Becoming Wilkinson

Scott Vitale was told by his doctor that if he didn't start losing some of his 312 pounds, he was going to die. Afraid of that scenario, he began his bariatric journey down to 165 pounds.

Episode 106

Scott Vitale is a gay man who weighed 312 pounds when he went in for his annual check up. 

His doctor said: "Scott, you're going to die".

Scott: "Everyone is going to die."'

Doc: "No, I mean soon."

He was told that if he didn't lose a lot of his 312 pounds, that would be it...

He was then referred to a doctor who did bariatric surgery.  Scott credits a lot of his success to the nutritionist who helped him learn to eat differently.  Under her guidance, he lost 45 pounds before the surgery.  Subsequently, the surgeon removed two thirds of his stomach, which caused some drastic changes in his life.

His husband Eric supported him all along the way in this journey, and accompanied him to that first visit with the nutritionist.  When they returned home, Eric began to toss all of the bread, pastas , cereals, etc. into the trash and he told Scott that he too, would not be eating those things any longer.

With his new-found energy and new life, Scott took up cycling and completed the San Francisco to LA Aids/Life Cycle ride in 2022.    He continues to cycle today and it's become his passion. Today he's maintains his ideal weight at 165 pounds.

You may contact Scott via email at:

Photo: Copyright Wilkinson/2022

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

To contact Wilkinson- email him at