Weaver of My Web

F*ck the Noise & Live Authentically Without Being Internally Impoverished

The Master Fire Weaver - Erika Ryles Season 2 Episode 2

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The energy of money is dictated by the energy you put in it. If you’ve always had it, money can sometimes be a passing thought in how we handle it. For those who have never had it, the energy may be solely about making it and keeping it. With this, we can put the energy of lack into its flow, its current, so we may unconsciously carry out acts that are of a lacking-type nature. An example of this is being frugal, or downright cheap, and this tells the Universe that we will never have money (even when we do at that time), to keep us in the position where money is always fleeting. Making us always broke and fully not understanding why. Having things break down all the time and we must constantly put money into our homes, cars, healthcare, etc. Never really able to enjoy the money we receive and keeping us always in a working-to-get it and maintain it function. Whereas, those who’ve always had it will always get it and keep it readily available with less opportunities knocking that drains that flow. How we view money is important. It is the dictator of its flow. Where our focus flows is where our energy goes. Money is the primary goal of almost every entity. It is the root of many of our societal woes. A symptom of control. Like Nathan Rothschild said in summation, control money and you control the world and the things within it.

I recorded this episode in 2021, like most of my episodes. I mention here about those who are causing humanity the most grief will be discharged from their horrendous duty. In other words, these people from CEOs to world leaders will start being recalled. Everyone serves their purpose here in the way that was preordained. When they have served such purposes, they will start dropping like flies. We are seeing it happen today. From monarchs dying from disease or natural causes to assassinations. This will also happen at the regular Joe level. People who are a cancer on society will be eliminated. This is the fall of humanity before it can rise again in the spring. Meanwhile for the rest of us, we need to get our shit together. There is no time to sit idly by or procrastinate like life will always be here. We need to be out of our baggage in full suit in our best gear out in the world, dressed to the 9s. No more time for that lazy ‘I’ll get to it when I do’ bullshit. Get your ass up and fix your life so we don’t have to hear you complain how miserable it is anymore. And, so you no longer have to be in society in a miserable way causing us more grief than we need right now. You’re doing this for yourself and then for the collective. Think outside your litterbox and consider the rest of the world your ways of being affect. I feel like a broken record with this part. So many people say and hear it every day to get your shit together, but it’s for real now. No more games or niceties. Things are changing and so must we. It’s why I am changing my tone. Y’all really need a foot so far lodged in y’all asses that you’ll be coughing up show laces until your shit is right. 2025 is that time because beyond looks mighty bleak, in case you were under some mossy rock. Get your moldy ass up and drop the excuses. Life is real. The reality of things is not. The definition of a simulation. The enigma we’re in…may not be and doesn’t need to be. 

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