Becoming Wilkinson

Lui Gervais discusses his new book: "The Nipple Whisperer and other Erotic Epiphanies". He chats about what brought him to the point of writing this book, and his past experience in dance, his workshops and his life as a sacred intimate.

June 29, 2022 WILKINSON Episode 23

LUI GERVAIS is the author of "The Nipple Whisperer and other erotic epiphanies".

Here is the review that I wrote after reading his book:
     "When Paul, my Seattle friend called and told me that he received Lui's new book, I immediately ordered a copy. I was familiar with Lui from some past experiences with him. Notably, he offered a portion of the material in this book to a group of men who gathered for a workshop at my place in Palm Springs pre-covid.
     The workshop was only a few hours but I definitely "felt" what he was showing and teaching us at that time. I was excited to get the book because information from workshops (no matter how good they may have been) fades over time. And the book did not disappoint, because it fleshed out a lot more than he was able to present in those few hours, years ago.
     I started reading and literally did not stop until I finished the book. To me, when I'm reading a book for the first time, I have to ask myself how many times I was prompted to grab my yellow pen and mark things that I wanted to remember. It's a good way to be able to go back and think a little deeper about something after that first "BAM"! as I'm reading the book. And trust me, I used a lot of yellow ink on this book!
     A few of the lines in the book state "Nipple whispering itself is a form of intimate listening. It is a sensual communication of touch and sound born from the ecstasy of a thousand men". (Page 6). This book talks about a LOT more than merely how to connect and incorporate the nipples in one's intimate experiences. It encompasses the whole man, the whole couple and the whole experience. And as the lines quoted above reveal, it also connects the reader to the men who have lived and experienced their lives before us. Feeling grounded in that way felt really great!
     As an English Literature major, I was constantly struck by the poetic beauty and flow in so many lines in this book. And I think that is also a reflection of what Lui is presenting here: As men, that we open up and let the poetic/energetic/spiritual flow happen IN US- in all aspects of the sexual-spiritual experience- connecting within ourselves and with any potential partner.
     It's an easy read and I highly recommend it".

My Work
"The Nipple Whisperer began as a blog more than ten years ago. Over the years of teaching and sharing sacred intimacy, I created and compiled these tools and exercises. As they piled up, it became clear I was writing a book but it took many years and the encouragement of friends and colleagues to bring it to life".  

"I am not a prolific writer. I don’t really see myself as a writer at all but as a mover, lover and artist who feels occasionally compelled to capture his ideas in words. The real mastery of my work remains in the body. In movement, touch, sound. Intimacy, sensuality and sexuality. As these embodied pleasures are impossible to transfer through a digital format, these words will have to do until we can be together in person".

Buy the book on Amazon:

Photo: Copyright Wilkinson/2022

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

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