My Mindful Existence

2 Mindful Tips to Start Practicing Today

May 26, 2022 Michelle Cuello Episode 5

2 Quick Mindful Tips to Start Practicing Today. 

If you are new to mindfulness, it can be confusing and intimidating. 
So how do you simplify living a mindful life? Here are some ideas:

  1. Mindful breathing. This is perhaps the most common form of meditation and can be done anywhere at any time. Some people prefer counting their breaths while others focus on inhaling and exhaling fully without counting. Try both and see what works best for you.
  2. Body scan meditation. This involves lying down on your back or sitting with your spine straight and paying attention to each part of your body, starting with your toes and ending at the top of your. Again, there are many different ways of doing this meditation. So experiment until you find something that works for you.

For more tips, visit

Narrated by: Matthew Davis

Produced by Michelle Cuello

Music by Coma Studio