The Yoga Heart Mind Podcast

#113 Tim Frey - A Holistic Approach to Strength and Performance

Tim Frey

Tim Frey is the Founder and CEO of Helix Gym, an Australian premium training facility established in 2015. After working in college strength and conditioning in the USA, Tim not only found his passion in the health and fitness industry, but also established an entrepreneurial mindset, knowing from a young age he had what it took to take his knowledge, experience and drive to the market and make his mark.

With a Masters Degree in Exercise Science, Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Science and his Master NLP Certification, this has allowed him the opportunity and expertise to (so far) coach over 2,388 clients, from ‘everyday joes’ to Professional Athletes across Australia and globally. 

A short 5 years after his journey in the industry began, Helix was born. Tim was 23 and he knew the investment in opening his own private premium training facility would allow him the opportunity to make a difference to more and more people’s lives, and did he ever, scaling to multiple six figures, Tim blew past all of his competition. 

Tim can be considered a world-renown strength & conditioning coach with a focus on holistic performance.

After coaching over 2,000 clients, Tim has had the opportunity to work with clients of different ages and levels of health and fitness. Each client presents varied issues and opportunities to work with, which has given Tim the tools and ability to coach anyone who is dedicated to improving their movement, mindset, wellness and nutrition. 

This experience has been looked upon favourably and positioned Tim as an expert in his field, presenting an opportunity for Tim to coach athletes in the USA who subsequently represented their country at the Olympics, International events and NCAA champions.

Tim knew early on that it was almost impossible to coach someone on their movement and nutrition without the ability to coach them on their mindset also. This resulted in Tim investing heavily in his own education and mentorship to be able to provide the best guidance and advice to his members for maximum results. 

Tim has been taught and mentored by legendary Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) trainer Paul Elissio. As a Certified Master of NLP Training, Tim’s Helix Method allows him to work with his clients to cut through their own stories, limiting beliefs and stagnation with their current situation. This training has extended outside of the gym, with Tim hosting regular intensive mindset coaching camps internationally and 6-8 1:1 hour breakthrough sessions with his clients, allowing them to eliminate any barriers stalling their progress.

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