Becoming Wilkinson

Steve Oppenheimer is an LMFT( Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) who looks at change as an opportunity to re-imagine and re-prioritize what we want in life.

Steve Oppenheimer/Wilkinson Episode 107

Steve Oppenheimer is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, with a private practice in Palm Springs. 

Steve also has over 30 years of executive-level business experience, and has worked with several Fortune 500 companies, including AT&T, Universal Health Services and J Walter Thompson. 

In 2021, Steve made a career pivot and transitioned from his role of Hospital CEO to become a full-time Mental Health practitioner and entrepreneur. 

In his practice, Steve blends principals of business leadership, Mental Health Wellness and a solution-focus.  Steve has lived in Palm Springs for more than 20 years, and works with individuals and couples throughout California (in person and online).

For more information, please visit his website at 

In Steve's own words:

"Although the concept of change is difficult for many of us to consider,  I choose to look at change as an "opportunity" to re-imagine, and re-prioritize what we want.  

​It's an opportunity to re-examine our path in life, make positive changes, and experience personal healing.

Although this is typically not an easy time, it is an opportunity filled with the potential of great personal power. 

As we move forward through our lives, we learn that life is not always fair.  We face challenges and obstacles on a daily basis.  Some of these we overcome; some of these, we come short. 

​It's the moments of our life experience, which create, and then reinforce, not only our belief system and values, but also shape our "automatic thoughts." 

 Some of our automatic thoughts may lead us to create barriers for ourselves, which prevent us from finding a sense of satisfaction and personnel happiness.

Additionally, some of our automatic thoughts may lead us to feel anxious, afraid, sad, stressed, depressed, unsatisfied, desperate, angry and alone.

We can find ourselves trapped in a dead-end job or stuck in unhappy, or unhealthy, relationship.   

 Even when we know things in our lives are just not working and we say that we want a change...It may be the fear, embarrassment or sadness that keeps us from moving forward.  It's our automatic thoughts that keep us from creating a life that we so deeply know we deserve.  

Through authentic, honest and caring conversation and reflection, one can problem-solve, face life challenges, and find contentment and success.

You can grow, make positive changes in Your life, and find personnel happiness".

To contact Steve:
Photo: Copyright Wilkinson/2023

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

To contact Wilkinson- email him at