Nourish and Nurture

Paradigm Shift and Year in Review

December 29, 2022 Miriam Hatoum Season 1 Episode 31

Episode 31: Your Paradigm Shift and The Season in Review

This week's episode is Season 1 in review. I have covered so much this season – 30 episodes’ worth. I will review the topics of each episode and explore how one ties into another. I have packed a lot of information into this season, all designed to make your roadmap to diet success a little easier because now you know things that I didn’t know when I was struggling on my journey. There are still plenty of detours and struggles, believe me, but at least I am better informed and can make better decisions. I wish the same for you.  Not the detours and struggles, but the ways to find your way.

1:14.          Listener of the Week
3:07.          What is a paradigm?
3:25.          Shifting your mindset and The Season in Review
15:07.       It is important to know that this paradigm shift is not going on another diet.
                     It is seeing diets as unnecessary.
16:19.      These eating styles are more than food lists
17:39.      This week's ACTIONABLE COACHING ADVICE
19:24.      This week's VFO (Valuable Free Offer)
20:24.       Happy New Year and Thank You

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THIS WEEK'S VFO:  Using your Hunger Scale
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Episode #: 31.    Your Paradigm Shift and The Season in Review

You’re Listening to the Roadmap to Diet Success, Episode #31, Your Paradigm Shift and The Season in Review


 Did you know that you don't have to spend money on a diet program or weigh, measure and track your food? What if you could learn to have success by following an easy roadmap that takes you on adventures from learning how to change your mindset so that you can believe in yourself, to learning about what foods work best in your body and why? Join me, Miriam Hatoum, health coach, course creator and author of Breaking Free From Diet Prison, as I give you actionable coaching advice that is sure to empower you so that you will finally find peace with food and learn to trust your body’s signals. You’ve got this, girl!  

Oh, and before we start, I want to let you know that the primary purpose of this podcast is to educate and does not constitute medical advice or services, and I’m keeping up with the science as fast as I can so I can share with you the latest breaking research in this area to help you achieve your dreams!

1:14.       Listener of the Week

This week’s review comes from my podcasting teacher, Courtney Elmer of The EffortLESS Life®, Systems Made Simple. It is a 5-star review entitled: “A must listen.”  She says,  Miriam has a heart of pure GOLD. She’s genuinely dedicated to helping you succeed on your weight-loss journey. Her approach is so practical, do-able, sustainable and SMART. Definitely hit the follow button and add this to your rotation - you won’t be disappointed! 

I want to use this episode to thank Courtney for all the guidance, fabulous teaching, and encouragement she has given me since I started her course in the summer. If not for Courtney, my friends, you would not be listening to The Roadmap to Diet Success podcast. Thank you, Courtney. Not just for your wonderful and sincere review, but for being the wings to get this podcast to fly!

Hi everyone! With the next episode, which will be Episode 1 of Season 2, you will notice a title change – this podcast is now going to be Roadmap to Diet Freedom. After doing 31 episodes, I realized that I was not guiding you to do successful dieting, I was actually teaching you how to make diets unnecessary.  (Note to readers/listeners: After the recording of this episode I have decided to keep the name of the podcast Roadmap to Diet Success.)

This episode will  take everything I shared with you in Season 1 and apply it to making a paradigm shift.

 3:07.      What is a paradigm?

A paradigm is an internal map, the way we see ourselves and our lives, the way we process things that happen to us or the way we do things. A paradigm shift is when these maps are altered and changed — or maybe even thrown out.

3:25.       Shifting your mindset and the season in review

The biggest change and shift you will have to make — beyond what foods you are eating – is your mindset. Yes, mindset includes your self-talk and affirmations (Episode 23), self-forgiveness (Episode 22), and digging deep and working with triggers, habits, emotional eating, urges and cravings (Episodes 19 and 20). It means examining your WHYs for doing something new, setting goals and making improvements in those goals (Episodes 4, 5 and 18). 

Another shift is your acceptance of the work it takes to make a new eating style successful. This is learning about protocol planning (Episodes 8 and 25), cooking for the family, grocery shopping, eating on the road and holding your own at parties (Episodes 9, 14, 15, and 25). On the other side of the coin is learning that you don’t have to make it so hard – so in a sense accepting that it is less work than you thought it would take. You learn this by working the Good-Better-Best method (Episode 7), learning to keep things simple (Episode 16) and learning to dance with whatever eating style you choose (Episode 12).

Yet another shift as an entry to a new paradigm is the willingness to look into yourself and see how you might be standing in your own way (Episodes 24, 19 and 20). How can you make this easier? Be open to the mindfulness practices that will clear the path for you (Episode 29). Clear the path by dispelling myths but also finding answers to things you might have been wondering about (Episodes 1 and 28). Be willing to accept that you are strong and smart and worthwhile (Episode 2) and that a lot of the time it is the food itself driving you to eat and make poor choices (Episode 3). Learn what grains and sugars to do your health (Episodes 26 and 27). 

