Becoming Wilkinson

An Interview with my middle son: Dave Wilkinson. We chat about his journey from each of our perspectives, his family, his business and his perspective when I came out to him as a gay man in 1999.

WILKINSON Episode 27

In this episode, I interview one of my favorite people in this world: my son David. 

Two people can experience the exact same event and yet they can have two different perspectives on what happened.  So we discuss what I saw as an amazing turnabout in his life from a very average high school student, to his life now as an attorney with multiple law offices on both coasts.

He talks about his current life as a married man and dad and we share some memories of his life growing up.

Lastly, we discuss what it was like for him when I came out as a gay man in 1999.

 I hope you enjoy this rather personal look into my life as a father to this amazing man.

Photo: Copyright Wilkinson/2022

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

To contact Wilkinson- email him at