holidays, you know, depending on what you celebrate New Year's Eve. At most, we're talking about three to five days, and do not use those three to five days as an excuse to eat your way through the two months of the holiday season. Yes, we absolutely want you to enjoy those holiday meals and those special days, but it's no reason to eat all the high fat, high carb, you know, holiday treats that come along with the holiday season. You know, again, we want you to enjoy those few days that really are special, but it's not an excuse to like run through Starbucks every morning and get a pumpkin spice latte or peppermint mocha, to kick your day off. And so even if you enjoy yourself, like on those holidays, the three to five days I mentioned that should not result in much weight gain, it's it would be very, very hard. It's really you know, the old adage is that it's what 3500 calories makes up a pound. So it would you know, it'd be really, really hard to eat something like 10,000 calories in a day. So you really can't gain all that much weight from one day of overeating, but two to three months of continually over eating that's really bad and it could really wreak some havoc. So my best advice is on the special days, you know, Thanksgiving Day, you know, whatever day you're celebrating, just eat until you're satiated follow something that we call the hunger scale where you know, you 10 would be like the most full you've ever been one would be starving, like maybe eat to like a five or a six, you can still enjoy all your favorite things. But you don't need to go back for like third and fourth helpings and get to the point that you're like at the 10 on that on that scale. So there truly isn't a reason to stop yourself like a Thanksgiving turkey. And we you know, if you have done that, you know, it's not all that enjoyable. And my biggest thing is that if you do that my concern, my biggest concern is not the weight that you will gain from one day of eating like that, it's that it will lead to the terrible all or nothing thinking. And the next morning, you'll wake up and say, Well, I blown it. So might as well keep on going really, really recommend. Like I said, enjoying that day, blow your calories on the things that really matter like your family's 100 year old recipe for stuffing, or maybe the homemade pumpkin pie or this exquisite wine that's perfectly paired with your meal. But don't just eat mindlessly on things like chips, pumpkin spice lattes, Miller Lite, white cloth and junk food that you can basically eat on any given day, we do have a blog post that talks about this kind of like what maybe the standard American Thanksgiving day looks like. And then what a Thanksgiving day looks like with intentional eating. But what I'm really concerned about in terms of like, you know, mindset is just that all or nothing thinking and that it's like kind of this mentality, I've been restricting the rest of the year or, you know, done something weird, but I'm not going to during the holidays. And so it just becomes this totally no holds barred approach from Thanksgiving through January 1. Again, go check out that blog post. And you can just kind of see the difference and the two approaches. Yeah, and I would just add, like, I don't think anybody really feels good when they eat to that 10 On the whatever the the 10 or the one on the hunger scale, whatever means you're super. That's a 10 or a one. I don't think anybody feels good. When they do that. I don't think anybody really wants to get to the point where they've eaten so much that they can get up off the couch and move that's just not a good feeling. I've been there and you just feel gross. So you know, get to the five or the six and feel satisfied, but not stuffed. And going back to your 10,000 Calorie thing I remember like five or 10 years ago in the bodybuilding world there was it was a popular thing to do this 10,000 Calorie challenge. I don't know if you ever saw those, Joe, no, follow these Instagram accounts. And these are these YouTube accounts. And these bodybuilders who were like in really amazing shape would do this 10,000 Calorie day challenge and most of them couldn't even come close. Because they would just feel like they were gonna puke probably like four or 5000 calories into their day. I can't even imagine eating 10,000 calories. I guess Michael Phelps does it. But you know, he's a superhuman. Right? Exactly. Okay, I think you have the next tip for us. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. So my next step is just to keep working out. So there's no reason to skip the gym over the holidays. Now, I'm not saying you should be getting up and going to the gym on Christmas morning or you should, you know, be skipping time with your family on Thanksgiving to go to the gym. That is not what I'm saying. You can take those days off, but all the days around there, don't get out of your normal routine. I think you can use this as a time to really hit it hard with the weights and make some really big improvements to your physique. So I don't mean you know, hitting it hard by doing our Have cardio but I mean really starting to go maybe heavier with your weights and putting on some muscle and maybe being really strategic about it, maybe you really want to get stronger in your upper body. So really focusing on things like