Becoming Wilkinson

Switching Seats. My son Dave (the attorney) decides to interview ME for this podcast. Nothing like putting one's gay Dad on the hotseat!

July 24, 2022 WILKINSON Episode 28

The last two weeks, I visited my middle son Dave, his wife Meredith and my two grandsons Henry and Jack at their home in Dartmouth MA.

Dave is a good sport.  He agreed to be interviewed for my podcast.  After we were finished, he told me that it was now my turn and that he was going to interview ME for a podcast episode!

I was surprised at what I was feeling at first.  I guess I was afraid of what he might ask.  After all, he IS an attorney and he's be putting me on the stand, so to speak.  LOL.

But as I thought about it and mentioned to my friend and energy guru Mark Hollenstein, he encouraged me to do it.  He thought it would be good for both of us.

Before this interview, I had a little time to reflect and one of the things thatI realized was that I knew virtually nothing about my own father (or his father).  What a gift it would have been to have been able to sit my own "Pop" down and ask him a bunch of questions.    So we did the interview.  I kind of figured that it would be a gift to each of us.

I had no idea what Dave would ask me.  There were some interesting questions and I'm pretty sure that he got some interesting answers.  Like:  "Whoa.  No, I did not know that grandma used to be an underwear model before she met your Dad and then she became a radio preacher"!

It's a light-hearted interview with a lot of interesting questions.  I appreciate the time Dave took in preparing to participate.

Listen in to our bantering, interspersed with some great dialogue. 

Photo by Meredith Wilkinson/2022

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

To contact Wilkinson- email him at