"Crack the China Code" Podcast - Rossella Pfundt

Attracting Chinese consumers will massively benefit your turnover

Rossella Pfundt Episode 1

In this first episode, I’d like to share with you the significance of the Chinese consumers market for your Europe-based business. I will break down for you the relevant insights you need to know to decide if this market – is the right one for your business to focus on. I’ll also tell you about a competition I have ongoing right now to celebrate the launch of my new podcast with you!

Key insights you will learn in this episode:

  • Why Chinese consumers are an interesting target group in 2022  for your business 
  • The Market development prognosis for the upcoming year
  • How you can enter the Chinese market: what you need to do

I hope this episode will give you the insights to start your success story with the Chinese consumer market.


What is it about:

In celebration of my new podcast, I am offering a brief opportunity to win an online strategy session valued at 500 Euro. As part of my launch party this week (March 14th to March 21st), I want you to listen and win.

Check out one of my launch episodes: one, two, or three, and catch the keyword. Each episode has a different keyword. Then, write a review. You increase your chances of winning if you listen to all three episodes.

How does it work:

All you have to do is listen to my launch episode 1-3 – write down the keyword I will mention in the episode and give me a review on iTunes or Spotify. In each episode during the launch week, I will mention a different keyword – so you can enhance chances by listening to all 3 episodes. Send the keyword, your contact details, and the screenshot of the review back to me at [info@touristsfromchina.com] by email by  21.03.22. Please use the subject line -"Launch party Podcast Crack the China code".

The Winner:

The lucky winners will be announced by email after 21.03.22.

​RESSOURCE mentioned in this episode:

Get instant access to my newly released click here Executive Manual: The Top Reasons Why the Most Lucrative Spenders Don't Buy From You in 2022 and How You Can Fix It.