shoulder presses, pull ups, things that are really going to build some good muscle there, that's just going to pay dividends for the rest of the year, any muscle you can add, is just going to help you out in the long run. And I would also add, you know, if you think, Oh, I'm gonna go for this long run on Thanksgiving Day or Christmas Eve or something, you're probably not burning nearly as many calories as you think it's really hard. I mean, you know, if you want to have a glass of wine and a sugar cookie, let's just say that's 400 calories, it's going to take you a long time to burn off those 400 calories. So I think it's really healthy to get out of the mindset of swapping cardio for eating extra food, I would just completely get out of that, that way of thinking, don't think, Oh, I'm gonna eat this extra cookie, because I ran today, I think that can be really harmful. So use this time to really just focus on maybe putting on some muscle and hitting the weights hard, not the cardio heart. Yeah, I agree. I mean, when I do cardio, I do like Orangetheory fitness, and I know I burn well, this isn't even accurate. It's just what the, you know, it's probably not truly what I burn is probably a little less than that. But the heart rate monitor and everything says that I usually burn between 404 100 450 calories in an hour long orange theory class. And you're working hard in that class. I mean, lots of very, very high intensity cardio, but truly like a couple of glasses of wine, and an extra piece of dessert would totally erase that calorie burn. So you really can't out exercise your diet. And that can be also another trap is you think that you are burning all these calories doing all this cardio so you can eat with impunity, that usually backfires. And you're eating a lot more than you're compensating for through exercise. So not a good strategy. Yeah. And we'll get into this in more detail. We talked about this in other podcasts, but you're, especially if you're doing cardio, often your body has probably gotten so efficient that you might be burning half of what you think you burn because your body has gotten so used to doing cardio, you've gotten really efficient with it. So okay, next tip, start your days with protein, this can be a total game changer to where you are not going to roll into a holiday meal, starving and ready to eat everything in sight. So what you eat for the first meal of the day really Prime's your blood sugar for the day. So you definitely want to start off with some good protein. This is true every day, honestly. But really, really important on these holiday days when you know you're going to be going into like, basically this endless buffet of food later in the day. So I would start with some some sort of a eggs. That's my personal favorite. You could also do Greek yogurt, or a protein shake, just something that's going to stabilize your blood sugar fill you up and make you less likely to overeat throughout the rest of the day. A terrible strategy is, oh, well, I know I'm going to eat so much for Thanksgiving that I'm just not going to eat the rest of the day. That is probably going to set you up to eat everything in sight at that Thanksgiving meal. Yeah, I think the other thing that can happen is that you know, especially if you're a family, you know they have some special it's like you kick off the day with like cinnamon rolls and maybe are you probably sounds like I'm really hating on pumpkin spice lattes. I just dropped my son off at school and he talked me into taking him to Starbucks beforehand and he got one it was tasted so terrible and was so sweet, almost gagged. I had a drink of it and it was terrible. So not totally hating on pumpkin spice lattes, but I think they're pretty awful and loaded with sugar. But if you started your day with like, you know, a cinnamon roll and a pumpkin spice latte. It's just loaded with sugar and carbs, no protein and it's not going to be very satiating. Well, it might fill you up, but just not really how you want to start today. We do also you know what we'll tag this in the show notes. We also do have a blog post that gives some very protein packed Christmas casserole recipes was meant for you know, the morning of Christmas, but you could use those on Thanksgiving morning too. If you have family in town and you need to make a big yummy breakfast those will fill you up with protein and and get you started on a good path on those holidays. So I think I'm covering the next one. So our fourth tip is we don't want you to like diet on Thanksgiving Day. So no need to track you know, be super obsessive or neurotic about what you're eating on Thanksgiving Day. But get right back on track with your habits the very next day. I think it's the getting off track that you know and then just staying off track that leads to the all or nothing thinking and then you know, after a few days of being very unintentional, you think you have ruined everything and so you throw to totally throw the towel in that's what leads to the two to three months of you know, just kind of chronic over eating. So You know, on Thanksgiving Day on Christmas Day, we really recommend you follow that old adage, do the best you can with what you've got wherever you can enjoy the day, eat your favorite foods, you know, there's no if you are, most of our clients