New Mom Talk: A Resource for Expecting Moms & New Moms

Embracing Matrescence - Navigating the Transformation of Motherhood with Chelsea Robinson from Mama's Modern Village E66

February 14, 2024 Mariela De Santiago Episode 66
New Mom Talk: A Resource for Expecting Moms & New Moms
Embracing Matrescence - Navigating the Transformation of Motherhood with Chelsea Robinson from Mama's Modern Village E66
Show Notes

In this episode, we chat with Chelsea Robinson from Mama's Modern Village; we embark on a profound exploration of Matrescence – the often overlooked journey of a woman transitioning into motherhood. Join us as we unravel the theory, demystify its significance, and share practical insights on managing this transformative stage.

Episode Highlights:

  1. Understanding Matrescence:
    Delve into the essence of Matrescence – a term capturing the psychological and emotional shifts mothers experience. Uncover the theory behind this transformative journey, likened to adolescence but tailored to the unique challenges of becoming a mother.
  2. The Multifaceted Changes:
    Explore the multifaceted changes that Matrescence encompasses, from shifts in identity and roles to the evolving priorities that come with nurturing a new life. We dissect the emotional rollercoaster and provide a roadmap for navigating its complexities.
  3. Practical Strategies for Moms:
    Discover actionable tips and strategies for managing Matrescence. From self-care routines to fostering a strong support system, we share insights on how mothers can embrace the changes and nurture their well-being during this transformative stage.
  4. Expert Perspectives:
    Hear from experts in maternal psychology as they shed light on the significance of Matrescence and offer guidance on how mothers can navigate this journey with resilience and grace.

Embrace the beauty of Matrescence as we navigate its intricacies together. Motherhood is a transformative journey, and understanding and managing Matrescence empowers mothers to thrive during this incredible chapter of their lives.

Subscribe to Mama Wears Athleisure for more insightful discussions on maternal well-being, parenting, and the beautiful journey of motherhood. Remember, you're not alone – we're here to support you every step of the way.

IG: @mamasmodernvillage

- matrescence
- new parent
- new mom
- motherhood changes
- symptoms of matrescence
- motherhood journey
- what is matrescence
- navigating as a new mom
- matrescence as a new mom
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