The most important shift in your paradigm will be acceptance that the answer lies in you, not a diet program. This means identifying and using your Hunger Scale. I taught in specifically in Episode 6, and consider it the strongest and greatest key to unlocking the door of diet prison and finding yourself free from ever having to diet again. There are many episodes that talk about your hunger scale. I have urged you throughout this podcast to put a number to what you are feeling at the first sign of hunger, when you begin to eat, and when you feel you have had enough.

Understanding different eating styles – not diets – is important for you to explore options. Were you intrigued by the eating styles that I explored?

These were Mediterranean (Episode 21), Plant-Based (Episode 17), Whole 30, Paleo and Primal (Episode 13). I am calling them eating styles, not diets, because none of them are restrictive in terms of calories you would eat, the way diets like Weight Watchers, exchange diets, or calorie-counting diets would be. Two others that I explored, Keto (Episode 10) and Low Carb (Episode 11), can be considered either eating styles or diets, because you can follow them just by awareness of what you are eating, or you can go to the stricter side of things by counting macros, the way you would with calories. Granted, the “eating styles” have their own yes/no lists, and in that sense might seem restrictive, but they are open-ended in terms of counting things, so I consider them to be different from diets.

Remember, the word DIET, just means what people eat in certain cultures and time periods. Diet comes from the Greek word “diaita”(DEE-e-ta) which is derived from diaitasthan, (DEE-e-tas-than) meaning, to “Lead one’s life.” In the Middle and early modern English periods, it meant “way of living.” It has come to be used more specifically for a way of living prescribed by a physician, or regime, usually for weight loss. Technically, what I call eating styles ARE diets, but I want to keep them separate from weight loss diets, so that’s why I call them eating styles. 

You might be picking an eating style because of health problems or concerns. For instance, Paleo will have you eliminating grains and dairy, while Mediterranean, while it eliminates processed foods, is focused on fish, whole grains, healthy oils, and the like. If you honor your hunger and satiety cues you will most likely lose weight on any of these eating styles, just by the elimination of most packaged and processed foods, especially grains, poor oils, and excess sugars. They are primarily focused on health, not weight loss. 

It is important to acknowledge that weight loss is not inherent in these eating styles unless you are careful to eat only when hungry (with a few exceptions I covered in Episode 25) and stop at enough – not full! Only the diets are geared towards weight loss, because the limits in quantities of food will most likely put you into a calorie deficit. Although Calories In-Calories Out is not the be-all and end-all of weight loss, as I covered in Episode 28, they do ultimately count. Whether the unit of measurement is a calorie, a Point, a unit or a macro, if you are counting them and restricting them, then you are dieting and will probably successfully lose weight as long as you are on board with the counts.

When you pick one of these eating styles, you may find it a whole new way of eating for you. To be successful – whether to resolve health issues or accomplish weight loss - you must be able to sustain it. That is where your WHY (Episode 4) comes in.  It's so important to find your WHY because it will strengthen your commitment to work your way through this paradigm shift. You must be strong and determined with your new eating style

I am not saying you have to be strong because this will be hard. You have to stay strong because health is a lifetime commitment. It will become easier and easier, I promise.It might take a while to wrap your mind around this paradigm shift and to remind yourself that you are worth it. You are worth the hard work and the health that it brings. Choose a way of eating to bring your body and your mind into alignment with health. 

All the eating styles I have spoken about in Season 1 eliminate most processed and packaged foods. Once you pick an eating style that is in alignment with your health needs, life style and family preferences, you might find that

  • You are not hungry between meals.
  • You don’t want or need snacks.
  • You no longer have heartburn or indigestion.
  • You have normal blood sugar and normal blood pressure.

These ways of eating are not magic, but they are pretty close!

  • There will be fewer children of inflammation: IBS, arthritis, or heart disease.
  • Imagine no out-of-control cravings and being satisfied with your meals.
  • Envision never looking at the clock to see when the next food or snack is.

Remember, the land of Oz was uncomfortable for Dorothy, yet it was a land of blossoming growth. Dorothy left her known life behind and ventured into a new land — sometimes scary, sometimes funny, sometimes poignant — but always moving forward into new adventures and new transformations.

