The Yoga Heart Mind Podcast

#91 Sally Kempton - Tantric Wisdom

Sally Kempton

Sally Kempton is an author, a meditation teacher, and a workshop / retreat leader, who thrives in the subtle current where the inner and outer worlds meet. She has written some of my favourite books "Meditation for the Love of It" and "Awakening Shakti: The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga." These are must haves for anyone on the path. Her audio book "Doorways to the Infinite: The Art and Science of Tantric Meditation" is also a must have. It explores the powerful teachings of the tantric meditation text, Vijnana Bhairava.

All of this can be found here:

Sally's work integrates the teachings of non-dual Indian philosophy, particularly Kashmir Shaivism, with contemporary psychology and social thinking. She is known both for her ability to transmit meditative states to her students, and for her capacity to help students apply spiritual principles to daily life situations.

To listen to my first episode with Sally, that can be found here:

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