Weaver of My Web

The Mediocre Diamond at Its Roughest

The Master Fire Weaver - Erika Ryles Season 1 Episode 13

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I’ve been called narcissistic, obnoxious, and more, but everything I say comes from a higher place of knowledge. I was put here to be the Universe’s vent of frustration. Through our fears, greed, and insecurities to name a few, we've fucked up so much beauty and perfection in us/the world that the regency has peaced out, and are forcing us to fix this shit ourselves. Even the Sun has gone on hiatus, as to why we're seeing solar events that haven’t happened since time immemorial. Our own creators have given up on our redemption. We're going so far in the wrong direction that we must reverse to course correct. My job is to help get the evolution wheel turning forward, by any means. My candor is that means.

Holding on to people/things over their appointed time of serving their purpose on our journey makes them more difficult to let go of as we are naturally averse to relinquishing comfort and familiarity. It’s just another stone thrown into the discomfort pool. We lose the comfort in building ourselves as individuals and pruning our energetic branches during our 'rest and trust' time. We're so used to noise that when we're forced into discomfort, we still crave the punishment of the noise as opposed to the comfort of the silence. We fill these times with inducers to feel anything familiar again. To feel the comfort that’s already within. We don’t need anything external when we're created perfectly. We have our endocrine and immune systems that activate our physical healing process. We have innate healing abilities for emotionally-charged traumatizing events, also. If we ask our physical bodies not to heal when we break something or catch a cold, we end up with a gangrenous limb or dying of pneumonia or TB. We need to reconnect with our souls and get back in touch with the cosmos yesterday.

Humans have spent millennia being stuck in an alternating vortex of control and self-punishment. We're following something that's a tainted version of the truth. Humanity has been living in a tutorial far too long. It's time to start playing for real as we are up against the cosmos this round. Our souls are being called to fight in this good v. evil warfare and most of us are unprepared for it. Read whatever cutesy books, videos, or check in with your spiritual advisor(s) but the work, you must get your ass down in the trenches and do. We have to get out of the social habits we've developed and evolve into our own persons. We're individuals trying to be like everyone else. That stops today. There's too much heavy shit buried in humanity, and we need to unearth it for our collective healing together. Only then, war, famine, poverty, racism, and everything else negative will end.

Respect and honor the God in each of us. Respect each other’s temples by not: knowingly poisoning us for profit; placing bullets in our temples; telling women what to do with our temples; or, otherwise desecrating something godly, that doesn't belong to you, for personal gain (of further negative karma). Our temples are our own.

We all have unlimited potential. We should always strive to reach that nonexistent end so that we can help others do the same. People must want to be infinitely limitless. If they don’t for whatever reasons they have, they must deal with the ‘Universal

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