Becoming Wilkinson

What was the impetus for a man with a successful career in the entertainment biz to go back to school to become a therapist and ultimately write a book in order to help others? Listen to Bill Kavanaugh's story...

August 14, 2022 WILKINSON Episode 34

Bill Kavanagh, LMFT

Author of “Keep Your Fork; Something Sweet is Coming”

 Bill was determined to dedicate his future towards helping others discover the path of healing that he had personally discovered after a life of extreme highs and lows.  Today, his writings and therapy techniques are focused on creative methods of dealing with the challenges that life offers us.  As a writer for Psychology Today, he addresses ideas that can relieve trauma and transform it into happiness. 

 Bill is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in Southern California.  After battling Stage IV cancer, he received his Masters Degree in Clinical Psychology from Antioch University Los Angeles, and was selected to be commencement speaker.

 Prior to becoming a mental health professional, Bill spent his career writing scripts and producing major events, including those for the Walt Disney Company,  Olympic Ceremonies and several  awards shows.  

 Bill has embraced beauty and acquired grace, along with the power and strength to write his book, which he believes can offer others a similar chance for courage and peace as they take their next steps forward.

Contact Bill:

Photo: Copyright Wilkinson/2022

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

To contact Wilkinson- email him at