Weaver of My Web
Weaver of My Web
Greedy Corporate Bastards
This episode was recorded in 2021. I have to laugh because, as I'm highly intuitive, I brought this shit to light in my book and on this episode just to be watching it unfold two years later. Everything I say is truth. The Golden Rule applies to anyone and every business. You can't treat your stakeholders like shit then expect to be around for the long run or without karmic consequences. Karma is everywhere and in perpetual motion. If your karmic bank is full of the bs you've done, that interest racks up a thousand-fold for a monumental payout when you least need it. Never a dull moment watching these banks and other companies fold like a used, greasy fast-food napkin. We don't need you. The trash has been put out.
This is a subject that especially ruffles my feathers if you can’t hear the frustration and passion in my exclaiming tone. Homelessness is a result of capitalism and greed. If you don’t do good in the world, no matter how big you think you are, you will be knocked down. What else pisses me off are the people who think that all homeless people choose to be such and should not be helped. No bitch, you can't be helped if that's your mode of thinking, being exactly what's wrong with the world. How they got this far in life is a mystery. There seems to be no brain activity there, and seemingly no heart-centered activity anywhere around them for them to completely understand social issues that involve other human beings.
The surpluses I mentioned will usually be said to be part of rainy-day funds. Simultaneously, these funds can be used to remedy scale issues or ones that will, otherwise, strain the regular budgets – like, unforeseen concerns and natural disasters; infrastructure or public health issues, which are augmented by FEMA or other related federal programs for these situations, as we saw in the pandemic; and any other events outside of the normal budget where the rainy-day funds will come into play. Unless a state is exceedingly poor, there is no reason why large swaths of people are consistently left with limited or no options for food or shelter of some sort in a state with a multi-billion dollar surplus. They can go fuck themselves alongside the aforementioned idiots with this non-logic. People, including children, die because of this idiocy, which makes us no better than a third world country. At least they genuinely can't afford it. We're rabid animals when it comes to money and keeping it.
I absolutely bow down to and applaud Mercedes-Benz for being a beacon, a guiding star, in corporate philanthropy. Kudos! I absolutely love this brand. Not just for making a far superior product than any other manufacturer in the entire world. They are at the top of everything meaningful to me - community, innovation, safety, and overall human advancement (climate, social, and cultural initiatives). Not many brands are this dedicated to have multiple foundations and an assload of partners on the ground. They pick up what/where our elected and paid reps fail. Hands down at the top of my respect list of less than five. Other corps need to fully follow this model or shut the fuck down. We're good without you. Show yourself out.
Always remember, you are needed & you are loved! Bring your best & highest you to every table. Check out my book & website on how to get there, my lovelies! Also, if you like the info you're receiving, donate so I can keep coming harder... and with better sound.
Book: Bit.ly/Whogivesaf
Social Media & web: @weaverofmyweb