Become A Trauma Informed Coach


Lindsay Poelman Season 1 Episode 16

Learning how to manage your mindset is one of the fundamentals of the coaching industry. Many coaches teach the idea that it is “just a thought” that you can taught to change. While this is a helpful tool for many, it is not the end all, be all solution for everyone. 

Humans are multidimensional and multifaceted beings, and the ways that our bodies react to certain events in our lives will vary from person to person. In order to be an effective coach, in any industry, we need to support clients in understanding their bodies on a deeper level.

This is where you get information about what your body needs to feel, heal, and step into those evolved planes of Being.

In this episode your host Lindsay Poelman talks about how not addressing the missing parts of the coaching model can lead to overriding intuition hits & trauma responses; or maybe not even recognize that a trauma response is happening.

Tune in this week to discover more about:

💫How to support clients in understanding their bodies
💫The nonlinear
💫The nonrational
💫The full body
💫How to recognize trauma responses 
💫How to move past the “it’s just a thought” coaching method, &
💫Why cherry picking clients without trauma is a myth.

Are you a life coach who is ready to become Trauma-Informed? Click here to see if Lindsay's Advanced Relationship Trauma Certification for Coaches is a fit for you.
Want to see what other programs she offers? Check out her website here: Website.
Find me on Instagram : @lindsaypoelmancoaching


Your host, certified life coach Lindsay Poelman started her journey of intentional healing started when she learned that her husband had been lying to her about pornography use for a greater part of their marriage.  After processing and accepting her circumstance more fully, she found coaching—which propelled her into a forward focused state of empowerment. 

Over the last four years of deep dive/fundamental coaching for women in betrayal (around porn use, spouses coming out around gender identity and sexuality, childhood neglect and abuse, substance abuse, infidelity, emotional abuse, domestic violence, institutional trauma, and more.), she has observed that if you’

Lindsay’s current program offerings:

  • Looking for a new career as a Certified Trauma-Informed Coach? It’s time to Become a Trauma-Informed Coach. Learn more about Lindsay's life coach certification here. Our next round starts September 2024.
  • Are you already a Certified Coach looking to deepen your skillset by Becoming Trauma-Informed? Click here to see if Lindsay's Advanced Relationship Trauma Certification for Coaches is a fit for you. Our next round starts October 2024.
  • Are you needing help healing from Religious Conditioning, or expanding in your Spirituality–safely? Click here.
  • Are you Healing from Betrayal Trauma in your Marriage? Click here.

Check out her website here: Website.
Find me on Instagram : @lindsaypoelmancoaching


Your host, certified life coach Lindsay Poelman started her journey of intentional healing started when she learned that her husband had been lying to her about pornography use ...