track macros, we don't tell them to even track macros that day, unless you want to, I would say, if you do, just do it out of curiosity, so you can just see how, honestly, like you said, it's very hard to eat, you know, it depends, depending on what you're eating. I mean, if you're eating a bunch of junk food, you can very quickly get to three or 4000 calories. But if you're eating protein and vegetables and things like that, it's very, very hard to, you know, hit that high calorie threshold, so you might track or something out of curiosity, but I want what I want you to avoid is thinking that you've like, you know, freaking out because you feel like you've totally blown it on Thanksgiving Day, and then use that as an excuse to keep on eating from Black Friday, Friday through New Year's Day. What we want to stay away from is both extremes, like no need to be neurotic. Bring your Tupperware full of your own diet friendly food to Thanksgiving. That's not necessary. But also, you know, there's no need to be belly up to the Thanksgiving buffet all day long, mindlessly stuffing your face. both extremes lead to very, very bad results. So let's just, I guess this tip would be moderation, enjoy yourself on Thanksgiving Day, but get right back to your old habits the very next day. Yeah, I don't have a lot to add to that one. The other thing I used to hear years ago is don't like congregate right by the food. Like I know, it's really common on Thanksgiving for like people to hang out in the kitchen. And there's just like platters of food that you can easily just grab and nibble on. You know, constantly try not to stay in there, try to stay in somewhere where you actually have to like, get up and walk over to the food Don't just stand right over the food because you can mindlessly eat, you know, hundreds of calories if you're just standing over the food. Yeah, I think another tip that you could or a trick that you can use there is like, you know, limit yourself to one plate of food, no one is going to be in danger of starving on Thanksgiving Day. So you know, just one plate. And then you can kind of be done. And you'll get plenty of food that way. And like you didn't fill that plate with your favorites. Let's not restrict on things we really love. But there's just no reason to go crazy because it just it's not comfortable just to eat all that food at like I said, I'm not so much worried about what that's going to do to you on Thanksgiving Day in terms of weight gain. My real concern is when you wake up the next day, and you have that that thought runs through your head. I've really blown it might as well keep on going. Okay, so my final tip is to take a hike. So similar to our advice about not skipping the gym, you just want to keep moving throughout this time of year and walking, especially if you can get outside, it's going to do a lot for your stress level and your mental health as well, as well as keep you know the holiday pounds at bay. So yes, it's getting colder outside. So make sure you have a good coat, good shoes, gloves and hat. But try to just get outside and take a walk. I mean, if it's above, you know, 25 degrees, you can bundle up and go outside and it can it can feel really good to get out there in the brisk air sometimes. So make it a goal to do something outside of your comfort zone everyday like maybe going for a walk when it's cold outside is out of your comfort zone. So try to do that. And like I said, it's it's going to help, you know, keep your weight gain at bay, but it's also going to help with seasonal depression. We don't get a lot of sunlight typically in the winter. So just getting outside and getting that sunshine on you will help a lot with your mood. I know before, you know we had our kids, we would always do Thanksgiving at my aunt's house. And one thing that my mom and several of my aunts would often do like after we ate our Thanksgiving lunches, we would just go for a walk in their neighborhood. And it not only did it feel good, but it also kind of made me not overeat at lunch because I knew I was going to be going for a you know 30 To 60 minute walk afterwards. And I didn't want to be super stuffed. So maybe make a tradition where you do something active with your family on Thanksgiving even I know of people who've done like an annual like a family flag football game, which I think sounds super cool. Or even just going for a walk or just doing something active. I think that will that could be a really fun and healthy new tradition. Yeah. Okay, so what does the life coach have to say about getting through the holidays without weight gain? How would you advise somebody who you were life coaching? Well, number one would be you have to be very, very on to your brain and onto your mind to playing tricks on you so that you stay out of that all or nothing thinking and like just like I said before, you know, you just have to keep telling yourself like yes, it's the holiday season. There are lots of things to enjoy. But from an eating perspective, it's just a few days and there's no reason a few days should make you gain, you know, 10 or 12 pounds of weight and there is just no reason to like you know, abandon all of your healthy habits for the haul. Nowadays, it really is a matter of Mind management. And you know, and just you know getting out of that