Weaver of My Web

Love & Hate

The Master Weaver - Erika Ryles Season 2 Episode 1

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Hate is simply the dark side of love. Hate is derived from love. We hate someone because we either once loved them and they hurt us deeply or some thing hurt us. Just like any emotion, we can choose either side and to stay or leave that side. For us to understand one, we must have full experience in the other. We can’t have hate without love, and we can’t love properly, securely from within, and unconditionally if we have never hated to appreciate and understand either. If the world never knew hate but only the definition of love, then people would think something like murder is love and okay to do because they felt they loved themselves so the person who they didn’t like for whatever reason made them feel bad and they must be killed, since they must not love them back to elicit the dislike. Crimes of passion happen – spouse on spouse or parent on child predator, even coworkers and friend scenarios. For which the former, I, courts of law, and psychiatry fully understand this circumstance as to why there is a name for it and plenty of evidence and situations proving its existence. Who wouldn't feel some kind of way toward someone who hurts their child? Albeit, I can understand domestic homicide, also. Although I don’t condone it by far, it comes from the same hurt where love once was. Not in all cases, of course.  Anyway, notwithstanding crimes of passion, love and hate is balance and harmony in its purest form, just like these 2 strongest emotions of them all. We can have joy or happiness and dislike or disdain, but nothing is as strong as these 2 we're looking at. They rule the world. The single irony is that love will always be love and comes from itself. Hate is hate but, generally, it comes from love but can never be love. Of course, there are evil people out there who come from a different place for a different job than most humans, but for the gen pop, love will always be love and hate will come from love and always be hate. Hate may come from love but it can never be love, while love will always be, in and of itself, love in every form….including hate. Quite the conundrum and fine line.

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