Weaver of My Web
This podcast is a follow-up to my book. I am here to bring messages to the deaf and visions to the blind. We have lost sense of who we are as human beings and frequently misunderstand this experience because of how society has poised us to be unaware of the very thing we live in. In our struggles to find our ways past the traumas that likely began in childhood, we’ve developed a disconnect as we aged that we call by many names – such as, anxiety, depression, and fear. But, it’s simply mental and spiritual discord. Thus, we live chaotic, despair-ridden lives that reflect the chaos and despair within – as within, so without. It’s beyond the time to find and reconnect to our untraveled pathways, and to fully embrace and heal & evolve in that process. Many people have been slapped with clues of their duties here and didn’t recognize them for what they were. Then, they usually follow with some reasoning like, “well, it just wasn’t my time.” The Universe doesn’t have imperfect anything, much less imperfect timing. It can’t give you what you aren’t aligned for, and that slap was only ignored, misunderstood, or refused by you. We have to stop with the excuse of being human when we don’t fully understand what our humanity is or not living fully in the experience, whilst denying the very things we need or desire to have because society tells us to. The pain and trauma we all have endured, with a great majority of it coming from our younger years, were only to help bring us back into ourselves to find our innate strengths; not for us to retreat in weakness from who we truly are. We are to learn from it all. We must, also, accept and love our flaws (while not becoming them) and any trauma that may have created them, so we can move on in life through genuine forgiveness of ourselves and others, mental and spiritual growth, and creating Infinite Sustainability™ on our individual journeys. So, in other words, get your shit together people. The world is waiting on you to finally show the fuck up for it, and yourselves! I am very passionate about humanity being and doing better, and you will hear that passion through histrionics. Messages come to me at any given time so the recordings may not always be superior as I did/will record wherever I am. I am not going to follow how someone else says I should because my every day is filled with that in my professional environments. I will ramble & speed-talk all while discussing many topics, but the main theme will be how those things pertain to the human experience and the mind, and being better at navigating both. I am going to be real and it will always be rooted in truth. Seemingly, truth is missing in this reality simulation because people are too sensitive to look at themselves without deflecting or bathing in the energy of paralyzing fear of others’ judgments that may not even happen. Screw any naysaying, negative hoes. I am, also, not going to follow any rules or complicate any of this, just to sew more confusion like history has shown will lead us willingly off an Everest-sized cliff. Real shit only. Authenticity, brilliance, and love of all will be the order of every day here. If you are put off by a little profanity, go elsewhere at your loss. Everyone else, you will be enlightened and entertained. I know you will enjoy what I bring, even the hard stuff. Lastly, if you enjoy these episodes, share and support this podcast. Thereafter, go buy my damn book already! No need to be late for everything, geez.I apologize for nothing and change only my underwear. Happy listening, my lovlies!
Podcasting since 2022 • 25 episodes
Weaver of My Web
Latest Episodes
Get Your Sh*t Together!
This one may be too harsh for some of you, but the caring and wise beauty of my passion for humanity to do better for themselves that you know and love in this podcast is weaved in. No one is expecting people to divulge their entire lives to ra...
August 01, 2024
Season 2
Episode 4
Addiction: Being a Junkie isn't #LifeGoals
Self-explanatory, but I always have to explain. Souls born from the uterus of a junkie, my generation used to call crackhead babies. These are the ones with the innate propensity to follow the ashy apple tree they fell from. This is a medical c...
August 01, 2024
Season 2
Episode 3
Let’s Love Each Other then Fight These Peeholes Together: They are the Reason Our Lives are a Sloppy, Wet Mess.
There’s a giant web of collusion. If people are eating unhealthy food, they’ll eventually fall into the healthcare arena. Then, we have to deal with more assfuckery. We already know insurance companies will deny life-saving drugs and treatments...
August 01, 2024
Season 2
Episode 2
Worry-Free is Me! (Book Excerpt, Ch. 1)
This is an excerpt from my book, "How to Not Give a Shit, and Not Be a Dumb Ass in the Process: The Ultimate Guidebook on Being a Better Human." Check it out if you enjoyed these couple of minutes. Amazon link below in the sign-off. Try out our...
August 01, 2024
Season 2
Episode 1
Faith in Self (The Feminine Energy of Just Being)
While this episode was in the spirit of closing out another women's month, there was more on my heart to share. There is yin and yang to everything. Duality and balance in all. Faith is the energy of believing in the integrity of this truth. We...
March 31, 2024
Season 1
Episode 21