all or nothing thinking. My second thing I would tell clients that I was life coaching is begin with the end in mind. Think about how you want to wake up on January 1, like fast forward in your brain to January 1, how do you want to say the holidays went? I think very people, few people would want to say they have been abandoned all their discipline and intention and just totally abandoned if they were working out their workouts and, you know, over ate every single day on really things that are not that meaningful. So decide how you want the holidays to go and give yourself the gift of integrity this holiday season by just doing you know what you want to do, in terms of, you know, again, how you want to feel when you wake up on January January 1 and doing what you say you will do. So those are my top two sort of life coaching tips. Okay, good. Now, Allison, what do you let's talk about what happens when January 1 rolls around? What do you what would be your best advice, like you've gotten through the holidays and January 1 hits? And let's say you've gained, you know, three or four pounds, or through the holiday season? Yeah. So if you've, you know, if you've gained a couple of pounds, no big deal, right, I would say you want to make sure you don't do anything too extreme. If you do want to, you know, embark on a fitness or a fat loss journey. Come January one, skip the fad diets, you want to make sure you do this in just a structured and healthy way without going to extremes. So with our all of our programs, we're going to help all of our clients do just that, you know, we will be telling them nutrition guidelines, workout guidelines, it will not be anything extreme, it will not be cut out carbs, eat 1200 calories a day, run for five miles every day, nothing like that. You just want to take it nice and slow and steady, because that's what's going to give you that sustainable and healthy fat loss that you can maintain honestly for the rest of your life. So that's what I would say don't do anything extreme. I would say you know, if you want to learn a healthy approach put our program on your holiday wish list. Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I think you know, something you pointed out like if you gain a few pounds over the holidays, and I think I you might actually want to expect that in terms of like it. It is colder, we are less active just naturally when it's so cool. There is going to be extra calories, but you don't want to like roll into January 2 Totally desperate and panicked. That's what leads to the fad dieting. That's what leads to the yo yo dieting study shows that every time you go go diet or do one of these crazy fad diets, you actually and then you know stop, you actually add fat cells to your body and it becomes harder and harder and harder the next time you diet to actually lose any weight. So don't panic. We and several other coaches kind of in our space can help you through a weight loss journey but no need to panic or get desperate. Yeah, absolutely. Okay, let's talk about our favorite Thanksgiving foods because we like to eat just as much as anybody. So Joe, what's your what are some of your favorite Thanksgiving foods that you plan to indulge in? So I think that we are hosting like my husband and I will be hosting Thanksgiving this year. My mother in law's coming in town from Thanksgiving and my mother had an accident a few months ago, she tore her quadricep tendon so I don't think she'll be doing much cooking that day. So I think we'll be hosting I like to keep Thanksgiving pretty simple. We don't do like the green bean casserole or the sweet potatoes with marshmallows, that kind of thing but I really do enjoy my family's recipe for stuffing so I'll be enjoying that and then my mother in law has a very different but really amazing pumpkin pie is called Pumpkin chiffon pie it has like coconut crust and whipped pumpkin fillings so I plan to make those things and then just you know probably some fresh green beans you know, mashed potatoes a salad just kind of what you would typically expect on Thanksgiving Day. How about you? Yeah, that all sounds really good. And I forgot about stuffing so my mother in law makes this stuffing it's got like sausage and mushrooms and you know bread and stuff to it and it is so amazing. So that is one thing I will definitely be having. I love turkey I'll have turkey which I wouldn't call that an indulgence but I'm excited about it. And then sweet potato casserole is probably my like true indulgence. There is there's nothing healthy about sweet potato casserole except for the sweet potatoes. It's basically a giant cookie honestly, which is why I love it so much. So I will be having some of that I will say that as a food that is superduper easy to overeat. And so I plan to eat it as slow as I possibly can and savor it because otherwise I will eat a serving and I want to go back for another serving. So my goal is to eat it really slowly so it feels like I'm eating a ton of it. Yeah. Okay, so what's the Thanksgiving? How are the sweet potatoes prepared in your tradition? Well, just a total like casserole. So it's an I've made it before too. So it's like, you know, sweet potatoes that are baked and then mixed up so that they're kind of just like pureed. And then there's like, tons of butter, tons of sugar in