In Episode 30, I explored Intuitive Eating, yet another way to approach your paradigm shift. Any of the eating styles I covered this season would be a wonderful gateway to the principle of “Gentle Nutrition.” Instead of staunchly and steadfastly following one of the eating styles, you could say, “I mostly eat low carb,” “I mostly follow the Mediterranean style,” “I mostly eat plant-based foods,” “I mostly don’t eat any grains or legumes,” or something like “I mostly don’t eat sugar.” The key word here is “mostly.” With Intuitive Eating there are no foods off limits, unless your health issues warrant it being so. The one thing that makes Intuitive Eating work for weight loss, even though that is not its ultimate intention, is to learn your hunger and satiety cues. That is what makes eating anything possible for you. I want to give my cousin, Donna, a shoutout here. She told me she loves her cookies, and any diet must allow her to eat cookies with her coffee in the morning. She is slender and healthy, and indeed, a perfect example of someone having a favorite food on the YES list of things to eat. 

In the upcoming season I am going to explore Intuitive Eating for myself and will take you on my personal journey. I am going to shift my paradigm right along with you!

15:07.      It’s important to know that this paradigm shift is not going on another diet. It is seeing diets as unnecessary.

  • It is making a new eating style into a new lifestyle.
  • It is looking inward to your own strengths and abilities, and looking inward to see when you are hungry or full or happy with a food you are eating.
  • It is not looking to a diet to tell you how much to eat, when to eat, what to eat, how to eat.
  • It is not commercials prompting you to buy more cereals and snacks or candy and treats.

It is you quieting yourself and asking, "How does this food really make me feel? Is a bite of this food a step toward my goal of being healthy or is it a step away from health?" Get to the root of what is really driving you to eat what you eat and how much you eat and when you eat. The shift also alters the way you feel about yourself and the things that you do. 

16:19.      These eating styles are more than food lists 

By exploring these eating lifestyles, but more importantly exploring yourself – your needs, your strengths, your downfalls, etc., you will begin to trust yourself and find your voice. Calling on all your inner reserves to a paradigm shift of this sort will help you uncover the ability to tap into everything else. 

The very first thing you need to do is to decide you are worth making changes in how you eat.

Don't look at restrictions. Look at everything you can have. 

Make your new way of eating into a lifestyle of plenty and not a lifestyle of deprivation.

Dare I say, "Don't worry, be happy!"?

Kidding aside, decide right now, this minute, you will be happy because you are doing something for yourself that will bring lasting health. And remember: You are worth it!


This week’s actionable coaching advice is to go to the transcript for this episode (the link is in the show notes). Go through each topic and episode number and see if a review of any of the topics would help you be more successful on your journey. Doing is a deeper level than listening. 

It is important for you to understand that you are worth the work to make any changes you are dreaming of. It is important to know that the keys to your success and your freedom from dieting are within you, my friends. Listen, know and do.

This week I especially want you to assign a number to your hunger and fullness. We are going to move forward in next season working more with the concept of intuitive eating. It didn’t work for me because, although I knew about the hunger scale, I did not DO it. This is the most important key to your freedom, my friends. It doesn’t matter if you eat Mediterranean, Paleo, Primal, Plant-Based, Keto or Low Carb. What matters is that you know when it is time for you to eat and when it is time for you to stop. 

I am giving it to you again as this week’s VFO. Please download it and work with it. Reading the narratives will help you better understand the number to assign. It will also reinforce that overeating is not a moral issue. Just stop yourself a little sooner next time!

19:24.      This week’s VFO (Valuable Free Offer) 

This week’s VFO is “Working with Your Hunger Scale.”  Friends, please download this booklet if you have not already done so. Out of everything I have given you in Season 1 of this podcast, this is the most valuable offer. Using this free guide is perhaps the strongest key to unlock the door of diet prison. Using it will free you from the diet prison of weighing, measuring and tracking your food. This VFO is going to be instrumental as we move forward in Season 2.  No matter what eating style you decide to go with, the secret to never ever again having to weigh, measure or track your food, comes from knowing your numbers. 

 You can download it at As always, the direct link is in the show notes and transcript.

20:24.       Happy New Year and Thank You

 At this time, I want to wish you all a happy new year, and to thank you for your support in listening to this podcast for the first season. 31 – Count ‘em… 31 – episodes. When I launched with my first six, I couldn’t have imagined that I would be at Episode 31, and still going! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

20:28  Please share the show with your friends, let them know I have a new season beginning with the next episode, and invite them to tune in with you and learn how to become free from diet prison with my Roadmap to Diet Success.

 And, if you like what you hear, please like and subscribe, and remember to leave a review wherever you listen to your podcast. It helps other people find the show. Also, don’t be a stranger. Come on over to my Facebook page, Breaking Free From Diet Prison, and let me know if there is anything you would like to hear on the show. Better yet, join my Facebook group page, which will now be Roadmap to Diet Success, especially for podcast listeners.  You can also email me directly … I would love to hear about episode ideas you are interested in. 

Until then, go live free from diet worry — I’ll see you back here next time.

Breaking Free From Diet Prison Book
Breaking Free From Diet Prison Course
THIS WEEK'S VFO:  Using your Hunger Scale
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Roadmap To Diet Success Instagram

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