The Motivation Mindset with Risa Williams
The Motivation Mindset is an award-winning practical time management podcast hosted by Risa Williams, therapist and the book author of Get Stuff Done Without the Stress, The Ultimate Time Management Toolkit and The Procrastination Playbook. The MM Podcast provides practical tools from experts to help you get stuff done without all the stress. Tune up your daily mindset with these motivating coffee-break sized episodes.
Frequent co-hosts include: Erica Curtis, Trevor Stockwell, Ryan Muldoon, and Stevon Lewis.
**Winner of The Positive Change Podcast Award: Psychology**
(All tools discussed on the show are meant for educational purposes only and not as a replacement for medical care or psychotherapy).
The Motivation Mindset with Risa Williams
The Motivation Mindset: The Daily Tune-Up with Risa Williams and Stevon Lewis: Overworking
In this special episode of the show called "The Daily Tune-Up,"guest co-host Stevon Lewis and Risa Williams talk about the subject of "overworking" and how people tend to beat themselves up with their own unexamined beliefs about what "success" means.
They explore:
-Examining your definition of "success" and why it feels like you never get stuff done
-Challenging your ideas of other peoples' success and learning to see it from a different perspective that can help you feel better about yourself and others
-Learning to celebrate little things you do each week as a way to boost your feelings of self-esteem and accomplishment
Books/tools discussed: The Ultimate Self-Esteem Toolkit and The Ultimate TIme Management Toolkit by Risa Williams and The Acknowledgment Journal by Stevon Lewis, books by Albert Ellis, and Deborah Tannen.
Host: Risa Williams, LMFT., www.risawilliams.com, @risawilliamstherapy
Guest Host: Stevon Lewis, LMFT, www.stevonlewis.com, @stevonlewismft
If you're enjoying these episodes, come to Risa's Time Management Master Class on May 20th! Sign up at www.risawilliams.com.
Check out future episodes of The Daily Tune-Up where Stevon Lewis will return as a guest co-host!
**Tools discussed on the show are meant for educational purposes only and are not a replacement for therapy or medical advice.
For info on books, workshops, guests, and future episodes, please visit: risawilliams.com.
*All tools discussed on the show are meant for educational purposes only and not as a replacement for therapy or medical advice.