The Mental Dietician

#44 - How To Find Your Purpose

Ahren Lynch-Potter

In this episode of the Mental Dietitian podcast, the protagonist talks about the Japanese concept of ikigai and how it relates to purpose.

This episode is about the importance of purpose in one's life. I learned that purpose is what you were put here to do and that it is the combination of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. I also learned that a lot of people pursue their passion without considering whether or not it is what the world needs or if they can be paid for it. I saw that people do this because they have a lot of limiting beliefs based on their past that prevent them from even starting to pursue their purpose. I saw that the best way to go after one's purpose is to start small and be very gentle with oneself. I also learned that the resistance of going after one's

In this episode, you will learn the following: 
1. What is ikigai, and how can it help you find your purpose?
2. What does it mean to live a life of quiet desperation?
3. How can you listen to and follow the whispers of your future?

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