Becoming Wilkinson

The remarkable story of Kai Brothers: He and his friends were all HIV+. Every one of them died. He didn't. Why didn't he? (Episode 1).

WILKINSON Episode 112

Kai Brothers

Kai was born in Santa Cruz in the 1960’s and spent his early years there with his family, going to school and growing into an out gay person living life to the fullest- starting a career, dating guys and doing whatever theater opportunities that came along.  At 18 he moved to San Francisco to begin his adult life, where he continued his career, finding his community and studying theater at San Francisco State University. Life was good, life was fun. 

Then came HIV/AIDS and he became positive before anyone even knew what was going on.  He was still thriving and continuing his career in technology, eventually buying a home with his partner who he eventually married.  unlike his friends, he didn't succumb to AIDS and found out later that he was a non-progressor.  He survived for 35 years without taking any medication and outlived all his friends who succumbed to AIDS.  So, physically unscathed, but emotionally scarred, he carried on.  He participated in multiple research studies to find out the secrets of long term survivors. 

Having lost the drive to pursue performing arts, he eventually joined the SF Gay Men’s Chorus which brought him back to theater and performing. This was always a huge desire of his but he had let it wane.  Now in his 40’s, he became involved in the San Francisco theater scene, performing in underground shows with The Thrillpeddlers and SF Oasis to larger venues such as the SF opera and New Conservatory Theatre. 

As he approached his 60’s he made a life changing decision to move to Palm Springs.  This new life brought a community and performing opportunities that became a bigger part of his life.  Now retired and doing movies, commercials, dance performance as well as theater, he feels he is living the fullest and most satisfying phase of his life.

He recently played the role of Hank in "Boys in the Band", produced by The Bent Theatre (Palm Springs' newest LGBT Theatre).

To contact Kai:
Photo: Copyright Wilkinson/2023

Opening and closing music courtesy the very talented Zakhar Valaha via Pixabay.

To contact Wilkinson- email him at