Weaver of My Web


October 04, 2022 The Weaver - Erika Ryles Season 1 Episode 7

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This episode applies to everything from abortion rights, bigotry, to love and lots of things in between.  In the examples I used, people who beat the odds are showing others in the world that they're not alone and it's very much possible to ascend above antiquated thought patterns in our society, and live a full, loving life despite being in a world that’s fueled by hatred.  So, soaring above all the madness that exists in this world is paramount to humanity’s continued evolution and success, especially those full of hatred of any human being that doesn’t look or think like them.

People try to knock blocks off of people’s Maslow’s, the very basic things every single human being is entitled to simply for being born on this earth,  just to suit their inane bigotry.  If you are this type of person trying to control people’s lives, pony up those coins bitch.  All people are just trying to live, and some people’s foibles should be nowhere in anyone’s individual life equation.

Do you fear things that you don’t understand? Just because you don’t believe in something, fear it, or have never heard about it, doesn’t negate its existence or value, especially to other people.   Simultaneously, we have to ask whether that thing we don’t understand or misunderstand comes from religious belief contradiction or a place of hate because we don’t like what’s different for/from us in whatever category of person (homosexual, different race, lower class, other belief system, etc.).  In any case, it’s not coming from a place of love, but it could very well come from a place of fear.  All beliefs tell us to love one another.  One can’t truly love as one says they do if there is hatred for another.  We shouldn’t respond to different/unfamiliar things with hatred and other negativity.  In being the perfect hypocrites, try asking yourselves, WWJD.  Would he ever deny those people, or anyone, love?  Would he hate those people enough to kill them daily in droves? …and, every other question one can ask about Jesus’ actions in today's society.  Since some “Christians” ride the Bible in their condemnation rodeos, here’s something they can fall on:

“There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18 KJV

Our blinders and idiosyncrasies can stop people from living their best lives.  It's no one’s “right” to piss on someone else’s God-given path.  Being a bigot, judgmental, or in any way unhelpful to people you don’t even know, only hinders your own growth and stands in the way of your happiness.  What other people do, or who they are, have nothing to do with you.  It’s your own degeneration and misery that is your roadblock.  No one is trying to take away anyone’s privilege as if this is elementary school.  So, please, grow the fuck up.  Everyone on the playground just wants to be treated fairly like any other human being, as is a very basic thing to do.  Be better human beings and let others be that, also, in their own way.  We all expect other people to leave us the hell alone and let us live, but there are some who feel they have been imbued with the power to make decisions on other people’s bodies and lives.  Women already  deal with chauvinism; and,

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