there. And the crust, which is like, the nuts and the brown sugar on top. So good. Nothing. Like I said, nothing healthy about this, but it's delicious. Yeah, I think my sister in law makes something like that. And it is really good. It's like a, almost like pecan pie or something. But uh, yeah, yeah. And I love pecan pie. And I think that's another reason why I love the sweet potato casserole. Yeah. So the other thing I thought that we could talk about is what we're grateful for this year, you know, it is very easy to focus on the food during the holidays. But really, what makes the holiday so special, as you know, it's a time for reflection, and hopefully for spending time with people we love and thinking about what we want in the future. So one tradition My family has is we go around the table each year and say what we're grateful for. So what about you this year. So oh, gosh, of course, lots of things. And this is super cliche. But of course, I'm gonna say, family, we're very lucky that we're going to we get, we get to see both of our families for every single holiday. So we'll have my husband's family will be with them on Thanksgiving. And then we'll go my family's a decent drive away from us, it's two and a half hour drive. So we'll go and see them after Thanksgiving. And I just love watching the girls, you know, play with their cousins, and they love their grandparents. And I mean, just grateful that that we get to very pretty easily be with each of our families for every holiday. And my kids are at such fun ages right now. They're my girls are 11, nine and three, and the three year old is emerging from the terrible threes. So she is super cute and funny and really, really fun and really starting to get into holidays, which makes them even more fun. So that's what I'm gonna go with. What about you? She's super cute. Yeah, I, my, my parents are older and my husband's mother, she just celebrated her 90th birthday. So I'm really grateful that my kids, you know that they can still spend time with them. My parents are relatively healthy considering their age, but we can, you know, we're not going to a retirement home to visit any of them. And they're both in their home still, and mostly living like the life that they want. And my kids are in high school, but they you know, they still get to be with their grandparents and celebrate that. So really thankful for that. But I'm also I'm I know, you'll have some thoughts on this, too. I'm really thankful for this business. And I don't know what I thought we would get out of this or you know, what we would experience when we started this business, but it has so it is so fulfilling to me, it is so creative to me and I our clients are amazing. And I think just hearing you know, the changes, just the joy that feeling healthy and feeling good in your body and feeling like you are getting healthy when I hear clients express that and how meaningful that is to them. And a quality of life enhancer that is to them that just it makes it all worth it all the juggling that we have to do to be able to have this business. It makes it with all the social media we do. We don't love social media. It's super annoying, but it does make it totally worth it just to know that getting healthy helping people get on the right track with nutrition and exercise. At the end of the day, yes, it might help you lose weight, but it really does seem to improve their quality of life. So I'm super grateful for that. Yeah, I mean, I would agree in exactly what you said, just hearing how when people say like we've changed their lives. I mean, it's absolutely amazing. I also love you know, we get a lot of clients who will just rave about their personal coach, we have some absolutely amazing coaches, and I think they're, you know, they probably feel the same way that they, they get a lot out of, you know, helping others by coaching them. So yeah, I'm certainly grateful for this business that I never knew would ever grow to what it is when we started but it's it's filled a void that I didn't even know that I had, like I never in my life thought I I've wanted to be an entrepreneur that was just not a goal that I ever had for myself. And once we started it, it was so so much fun building the business and I don't consider myself a super creative person, but it does give me a really a different type of creative outlet, which I love. So I would agree. I am also very grateful for our awesome little business. Yeah. And I mean, yeah, all the lessons that we've learned building a business, but that's probably for another podcast. So yeah. Anyway, okay, well that's what we have for you today. As on making it through Thanksgiving without stuffing yourself like a Thanksgiving turkey. We are grateful for you as a listener and we wish all of you the happiest Thanksgiving and holiday season. That's all I got for today. Thank you, everyone. That's what we've got for you today about how you can invest in your metabolism and start losing weight by eating more and exercising less. Trust us you aren't too old and it's never too late. If you want to learn more about this topic, head over to our Facebook group, Boost Your Metabolism After Age 30. You can also follow us on Instagram or Facebook at Couture Fitness Coaching. And if you want to work with us, join us for our next 12 weeks session.